Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 38 Apocalypse Heart Liquid

Chapter 38 Apocalypse Heart Liquid
Then he looked worriedly at the place where the battle took place, watching the monsters attacking and destroying wildly, but Lin Ye seemed a little unbearable in dodging, and the occasional counterattack didn't have much effect, Hu Fei's face was full of anxiety.

Zhao Xun asked cautiously, "Brother Hu, do you want to help Brother Lin?"

These words made the three of them look at him in unison, and everyone was a little surprised.

Under this gaze, Zhao Xun lowered his head and said in a sad tone: "When I was hunted down by this monster, I was thinking about your help to me in the past."

"I knew I was wrong. I used to do things like beasts. I regretted it, but I really didn't want to die, so I ran here. I thought you wouldn't save me. I knew I deserved to die, but I didn't What are you asking for, I am going to lure this monster away by myself."

"Unexpectedly, Brother Lin suddenly stepped forward, which moved me very much."

Zhao Xun said firmly, "Brother Lin is in danger now, and I can't hide. If you don't go, I'll go."

After finishing speaking, he resolutely walked forward. At this time, Hu Fei grabbed him, took a deep look at him, and sighed after a while, "You will die in vain if you go. This mutant beast seems to be defenseless. Very strong, normal attacks are useless."

Hu Fei felt that Zhao Xun had realized his mistake and repented for thinking of these things. At the same time, he was also persuaded by Zhao Xun's thoughts. Lin Ye had saved him, so how could he stand by now?
"Well, let me go. I'll harass the monster. At least with my ability, it should be fine to escape."

"I'll go too. Brother Lin saved me once. I can't let it go. Besides, I have a gun and my fighting ability is not bad. I will definitely help Brother Lin." Jiang Xinyu also stood up.

Zhao Xun said with concern: "Then let's be careful."

"Okay." Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu ran over first, but they didn't see Zhao Xun's sneer behind him: "A bunch of idiots."


the other side.


Lin Ye jumped onto the long claws of the sickle reaper, took advantage of the opponent's short claws to attack, leaped into the air, and used the momentum of falling to attack the opponent's compound eyes, but this blow was easily blocked by its swift short claws. However, this block, there was a crisp sound.

"Are you finally going to break it?" Lin Ye's forehead was already dripping with sweat. He had been dealing with this monster for 5 minutes, and he used all his energy to dodge and attack every second.

"Brother Lin, we are here to help you."

Hearing the sound suddenly, Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, and turned around to see Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu. At this time, the scythe reaper also noticed them. After it had nothing to do with Lin Ye, it decided to attack Hu Fei and them first.

Running across the body, the three-meter-long scythe cut as soon as it said it would.


Jiang Xinyu hurriedly raised his gun to attack, but the gun was blocked by the long claws, which did not work at all, and even made the scythe harvester even more angry, and started to attack more quickly.

A scythe cut towards Hu Fei, Hu Fei didn't think he would come so fast, he jumped up quickly at the moment of life and death, however, his arm was still rubbed by the wide claw of the scythe, blood flow stopped immediately, he flew upside down and rolled on the ground.

"Brother Hu." Jiang Xinyu screamed, and hurriedly ran to pick up Hu Fei and prepared to retreat. In fact, seeing Lin Ye's ability to fight against the monster, he thought it was okay for them to save their lives, but he never thought that the monster would be so powerful. Hu Fei, who possessed supernatural powers, couldn't resist even a single move.

Just when Jiang Xinyu was rescuing Hu Fei, there was a sharp wind above her head, and when she looked up, dark green pointed feet stabbed at her.

"It's over." This was her thought.

However, at this moment, a tall figure appeared in front of him again.

"Five Forms of the Human World, Umbrella!"

Lin Ye's hunting knife fluttered above his head, barely resisting the attack that the scythe reaper was going to land on Jiang Xinyu's head, but he was still staggering under his feet, the power gap was too great.

"Take him away quickly." Lin Ye gritted his teeth and blocked it with difficulty, scolding these two idiots in his heart. If he hadn't arrived in time, these two people would have been decapitated by now.

Lin Ye stared coldly at the scythe reaper, and after Jiang Xinyu retreated, he quickly backed away and withdrew from the opponent's attack range.

Lin Ye danced a few knives and rubbed his sore wrist.

"It's time to end you, too."

"Five styles of the world, explode!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ye shot out like a bullet.

And his knife was flying in the air, getting faster and faster, the sickle reaper seemed to feel the power of this blow, and began to attack violently.



Not only the long claws, but also its pointed feet stabbed towards Lin Ye, but how could Lin Ye let it break this move so easily, his eyes were sharp, and he slid to the side almost before his feet landed.

If you look carefully, you will find that wherever Lin Ye steps, there will be an ice cube. This is his newly developed ice skill.

"Bing Chi Knife Dance!"

Using the sliding effect of the ice, he hardly needs to exert any force or extra movements. It only takes one thought, and the ice will be born under his feet, and then he will slide in the predetermined direction by himself, which saves time and is much faster than moving his feet by himself.

This move is only in the process of research and development. Lin Ye's speed is not very fast, but he can always pass by the attack of the scythe reaper, ensuring that his move will not be disrupted.

The scene was filled with dust, and almost only the phantoms of Lin Ye and the scythe reaper could be seen, as well as the flickering light of the knife.

"This... what kind of move is this?" Jiang Xinyu retreated far away, staring blankly at the dusty sky and the figures flying inside, dumbstruck for a while.

And as the shadow of the knife flashed faster and faster, finally, a violent roar came out, and a gust of wind came in conjunction with it, blowing away all the smoke and dust, finally revealing the two sides in the battle.

At this time, it can be seen that as Lin Ye jumped up, he directly broke through the long claws of the scythe reaper, and aimed directly at the opponent's compound eyes.And his knife, under the scorching sun, shone with a cold light.

The sickle reaper had also raised its short claws to resist at this time.



At this moment, the light of the hunting knife suddenly appeared, as if it had released a wild beast from its cage.

A slash to the short claws of the scythe reaper.

"Squeak, squeak."

The creaking sound showed the stubborn resistance of the short claw, but the crisp sound also indicated that it was overwhelmed.


In the next second, the hunting knife cut through its short claws, and slashed directly at the compound eyes of the scythe reaper.

At this time, the eight pairs of compound eyes of the sickle reaper were only stunned and lying. He wanted to stretch out his long claws to stop him, but his long claws had hard joints, like the arms of a beetle, and were not as flexible as his short claws.

After losing the defense of the short claws, it was also doomed to die.

With a sound of "Poof!", the scythe reaper fell to the ground.

Lin Ye used a knife to cut down the compound eyes of the sickle reaper, then stretched out his hand to dig inside, and when he retracted his hand, his arms were covered with green liquid, but there was an egg-sized object in his hand, which was circulating inside. It's a dark green liquid that looks beautiful.

"Apocalypse Heart Liquid, it's really a good harvest."

(End of this chapter)

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