Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 39 Miraculous Curative Effect

Chapter 39 Miraculous Curative Effect
Lin Ye put the heart fluid into his pocket, and then picked up the short claw of the sickle reaper. In fact, this short claw is one meter long, which is not short, but compared to the long claw with a length of 3 meters, it looks Somewhat small.

But the short claw is the best weapon, Lin Ye tied the short claw behind his back.

"The monster's pointed feet are also very sharp, let Jiang Xinyu and the others defend themselves."

After the sickle reaper died, the constricted joints became loose, and Lin Ye easily cut them off.

After Lin Ye cleaned up, he walked towards Hu Fei and found that his head was covered with sweat, his face was pale, and his mouth was black.Although Jiang Xinyu had simply bandaged his arm, the blood that flowed out had already penetrated the rag.


The gauze was opened by Jiang Xinyu, and a long wound appeared in front of her eyes. The flesh around the wound had been rolled up, and it was estimated to be at least 3 centimeters deep.

The most disgusting thing is that the rolled flesh has turned black, even a little rotten.

After Jiang Xinyu saw it, she immediately covered her mouth in surprise.

"The wound is infected by the toxin carried by the monster. This is a bit troublesome. The wound must be cleaned immediately. There is a park guard office there, go there and get it."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he walked forward with two monster long claws in each hand.

Jiang Xinyu beckoned to Zhao Xun and the fat teammate and said, "Zhao Xun, Er Fatty, you two come and help lift Hu Fei off."

Er Fatty came over quickly, but Zhao Xun was a little slow, Lin Ye turned around and called, "Hurry up."

Zhao Xun trembled with fright in an instant, and quickly went up to help lift the person, but his eyes looked at the monster brutally divided by Lin Ye from time to time.

Zhao Xun originally planned to attract this monster and wipe out the four of them, but it turned out that Lin Ye rushed over alone.

After Zhao Xun thought about it, he found that Lin Ye, who was fighting, seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.So he immediately changed his mind, played such a play, played the emotional card, and tricked Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu to help Lin Ye, so that they could be killed by the monster's knife.

The situation was exactly as he expected. Hu Fei was injured by the scythe reaper just as he rushed over. Seeing this, Zhao Xun was cheering and roaring in his heart.

But it didn't happen for just a moment, and the situation suddenly changed 360 degrees. Lin Ye, who was originally at a disadvantage, didn't know what medicine he took, and killed the monster like chicken blood. In less than a minute, the ferocious The monster was killed by him.

Zhao Xun couldn't believe it. The monster was so powerful that Lin Ye killed it so easily?
Lin Ye's fighting power is so terrifying?
Now Zhao Xun was too scared to die, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have shown any flaws, and Lin Ye had no reason to make trouble for him.

But this is enough for Zhao Xun to be worried, for fear of offending Lin Ye, and he will be killed if he is not good. He has every reason to believe that the other party will kill him, after all, he has contradicted Lin Ye at the beginning.


After checking that there was no danger, Lin Ye opened the door first and went in.

In a small house of 40 square meters, apart from the scariness of the bloodstains, there are beds, fans, and TVs. It only needs a kitchen to be the head of the house.

"No danger, just carry him in."

The three of them came in one after another, and the place became a bit crowded. Fortunately, the three of them knew each other and stood in a row against the wall, so that Lin Ye had extra space to show off.

"Brother Lin, what are we going to do?" Jiang Xinyu asked Lin Ye slightly worried.

Lin Ye took out the small dagger he had brought with him from his bag, and sprayed some alcohol on it.

Jiang Xinyu asked carefully: "Do you want to cut off the rotten meat?"

Lin Ye nodded and said, "Well, cut off the infected necrotic meat, and then apply medicine."

"You three hold him down."

The three of them stepped forward and held Hu Fei tightly.

"Hu Fei, hold on." Lin Ye put a wooden stick prepared in advance into Hu Fei's mouth, regardless of whether he heard it clearly, he squeezed his arm hard, and directly stabbed him down.


Hu Fei groaned and trembled all over. The three of them pressed hard, but they didn't let him break free.

Lin Ye started to cut the flesh. His technique was very skillful. In half a minute, the surrounding area of ​​the wound was already full of red blood. Lin Ye took out the Heart of Healing from his pocket, made a small cut on it with a dagger, and poured it out with great care. Three drops on Hu Fei's wound.

Immediately, visible to the naked eye, the open wound began to tighten little by little, and a scar formed within a short while.

"What... what kind of medicine is this?" Jiang Xinyu and the other two were astonished. The effect of this medicine will be seen every second, and they thought it was too incredible.

"It's not medicine, it's cell fluid. Of course, it's untreated."

At this moment, I saw that the small opening on the heart of healing in Lin Ye's hand miraculously healed automatically, but after using three drops of the liquid, which was already scarce, it had already lost a third, which made Lin Ye A little heartache.

This baby is a life-saving thing, use it once less.


Zhao Xun's heart beat violently when he saw that Lin Ye took out the healing heart and dripped a few drops on the wound on Hu Fei's arm. Such a large wound healed quickly.

"This must be a powerful gene and cell medicine, and it is very likely that it is the reason why he has become so powerful. It must be, otherwise how can it be so amazing."

Thinking this way in his heart, Zhao Xun stared straight at the medicine, his eyes became hot.

If he escaped, would he be able to survive as an ordinary person in this last world?

Zhao Xun thought secretly, "But as long as you have this medicine and make yourself stronger, you will not only be able to survive, but also do whatever you want in the future."

Zhao Xun, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape, weighed the pros and cons, his eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth and decided to stay. Since then, his heart, which was frightened by Lin Ye, was once again closed because of desire.


It only takes 3 minutes to treat the wound.

"The wound healed and the toxins were removed. He will wake up after a while." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he made a water polo to wash his hands.

Water resources have always been more important in the last days, but for Lin Ye, a water-type supernatural being, it is not a problem. If you want water, you can just fiddle with it.

The three people who were originally nervous because of Hu Fei's injury, after seeing Lin Ye washing his hands with such a large ball of water, their minds went blank, and it took a long time to react, and they couldn't help swallowing.

You must know that due to the paralysis of the city's water supply system, the few bottles of water they had were found by searching several small buildings at risk. If they are thirsty, they are only divided by one bottle cap and one bottle is used at most every day. I'm afraid it won't last for a few days.

But this big brother actually used it to wash his hands... Washing his hands after a little blood, they wanted such a luxury, they were thirsty to death a few days ago.

Looking at Lin Ye again, I didn't notice it at first, but now I see that he is quite clean.

Don't take a bath every day!

They, who haven't taken a shower, think of this and feel like hitting the wall. They are so angry!

(End of this chapter)

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