Chapter 40
Lin Ye naturally saw their surprise, but he didn't care. Could he get some water to help them wash?After all, it takes physical energy for him to manipulate water. If there are more people in the future, he will get water for hundreds of thousands of people a day, and he will probably be exhausted to death.

After everything was dealt with, Lin Ye asked calmly: "Jiang Xinyu, didn't I just tell you to back down, why did you two charge up again?"

Jiang Xinyu glanced at Zhao Xun, lowered his head again, and admitted his mistake: "We saw that you were at a disadvantage, so we planned to go up to help you... Unexpectedly, we failed to help, but instead hurt Hu Fei. I'm sorry."

Lin Ye noticed Jiang Xinyu watching Zhao Xun's actions, and he knew in his heart that Zhao Xun must have provoked him, but he didn't ask Zhao Xun what to do, he just waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it happened, but fortunately no one died. I won't mention it."

Zhao Xun was worried about being held accountable by Lin Ye. Seeing that he just let go of the incident, he was relieved. While scolding Lin Ye for being stupid, he took out a crumpled soft Zhonghua from his pocket and poured out a stick. , handed it to Lin Ye, and said flatteringly: "Brother Lin, I have been hiding this and was reluctant to smoke it. Now I take it out, thank you Brother Lin for saving me."

Lin Ye didn't speak. He looked at Zhao Xun. Zhao Xun felt uncomfortable, so he hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, I knew I was wrong about what happened last time. Please forgive me."

"Oh." Lin Ye chuckled, took the cigarette, lit it, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth with the cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing Lin Ye accepting the cigarette with a smile on his face, Zhao Xun immediately felt the stones in his heart being lifted away, and he was relieved for a while.

In fact, he didn't know, Lin Ye smiled because he thought Zhao Xun was ridiculous and offered cigarettes to those who wanted to kill him.

Lin Ye couldn't understand Zhao Xun's greedy, sinister and vicious villain. In addition, this scythe reaper was obviously attracted by him on purpose. The purpose was definitely to revenge them. If he didn't know about the scythe reaper His weaknesses, coupled with his fair strength, may really end up buried here.

And Hu Fei's rushing forward must have been provoked by him. Lin Ye, who had spared his life, had put him on his death list long ago, but killing him in front of several people would inevitably cause him to die. It caused some unnecessary troubles, so I waited for the opportunity to solve Zhao Xun quietly.

Unexpectedly, this kid was so devoted to the performance, and even offered to offer cigarettes, Lin Ye couldn't help laughing.

Two minutes later, Hu Fei's face returned to rosy, obviously much better.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, sat up straight, looked around in a daze, and found that the three people except Lin Ye were all looking at him in amazement, and couldn't help but wonder: "You guys, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are... all right?" Jiang Xinyu asked in surprise.

Hu Fei moved his body, raised his hand, and said strangely, "It's all right."

"You can actually lift your hand, don't you feel any pain?" Jiang Xinyu was incredulous: "This effect is too fast."

Lin Ye, who was sitting on a reclining chair, stood up with the support of the chair, "Using this kind of cell fluid can speed up the activity of the cells, and can quickly heal the wound. It is a fundamental cure, so the healing effect is so fast that no one who is injured Feel."

When Hu Fei asked what happened in the past ten minutes, Lin Ye handed the three pointed feet from the scythe reaper to Hu Fei, Jiang Xinyu and Er Fatty respectively.

"The point of this thing is very sharp, strong, and the weight is quite suitable for the hand. You should throw away the axes and sticks in your hands and replace them with this as a weapon."

The three of them took the pointed foot, Jiang Xinyu was a little unbelieving, and stabbed at the wall, only to hear a bang, and saw a piece of stone chips splashed from the masonry wall, leaving a two-centimeter dent on it.

"So strong? This is a brick, and I haven't used much force yet." Jiang Xinyu's eyes widened in disbelief, and the others were also dumbfounded.

Only Zhao Xun had greed and jealousy flash in his eyes. The monster clearly had four legs, but Lin Ye only took three points for them, clearly targeting himself.

Lin Ye called a few people to set off, and walked out of the guard room directly. Zhao Xun felt extremely insulted, and he didn't take himself seriously, and the hatred for Lin Ye in his heart suddenly deepened.

"Lin Ye, I will definitely kill you." Zhao Xun stared viciously at Lin Ye's back as he walked out.

It has to be said that villains still need to be tortured by villains. Although Lin Ye is not considered a villain, when dealing with villains, he will carry out this rule to the end.

The guard room is at the exit of the park. Lin Ye walked to a blood-stained gate and could see a big restaurant on the opposite side. The entrance of the restaurant was in a mess. Half of the corpses were lying there, and Jiyu's place was also stained with blood, and the corpses were scattered all over the place.

Looking up, the building is nine stories high, and there is a crooked "hundred" character on the upper part, which is precarious, and the last few characters are missing. A few gray prints below.

"Bai Da Restaurant."

"Although I didn't see any zombies, there are more corpses than other places. It seems that this is a densely populated place."

Lin Ye frowned, more people meant more zombies, but he didn't see any of them here, so he couldn't help being surprised.

Jiang Xinyu was afraid that he would misunderstand the danger here, so he quickly explained: "Brother Lin, the police station is just across Ertiao Street. When the end comes, our police station organizes firepower to resist zombies, so most of the nearby zombies are attracted to the police station. Over there..."

After getting the explanation, Lin Ye was still a little uneasy. He glanced around and said, "Okay, then let's go to the restaurant first, and go directly to the rooftop from the safe corridor."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he took out the headlamp from his bag and put it on. After all, there may not be electricity when entering a restaurant. The darkness is full of dangers, so you must be ready first.

Erpang took out the headlamp and flashlight from the backpack on his back.

Lin Ye also saw that there were a lot of ropes, pulleys and other aerial work equipment in this bag.

"Hey, these are pretty good, right? We found them all, just to go to the police station to get guns." Seeing Lin Ye's view, Hu Fei showed off a little proudly.

Lin Ye praised without hesitation: "That's right, it's quite thoughtful."

Lin Ye immediately instructed: "Although this restaurant is not dangerous from the outside, we should not take it lightly."

"I'll enter the restaurant later, the space is narrow, and I won't be able to perform well. Please pay more attention to yourself. If you are careless, don't blame me if you can't save you at that time."

"Yes, I understand." Hu Fei took the lead in answering, and the others also nodded.

Although the captain is Hu Fei, but now that Lin Ye is speaking to lead a few people, they don't feel uncomfortable. Instead, they seem to have been boosted, and they all puffed up their chests and lifted their spirits.

This is the effect brought about by great strength, and Lin Ye seems to be born with the aura of leading everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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