Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 41 Violation of safe passage

Chapter 41 Violation of safe passage
Several people went to the gate of the restaurant together. Although the gate is made of glass, it looks very solid. Even if the doomsday comes, there are only a few cracks left on it, but the glass is full of dried blood, which looks like The gate of ghosts is closed.

Seeing the scene inside through the glass door, Lin Ye couldn't help frowning.

With just a cursory glance, it can be estimated that in this 300-square-meter hall, there are at least dozens of broken corpses lying here and there.

On the floor of the tiles in the hall, traces of dragged blood were criss-crossed, which was extremely dazzling.

The hotel counter was overwhelmed by the wine rack at the back, the wine bottle was broken to the ground, and a rotting corpse could be seen underneath. Looking at the clothes, it should be the counter lady when she was alive, but now it is just a pile of rotten flesh.

The scene in the hotel lobby is like a picture of purgatory on earth.

Lin Ye grabbed the glass doorknob, and there was a person inside who did the same thing as Lin Ye. To be precise, he was not a human being, but a corpse. He grabbed the doorknob before he was alive, but he had no chance to open the door.

Lin Ye looked at the half-headed corpse hanging on the doorknob, and when he opened the glass door, the corpse moved along with the door, showing no intention of letting go.

"The obsession is big enough, but it's a pity that he is still dead."

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, pouring out backwards, and suddenly a rotten smell rushed to the face, which was extremely pungent.

Lin Ye got a piece of cloth soaked in water to cover his nose, and then he exhaled, feeling a lot of relief.

The people behind also followed at this time. As soon as they reached the door, they were forced back a few steps by the strong rotten smell, and Jiang Xinyu retched.

"I can't take it anymore, why is there such a strong smell, like a biogas pit."

"Yeah, how many people will die here?"

Following Lin Ye's example, they covered their noses with a damp cloth and looked at the messy restaurant lobby.

As for the zombies coming directly, they didn't think it was a problem to deal with them, but now they looked at the hall full of corpses, and they had to go up to the ninth floor from here, and their scalps felt numb.

Lin Ye glanced at the dark stair passage located inside the hotel lobby. Looking at it now, it really looks like a monster with a huge mouth, ready to devour anyone at any time.

Of course, there was an elevator next to it, but a dead body was stuck at the elevator entrance, and the lights were not on, so it obviously couldn't be used.

"I have been to Baida Restaurant. The second and third floors go straight up. There are restaurants and banquet halls. Above is the sports room, followed by the Internet club and the KTV entertainment floor. You must pass through the entertainment club to reach the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors. The ninth floor is all accommodation suites.

"The difference is that the seventh floor is a high-end room, and the eighth floor is an ordinary room. There are no direct stairs here. You have to pass through the high-end room to get to the ordinary room, and finally reach the luxury suite on the top. As for the luxury suite after going up I don’t know how to get to the rooftop.”

Jiang Xinyu, who recovered from the nausea, explained that Lin Ye was a little confused.

"That is to say, this staircase doesn't lead directly to the rooftop?"

Seeing Jiang Xinyu shaking her head, Lin Ye frowned.

But Er Fatty, who kept silent all the time, looked honest and honest, couldn't help asking: "Isn't this against the rules? Stairs are a safe passage for emergencies. How can you escape if you are in such trouble?"

Hu Fei rolled his eyes with a accustomed expression, and spread his hands: "They didn't do this to make money. If you pass through an entertainment club, you will go in to have fun. If you see a high-end house, you will go to live in it." Ordinary room?"

Regarding this, Jiang Xinyu just sighed: "It can't be helped, the business here is not very developed, although the restaurant owner has been warned to change to a regular channel, but he has been procrastinating, plus he is a big taxpayer, and besides Apart from some safety hazards in this staircase, other safety measures are still in place.”

Er Fatty was a little resentful, and said angrily: "No wonder there are so many corpses inside. It seems that they are all people who want to escape. It must be that the stairs are too cumbersome, which makes them lose the best time to escape. The owner of the restaurant is really harmful." Not shallow, obviously he made a mistake, but let so many people pay his debts on his behalf."

Er Fatty looked fat and big-eared, and he was honest and honest, but he was full of justice when he spoke. Lin Ye couldn't help but look at him curiously.

"The second fat dad was hit by the boss before the doomsday, and the doomsday will come a few days later. His dad was killed by zombies because of his inconvenient legs, so he has a lot of hatred for the boss. .”

Jiang Xinyu was afraid that Lin Ye would misunderstand Er Pang's mentality, so he helped to explain: "I was in charge of the investigation when Er Pang's dad was hit. When I collected evidence, I also knew about Er Pang through neighbors. He is filial, helpful, and quite humorous and talkative, but after his father died, he became silent, quite pitiful."

Lin Ye nodded lightly. In fact, he didn't mind Er Fatty's mentality. No matter how good his mentality was, he would be affected by the hostility of the apocalypse if he could survive in the apocalypse. It doesn't matter if he complains.Compared to someone like Zhao Xun, who is kind on the surface but sinister and vicious on the inside, Er Fatty's mentality is nothing more than normal.

Er Fatty glanced at Jiang Xinyu, and his angry and flushed face eased down.

"Go upstairs when you're ready. Although you haven't found any danger yet, you have also seen these corpses. If you are careless, you may become their companions."

Lin Ye's words put a certain amount of pressure on several people, and everyone raised their spirits. They didn't want to become a pile of rotten flesh.

Lin Ye avoided the corpses on the ground, looked around, and walked in. The others followed behind, advancing cautiously.

When he reached the stairs, Lin Ye turned on the headlights and shone upwards. Even though there were headlights, the corridor was still a bit dark.

On the handrail of the stairs, a few rotten hands and corpses can be seen hanging on it, which makes people feel creepy.

Lin Ye clearly heard the sound of Hu Fei swallowing his saliva behind him, smashing the wall, and a hollow sound echoed, breaking the silence.

Lin Ye did this mainly to make some noise, distract the energy of the people behind, and encourage them. In addition, if there are zombies, they will definitely be attracted to them, and the danger of sudden zombie attacks can also be avoided.

The sound came up, but there was no movement in the stairs.

Lin Ye stepped onto the stairs first, and the others followed closely despite their beating hearts.

The corridor was about two meters wide, and except for the area illuminated by the light, it was completely dark above, and only the footsteps of a few people could be heard in the corridor.

On the second floor, there was a closed iron door at the corner. At this moment, there was a whining cry from behind the iron door. It sounded sad and sad, like a female ghost crying, which immediately added a touch of weirdness to the corridor. atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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