Chapter 42

Hu Fei asked in a low voice: "Brother Lin, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Lin Ye's expression was indifferent, "Lean to both sides of the wall."

After everyone separated, Lin Ye slowly pushed open the iron door. After the door opened, the humming sound disappeared. Even so, when it suddenly became quiet, the atmosphere became even weirder, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.


There was a sudden sound in Room 4. Lin Ye pressed his hand on the knife, but the monster did not appear, but the whining sounded again, but this time it was much more clearly heard.

Lin Ye stepped forward and looked in. It was a private room of a restaurant. The tables and chairs inside were tilted to this side, and the windows were blocked by tables covered with plastic wrap that were turned upside down. The sound was blown in by the wind and then slapped on the plastic wrap. of.

"It's okay, the wind is at fault."

Lin Ye took the lead to walk towards the corridor.

After listening to Lin Ye's explanation, the few people outside the door who were poking around breathed a sigh of relief. Hu Fei leaned against the wall and smiled wryly: "It was really ruined by the wind."

Er Fatty also exhaled: "Fortunately, it was a false alarm. I am actually most afraid of these things."

Hu Fei laughed and said, "Why, Er Fatty, you are so big and you are afraid of this?"

"Everyone has something to be afraid of." Er Fatty blushed and forcefully explained.

"Er Fatty, behind you..."

Seeing that Hu Fei's eyes were on his back, Er Fatty immediately became unhappy, "Brother Fei, are you holding on to my braid?"

"No, really, see for yourself." Seeing Hu Fei's solemn expression, he didn't seem to be joking, and Jiang Xinyu and Zhao Xun beside him all had ugly expressions.

Er Fatty was startled, turned around quickly, his body tensed up in fright, and he stared at the wall above him with wide eyes.

I saw a lot of bloody handprints on the wall, but they didn't spare a blind spot to observe when they came. At that time, there were no bloody handprints on the wall except for spattered blood.

It was just two minutes, how could there be so many bloody handprints all of a sudden, and they didn't make a sound, except for ghosts, they really couldn't think of what it could be made of. For a while, the hairs of several people stood on end, and their backs felt cold.

"Lin...Brother Lin..."

Hearing Er Pang's trembling voice, Lin Ye trotted out. Seeing everyone's chills, he looked in the direction of Er Pang's fingers. When he saw these bloody handprints, Lin Ye was also very strange.

"Ghost..." Zhao Xun said in fear.

Lin Ye immediately frowned and looked at him. If you want to talk about ghosts, he must be the one with an evil heart. If you say that before you see anything, it obviously makes other people more scared.

Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu were alright, they just looked wary, but Er Fatty's face turned pale with fright, obviously, he really had a natural fear of this thing.

However, Lin Ye didn't know how to explain this situation for a while, so he could only comfort him: "Don't be afraid, this must be made by some kind of mutant creature."

Having said that, Er Fatty's face recovered a bit, and he didn't want to appear too cowardly, so he forcefully exhaled: "Brother Lin, I'm fine."

Even though he said this, Lin Ye could still see that he must still be afraid in his heart, but this is also normal. Human beings have an instinctive fear of the unknown, including Lin Ye, but he has long adapted to fear and disturbed.

"I guess this mutant creature should not be very aggressive, otherwise he wouldn't not attack people when he sees it." Lin Ye's explanation made sense.

"Leave him alone and keep going up."


After this incident, several people were obviously more vigilant, and went up to the fourth floor after two minutes.

There are no stairs on the fourth floor, so you have to go through the game hall and go to the opposite side to find the entrance.

At the stairway, Lin Ye and the others could hear a slight sound coming from behind the anti-theft door. Lin Ye put his ears on the anti-theft door, and heard slight collisions and slow friction of footsteps, as well as the unique sounds of zombies. .

"There are zombies, I will go in and open the way, you protect on both sides, and rush over."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the hunting knife was drawn out. The place was narrow, and it would be difficult for him to rush over, let alone there were other people, so he had to concentrate.

Lin Ye looked back and saw that they were all ready to continue.


The door was pushed open suddenly, and the headlights shone through. Before a highly decomposed zombie had time to react, Lin Ye chopped off its head by the oncoming Lin Ye.

There are more than a dozen zombies scattered in the lobby of the game floor, surrounded by glass walls, Internet cafes and game halls, and a counter selling milk tea in the middle.

As soon as the headlights of Lin Ye and the others shone in, there was an ear-splitting roar in the Internet cafe and game hall.

What makes people's scalp tingle is that there are dozens of heads suddenly appearing on the glass wall, all of which are highly decomposed zombies. They have no thinking, so they don't know where they came out from. Like a furry cat, he slapped the glass wall hard.


"Bang bang bang!"

"Don't stand still, rush over." Lin Ye took the lead in rushing forward, and when encountering zombies pounced on him, he would kill them with a single blow.

Lin Ye, who was the leader, attracted the attack of half of the zombies. The people behind reacted, and the zombies on both sides were pierced into their heads with the sharp feet of the scythe reaper.

Jiang Xinyu's skill is not bad, the sharp foot in his hand stabbed one at a time, back to back with Er Fatty, resisting the zombies while advancing.

Hu Fei was different. He jumped directly to the ceiling, which was more than 4 meters above the ground. He was attached to it, killing zombies without any consideration at all.

In order to reduce the pressure on the few people, Hu Fei kept attracting the zombies. The zombies could only growl and stare at him, but they couldn't even reach his feet.

As for Zhao Xun, he hid in the gap between Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei with a terrified expression, holding an axe, staring nervously at these zombies, but he didn't dare to make a move.

The opposite entrance was about 30 meters away. At this time, Lin Ye and his party fought and killed, and advanced about ten meters.

Half of the dozen or so zombies were cleaned up, but there were also zombies who found the exit from the game hall and continued to join the battlefield.

Lin Ye chopped down the zombie with a knife, then kicked another zombie into the air, and then sent out an ice arrow to impale the zombie that was biting Jiang Xinyu through the head.

Jiang Xinyu glanced at Lin Ye gratefully, but Lin Ye, who was the first to face a large number of zombies, had no time to make eye contact with Jiang Xinyu.

At this time, a glass wall of the game hall on the side of Lin Ye suddenly made a crackling sound, which was extremely ear-piercing even amidst the roar of the zombies.

Although he had expected it, Lin Ye still didn't expect that the zombies would come out so soon, and reminded everyone: "Be careful."

Following Lin Ye's voice, the glass wall shattered.


The louder roars poured directly into the ears, causing the eardrums to tingle a little. It seemed that the game hall was only trapped with a dozen zombies. Lin Ye pounced, and some of them pounced on others.

(End of this chapter)

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