Chapter 43
The pupils of Jiang Xinyu, Erpang, and Zhao Xun all doubled in size. At this moment, their hearts were occupied by fear.

The huge game hall was occupied by more than 30 zombies, as if it suddenly became smaller, and only the rotting faces of the zombies appeared in the eyes of a few people.

Zhao Xun even felt that he was bound to die, and Jiang Xinyu also felt powerless. Surrounded by so many zombies, if they could survive by putting down their weapons, they might all have put down their weapons.

Lin Ye knew that if this continued, they would be easily surrounded by zombies, so he yelled: "Don't give up, it's not easy to get here, it's life or death, it depends on yourself and the guys in your hands, kill! "

"Polar ice gun!"

Lin Ye directly destroyed the ice ability, and three ice spears emerged from the ground in a row, piercing through three zombies from bottom to top, two were pierced through the head and died directly, and one was firmly fixed by the ice spear. In the same place, he roared unwillingly and wanted to rush forward, but he couldn't make any progress.

Lin Ye's ice ability has a strength of 5 degrees, which is extremely strong. The ice spear piercing through the three zombies formed a two-meter-wide fence, slowing down the pace of other zombies.

In fact, it would be easy for Lin Ye to kill alone among the zombies, but it can't guarantee the safety of other people. Looking around, Lin Ye's eyes fell on the counter in the middle of the hall, and his eyes lit up. It was definitely a natural stronghold.

"Everyone follow me to the counter and form a fortress to fight."

Lin Ye's words were like giving a piece of driftwood to those who fell into the water, and the effect of Wangmei quenching thirst is easy to see.

Er Fatty and the others moved forward while resisting the zombies. Even Zhao Xun, in order to survive, began to chop down the lone zombies.

Soon they came to the milk tea counter.

The counter is four meters long and more than one meter wide. There is at least 20 square meters of activity space inside. There are walls on the left and back, and an exit on the right.

Lin Ye leaned on the counter and jumped into it. Zhao Xun quickly slipped in from the right. The second fat man was the third, but Jiang Xinyu, who seemed to be dragging her back by three zombies.

Lin Ye quickly launched an ice arrow to help Jiang Xinyu kill a zombie, Hu Fei who was attached to the ceiling helped her kill another one, and she finished one by herself, and finally escaped from the crowd of zombies narrowly and entered the counter.

Seeing that everyone had come in, Lin Ye activated the ice ability and covered the ground five meters in front of the counter with a layer of ice.

Biting cold air hit the bodies of several people at this moment. Although it was cold, it played a refreshing effect at this moment, and the spirits of several people who were sluggish due to high-intensity fighting were instantly activated.

Jiang Xinyu's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help praising: "This way of forming an ice field to slow down the speed of zombies, Brother Lin, your trick is really great."

She didn't explain that Er Pang and Zhao Xun didn't understand why Lin Ye did this. After hearing the reason, both of them immediately became excited.

"So it's saved."

Lin Ye stared intently at the rushing zombies.

The first wave of zombies had already stepped on the ice and fell directly on the ice. Before they got up, the zombies behind stepped on their bodies. When there was no more footsteps, the second wave of zombies also fell to the ground , but the second wave of zombies has already covered the entire five-meter ice surface.

Even so, the effect of killing ten zombies at once is undoubtedly huge.

The eyes of the few people were shining, and Lin Ye said, "Don't be too happy, there are still twenty to solve. I will guard the entrance on the right, and you will guard the front desk."

The counter is curved, and the left back forms an angle with the wall. Zombies can only attack from the front and right. According to estimates, at most six zombies rush over at a time. Although it is not a lot, Jiang Xinyu and the others still have confidence fixed.

Twenty or so zombies stepped directly on the bodies of the second wave of zombies in front and rushed towards Lin Ye and the others. Sure enough, due to space constraints, only six zombies in the first row could move forward, while the others squeezed behind.

Lin Ye didn't wait for the zombies to rush forward, and swung the hunting knife directly. Two heads flew up with one knife, killing two zombies in an instant, and the other four, Jiang Xinyu, the three, and Hu Fei who was on the ceiling together.

Another six zombies came up, the same situation, naturally the same result.

"It's really cool to kill zombies like this." Er Fatty couldn't help laughing.

At this time, a scene that suddenly surprised everyone happened.

A bunch of long black hair shot out from behind the pile of zombies, and directly wrapped around the neck of Er Pang who was smiling openly. No one expected that Er Pang was dragged forward by the long hair. The body fell directly out of the counter and was dragged into the pile of zombies.

"Two fat."

Jiang Xinyu yelled, originally Er Fatty still had a chance to live, but the next moment Death stretched out his hand to him, no one expected that things would develop like this.

Zombies don't just wait around. Seeing Er Pang flying out, a zombie quickly pounced on Er Pang's body, tore a large piece of flesh, and immediately blood spurted out.


Er Fatty let out a cry of pain.

Then there were many zombies pounced on him, Er Fatty's screams became more and more intense, and finally there was only pain left.

Er Fatty's corpse was too horrible to look at, no one part was complete, even his face could not be seen clearly, only a piece of blood and flesh remained.

Lin Ye's observation point at this time is no longer Er Fatty, but behind the zombie, a zombie like a female ghost with long hair. This zombie is different from other zombies. Her loose hair is very long, and a part of it is Wrapped around Er Fatty's neck.

Fa Ji!

This is a type of zombie that Lin Ye thought of from his memory. They evolved from ordinary zombies. Their hair can be stretched and shortened.

Although the attack power is not very strong, their long hair shoots out very fast, especially in the pile of zombies, they can quickly pull the enemy into the pile of zombies.

Losing a teammate, Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei became angry in their hearts. Hu Fei was alright, but felt a little sad, but Jiang Xinyu's eyes were full of tears.

Erpang has been with her since the end of the world, and has experienced too much all the way. Now she is powerless to watch Erpang being bitten to death by zombies. This is really unacceptable.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no possibility of redemption, Jiang Xinyu turned her sadness into anger, and with red eyes, she killed the zombies that rushed in front of her.

At this time, Fa Ji launched an attack again, seeming to find Jiang Xinyu who lost her mind due to anger, a section of Fa Ji's hair suddenly shot out, ten meters away, and it came in an instant, just when she was about to touch Jiang Xinyu, Lin Ye grabbed the long hair without using any force.

None of them expected that even Lin Ye would be entangled. Jiang Xinyu blamed herself very much. Just now, Lin Ye was obviously defending her against the monster attack. She couldn't help but think that she had killed him, and tears burst into tears. .

(End of this chapter)

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