Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 44 Sacrificial Knife

Chapter 44 Sacrificial Knife
Lin Ye was pulled out of the counter, but he actually took the initiative to meet him.

Now there are only a dozen zombies left here, Lin Ye doesn't pay attention at all, his purpose is to kill Fa Ji behind the group of zombies, since others have come to pick him up, why don't he take a ride.

Thus, in the eyes of everyone, there was a scene where Lin Ye was dragged into the pile of zombies.

But unlike Er Fatty, Lin Ye harvested the heads of the two zombies as soon as he swung the hunting knife the first moment he entered the pile of zombies.

Under the inertia of Fa Ji's hair, Lin Ye moved at high speed effortlessly, and the zombies surrounding him couldn't stand him with a single blow.In a blink of an eye, seven or eight zombies were knocked to the ground by him, and Lin Ye was pulled in front of Fa Ji.

Only now did Hu Fei and the others understand Lin Ye's purpose, and they also saw that Lin Ye was not afraid of these zombies at all. It seemed that he occupied the counter to protect them.After understanding this, several people were inevitably moved.

Jiang Xinyu finally regained his senses, "Brother Lin has dealt with so many zombies, leave the rest to us."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xinyu jumped up to the counter first, and killed the zombies condescendingly. Even though she was a girl, she was so vicious at this time that the heads of several zombies were pierced by the sharp feet in her hands, leaving a big gap. blood hole.

Hu Fei was not to be outdone. At the beginning, there were many zombies, and his abilities were not fully displayed. At this time, there were not many zombies, and he had enough space to fight.

It can be said that the iron box-like game hall is Hu Fei's home field. He used his jumping ability to jump up and down, and none of the zombies could grab his heels. Using his flexibility, Hu Fei was not slow to deal with zombies.


Lin Ye on the other side faced Fa Ji with cold eyes. It was this evolved zombie that caused one of his temporary teammates to die. Although he didn't have a deep friendship, he was still angry when his teammate died.

It would be naive to just lose your temper at the zombies, but it is necessary to kill the hair girl who killed him for Er Fatty.

Observing Faji up close, I found that she is different from other zombies. Her body is plump and her skin is fair. Through her black hair, you can see her cheeks like snow, which can be broken by blows.

The reason why Faji has such a beautiful name is mainly because she has a lot of protein, which is also an important reason for her plump figure and clear face. If you look closely, you will even think that she is quite beautiful.

It is also because of this that Lin Ye even heard rumors in his previous life that some heavy-handed perverts stretched out evil hands to Fa Ji.

But these are just objective evaluations. Subjectively, Lin Ye has no curiosity about whether a zombie looks good or not. All zombies, whether you are thin, fat, beautiful or ugly, will only be taken by him. Come sacrifice the knife.

Fa Ji is an evolved zombie, and she already has a certain fighting instinct.When Lin Ye rushed past the zombies and arrived in front of her, she felt that she was instinctively dangerous and quickly launched an attack. Three pieces of long hair shot out like water waves, wrapping around Lin Ye's head, waist, and feet respectively.

The attack speed is very fast, but Lin Ye doesn't really care about it, because Fa Ji seems to attack ferociously, but her lethality is very low, mainly because her control ability is more difficult to deal with among the zombies.

But now, Fa Ji, who was fighting alone, did not pose any threat to Lin Ye.

When the hair arrived in front of him, Lin Ye slashed at the hair, but unexpectedly, the hair was so resilient that the hunting knife didn't cut off the black hair.

This accident caused Lin Ye to miss a good opportunity, so he had to take two steps back, avoiding the black hair wrapped around his ankles, but the black hair that shot straight at his waist stretched quickly, and finally wrapped around Lin Ye's waist.

Fa Ji's strength is not a thing of the past, otherwise it would be impossible to drag the 200-pound Er Fatty, shaking his head vigorously, Lin Ye was immediately pulled and flew towards her.

Faced with this situation, Lin Ye didn't lose his mind. After reacting, he didn't retreat but advanced, and directly stabbed Fa Ji with a hunting knife.

It's just that when the stab came close, Fa Ji's black hair suddenly wrapped around, forming an arc to surround Lin Ye.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ye, who did not expect Faji to have this trick, was immediately wrapped up, forming a big black ball, and this black ball kept shrinking.

Lin Ye inside seemed to be struggling, bumping the ball to the left and right, but he still couldn't break free.

At this time, Jiang Xinyu and the others had almost dealt with the zombies. When they found that Lin Ye was surrounded and the battle was in danger, they were full of worries. However, there were still a few zombies entangled, and they couldn't get away for a while.

Seeing that the trembling serve suddenly stopped moving, Jiang Xinyu thought that Lin Ye was just dead, and couldn't help shouting, "Brother Lin."

At this moment, a trace of cold air leaked from the black ball formed by the hair. At this moment, a large number of ice flowers appeared on the black hair, covered with a layer of frost, as if it turned white all of a sudden.

Then, the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" came out.

After being covered with frost, the originally resilient black hair began to crack like ice cubes. At this time, Faji wanted to take back the black hair, but the black hair had already formed a ball of ice, and she couldn't take it back even if she wanted to.

As a result, Faji could only wait for the serve to crack a little bit. In less than half a minute, there was a low shout in the serve, and there were more and more cracks on the serve. In less than two seconds, the entire serve fell apart.

Lin Ye broke out of the cocoon, taking advantage of this, he attacked suddenly, the hunting knife flew up, before the person arrived, the light of the knife came first, and slashed across Fa Ji's neck.

Fa Ji's head fell down immediately, and let out a huge roar on the ground. At this time, Fa Ji's fair cheeks began to shrink and rot, her eyes suddenly dried up, and her hair began to fall out.

In just an instant, her beautiful head instantly turned into the ugly appearance of an ordinary zombie.

Jiang Xinyu and the others saw Lin Ye break out of the cocoon and cut off Faji's head with a knife, and they finally let out a breath.

In fact, they all knew in their hearts that Lin Ye's personal combat power could not be matched by all of them combined. If even Lin Ye couldn't beat the zombies, they would just die if they went up.

Fortunately, Fa Ji was killed, and finally they sat down on the ground weakly, obviously exhausted.

Lin Ye was also a little tired. He had used a lot of abilities to create ice to cover the battlefield, and he also consumed a lot of abilities after fighting Fa Ji. Now the abilities can be said to have almost bottomed out.

"; Above is the suite, let's go up and find a place to rest.";

Although the group was exhausted, they really didn't feel like resting in a place full of zombies.

Everyone nodded and walked upstairs. Before leaving, Hu Fei picked up Er Pang's backpack, and Jiang Xinyu looked at Er Pang's corpse sadly, until Hu Fei patted her on the shoulder, Jiang Xinyu Only then came back to God.

";Let's go.";

Jiang Xinyu followed the team with heavy steps.

(End of this chapter)

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