Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 330 New Alliance

Chapter 330 New Alliance
"From today onwards, the person who bids to seize power is no longer a member of the Tianning League. If we meet again, we will be enemies. Get out of the camp now. If anyone else wants to follow, get out together. I'll give you 10 minutes After 10 minutes, if I see you again, don't be merciless." Xuewu said, Xuewu next to Lin Hua was a girl, but at this moment Xuewu was a cold-blooded queen.

Those who participated in the seizure of power, after seeing Xue Wu's methods just now, were also afraid of dying here, and left the camp one after another.

Then Xuewu said to Brother Yu, "The boss won't blame you, you go and check the people who participated in the power grab this time, and see if they have all left."

Everyone also dispersed one after another!About two hours later, Brother Yu came to the tent where Lin Hua and the others were hungry. Like Xuewu, he reported the situation of the seizure of power. The main planner was Afeng. There were 38 people with supernatural powers and 270 ordinary people. Both have now left.

After speaking, she knelt down in front of Lin Hua's bed, even though Li Jie and the others came to help her, she couldn't get up.

Li Jie and the others had no choice but to let Brother Yu kneel there. After two days like this, Brother Yu never ate or drank, no matter what anyone said, he just knelt here!

At noon, Lin Hua finally woke up!
Seeing Lin Hua wake up, Li Jie said directly, if you don't wake up, Boss, brother Yu is going to die soon.

But Gutian and the others saw Lin Hua wake up, so they went directly to inform the others.

Lin Hua woke up and found that Brother Yu was kneeling weakly in front of his bed.Immediately asked what happened.

Then Xuewu told Lin Hua everything that happened in the past few days!
"It turns out that I have been in a coma for 7 days, but so many things have happened," Lin Hua said.

After speaking, Lin Hua asked Li Jie to get up on his back, and walked like a kneeling Brother Yu.

He walked up to Brother Yu and helped Brother Yu up and said, "I don't blame you for these things, and there are some reasons of my own. Don't take this matter seriously. You go back and have a good rest for a few days."

After saying this, Lin Hua lay on the bed again, thinking about what Xuewu said about what happened these days!It turns out that there has always been such a hidden danger in the Tianning League.
"Boss, who are you talking about who participated in the power grab, should they be killed? I want to kill them to vent my anger," Li Jie said

"Nonsense, what are you doing killing them? They were just caused by a spur of the moment," Lin Hua said.

"Then you plan to bring them back?" Xuewu asked

"Those who betrayed me, no matter what the reason, I will never forgive them"

"You did the right thing this time. I didn't expect a girl who is usually quiet and quiet to have a fierce and resolute side.
"Boss, don't you know that sister Xuewu will only show her girly side when she has you?" Gui Wu said

"Boss, you didn't see when you were in a coma. Sister Xuewu was in a hurry. She didn't have a good rest during the time you were in a coma." Li Jie continued.

"It's all over, why are you talking about this?" Xuewu said with some embarrassment
"I don't know if I don't say Boss, Boss, everyone is very nervous when you are unconscious," Li Jie said

"Then you're not worried that I won't wake up?" Lin Hua asked Li Jie
"I'm not worried about you, I know you won't die with this little injury." Li Jie said indifferently

"Actually, besides sister Xuewu, Li Jie is the one who worries about you the most. I'm afraid Mi knows who Li Jie is and what kind of temper he is," Gu Tian said.

Then, when Ah Feng and the others seized power, Li Jie's injury was still not healed, and he directly blocked your bed with a big knife

Just go out and relax as Li Jie said!
Lin Hua looked at the crowd and knew how much they cared about her.Although leaving so many people, and Ah Feng's seizure of power made Lin Hua very sad, but seeing how much Li Jie and the others care about him, his heart is no longer chilling, because there are still so many people who really follow him

In this way, Lin Hua took another 7 days to recover from his ground injury, and he was almost healed.

"Comrade Li Jie, everyone has a 30-minute meeting at the gate of the camp." Lin Hua said to Li Jie
After listening to Lin Hua's words, Li Jie went out

About 30 minutes later, Lin Hua came to the gate of the camp, and Heisha was waiting for Lin Hua's arrival, because Lin Hua deliberately asked Gu Tian to notify Heisha, because now Heisha has joined the Tianning League .

"I called everyone here today to announce something. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for being with me, Lin Hua, through this power seizure." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she bowed deeply to everyone.

"Now I believe that the rest are absolute supporters of me, Lin Hua. Today I announced that the Tianning League has officially changed its name to the Ice and Snow League, and then I announced the positions of the members.
Lin Hua
Vice President Xuewu Ghost Dance
Dharma protector Li Jie lonely sky black evil
Elder Brother Yu, Xiao Zhan, Nie Quan, Qilin, Ethan, and Zhang Wandao All things in the alliance are handled by them extremely, and the elders handle it

Melee supernatural beings are in charge and Brother Yu Xiao Zhan and Zhang Wandao are in charge
Nie Quanqilin Ethan is in charge of remote supernatural powers
Ordinary People is in charge of Lin Yiyi Jiang Yuxin

Logistics is in charge of Mr. Liu

In the future, the principle of distributing different cores is only for those who are able to work harder, and there will be no one who gets something for nothing. Do you have any opinions!
"No" everyone shouted loudly

Now the different cores are no longer equally distributed to take care of those who are relatively low-level or ordinary people, because after this coup to seize power, it really broke Lin Hua's heart. The most important thing is ruthless betrayal, so Lin Hua doesn't have so many obligations to take care of the weak. In this era of the jungle, it is impossible to survive just relying on the care of others!If you are too weak, then don't live anymore

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked outside the camp alone. When Li Jie and the others wanted to follow, they were all stopped by Lin Hua, because now Lin Hua just wanted to be quiet and think about this paragraph. time happens.

When he saw the ninjas who had participated in the rebellion not far from the camp, Lin Hua didn't have the slightest affection for them, because Lin Hua had changed at this time, and Lin Hua would not give to those who betrayed him. By any chance, her life and death will have nothing to do with me in the future!

It was around evening when Lin Hua returned to her tent, but at this time Li Jie Xuewu, Gui Wu, Heisha, Brother Yu, and Xiao Zhan were all inside!

"Boss, are you back?" Li Jie asked when he saw Lin Hua came back.

"Are you all here waiting for me?" Lin Hua asked the crowd.

"Boss has gained a lot of different cores this time. After discussing with you, we would like to ask you how to distribute the different cores this time," Li Jie said.

"Approximately how many heteronuclei are there?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"There are 5 amethyst heteronuclei, 579 platinum heteronuclei, 2658 gold heteronuclei, 8934 silver heteronuclei, and 35864 bronze heteronuclei." Li Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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