Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 331 Meeting the Orcs Again

Chapter 331 Meeting the Orcs Again
"Except for gold and above different cores, they are of little use to us. Amethyst's different cores belong to whoever kills them. Platinum different cores myself, Li Jie, Xue Wu, Gutian Guiwu Heisha, Xiao Zhan, Nie Quanqi, Zhang Wandao, Lin Yisang Brother Yu has 50 coins for each person, and 100 gold coins for each person, and the rest of Brother Yu will be shared with others, so those who are injured will get more points."

"Boss, I didn't this time." Brother Yu was interrupted by Li Jie before he finished speaking.

"Whatever the boss says is what he says, you have no fart."

Brother Yu knew Li Jie's character and knew that he was doing it for his own good, but he didn't participate in the battle this time, and Ah Feng had this incident, so he was embarrassed to ask for the alien core this time.

"It's nothing, let's go, I'm going to rest," Lin Hua said.

Then everyone left, except Li Jie and Gu Tian, ​​because the three of them shared a tent.

"Boss, what I did just now was right?" Seeing that everyone had already left, Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

"What do you say?"

In fact, Lin Hua knew in her heart that Li Jie said things that Lin Hua had a hard time saying. This Li Jie really regarded himself as his own brother. Many times, he didn't want Lin Hua to be in trouble, so he helped Lin Hua solve embarrassing problems. scene.

"Boss, do you feel a little bit unbearable when you see people outside the camp?" Li Jie asked.

"Yeah," Lin Hua said.

"However, when I think about them being incited to rebel while I'm unconscious, I won't be able to bear it. First of all, it's their fault, and I won't accept anyone who betrays me." Lin Hua left after finishing speaking. spoke.

She was ready to break through her own level, but when Lin Hua ate up all the different cores, her level did not improve at all. On the contrary, Gu Tian was upgraded to the second level of Amethyst. Li Jie did not upgrade, but it has now reached The bottleneck of the 2nd order has been reached.

When he saw Heisha and the others the next day, Lin Hua realized that Heisha was at the same level as himself, also at the 4th level of Amethyst, and Guiwu Xuewu also broke through the 2nd level of Amethyst, already at the third level up!

And the rest of the Ice and Snow League got a little bit of improvement in the levels of the different nuclear capitals they were assigned yesterday.

The current strength of the Ice and Snow Alliance
Lin Hua Amethyst Tier 4

Heisha Amethyst Tier 4

Xuewu Amethyst Tier 3

Ghost Dance Amethyst Level 3

Li Jie Amethyst Level 2

Lonely Sky Amethyst Level 2

Yuge Amethyst Level 1

Nie Quanqi Amethyst Level 1

Xiao Zhan Amethyst Level 1

Zhang Wandao Amethyst Level 1

Lin Yisang Amethyst Level 1

There are 170 people with platinum abilities, 215 people with golden abilities, and 159 other ordinary people, but many of them have already reached the platinum level and evolved abilities.Looking at these veterans of the Ice and Snow League, Lin Hua felt a little relieved. He must get more heterocores as soon as possible to raise everyone's strength to the platinum level!So this time the Earth Heart Kingdom must go.

Moreover, the battle between Lin Hua and the leopard king this time made him feel a lot of fighting skills. Lin Hua believes that if he confronts the leopard king again, he can win completely, but it is no longer possible. The leopard king has already been defeated by Lin Hua. killed.

"Get ready, set off later, Brother Yu, you organize people to go out on an adventure to obtain the different cores. This time we will go out for at least half a month before returning. When we come back, the ice and snow alliance will also have great strength. improvement," Lin Hua said to Brother Yu
"Boss, you can leave at ease, there will be no problem with me here, and when you come back, the ninja power in the alliance will definitely be greatly improved." Brother Yu said, patting his chest
At this time, Heisha has become bigger and even bigger than before. It may be because of her advancement. Lin Hua and the other five went up to Heisha's body.In this way, five people and a tiger set foot on the road of adventure again.

"Boss, did you find out that Heisha is bigger than before, and his speed has improved a lot?" Li Jie said

"Yes, after I advanced this time, my strength has increased a lot and the examination questions have become larger, and the speed has also increased a lot," Heisha said!
Running like this for a whole morning, I didn't encounter any special monsters during this period, only some gold-level monsters, and they died directly under Heisha's grasp.

"Boss, look what's over there." Li Jie said, pointing to the left

"Looking in the direction Li Jie was pointing at, I saw the orc tribe again, and this time the orc tribe is much bigger than the one that was eliminated last time," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, let's go over and have a look, this is a heterocore for us," Li Jie said again

Heisha turned around and ran towards the acquaintance's tribe. When he was about 500 meters away from the orc tribe, Heisha stood up.

Because at this time, the orc guards saw a stranger breaking into their territory, and then took out their horns. Soon after, many orcs ran out of their orc lairs!The level of these orcs is fundamentally different from the previous orcs, much higher than them.

Orc knights are at the front, then orc warriors, then orc warriors, and at the end are orc mages and some orc archers and veterinarians.

"Boss, have you seen it? This is the real army. They have quite a complete range of troops." Li Jie said
"Yes, this is a real army. It's only been a few minutes, and the camp has been set up," Gu Tian said

At this moment, a strong voice came from behind these orcs, "I don't know what the six friends came to our territory." Just after the voice, more than 6 amethyst orcs came out, and these amethyst orcs were not of the same level. Very low, all above Amethyst level 20, and the orc leader who spoke at the front, Lin Hua, couldn't see through her strength, it should be Amethyst level 2!
"I happened to be passing by, so I just happened to come over to have a look, your army is really powerful," Lin Hua said.

"Thank you, brother, for your compliment. Li Meng is the leader of this orc tribe. Now the battle is imminent, so let's welcome a few friends in this way," said the orc leader Li Meng.

Lin Hua's memories of the last ten years recalled that there was an orc king named Li Meng, who now occupied a city, and no monster dared to attack her city. This Li Meng never killed humans indiscriminately, and even helped humans repel monsters .Lin Hua thought of this and wanted to make this friend.

"I'm Lin Hua, I don't know, brother Li, if I want to be friends with you," Lin Hua said.

Dang Guiwu and the others were all taken aback when they heard Lin Hua's words, but since Lin Hua said that, she must have her own thoughts!

The orc Li Meng thought for a while and said.

"I've never had a friend, especially a human friend, but I admire your courage, and I decided to make you this friend." After finishing speaking, he asked people to withdraw all the soldiers.Only Li Meng and the two Amethyst warriors were left.

"Then thank you, Brother Li, for teaching me this friend.

Lin Hua said!

"Brother Lin, if you don't mind, come in and have a glass of water and wine," Li Meng said again.

"Then I'll have to trouble Brother Li." After Lin Hua finished speaking, several people got off Heisha's body, and then Heisha gradually became smaller.Then several people followed Li Meng into the orc camp.

(End of this chapter)

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