Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 332 Countermeasures

Chapter 332 Countermeasures
Li Jie and the others were still a little worried when they walked into the orc's camp, but they let go of all their defenses after hearing Lin Hua's words.

Several people were sitting around a table in Li Meng's cave. Not long after, some orcs brought some food and some jugs of wine, but these jugs of wine were really good wine. When drinking, the whole cave is filled with the fragrance of wine.

"Brother Li knows how to drink alcohol," Lin Hua asked.

"These wines are just brewed by ourselves. They are very fragrant after a long time. Doesn't the wine just get better with time?" Li Meng said.

Several orcs poured a glass of wine for each of Lin Hua and Li Meng drank it down at Lin Hua.And Lin Hua also drank it directly.

At first, Li Jie and the others didn't dare drink the wine because they were afraid it might be poisonous, but seeing Lin Hua, they drank it without thinking, so they all drank it too, and because Heisha had no hands, an orc directly drank it. Serve Heisha.

"Brother Lin, you're not afraid that I'll poison you inside," said the orc lord Li Meng.

"You won't, you don't bother to do that," Lin Hua said.

"How dare you be so sure that I won't do that, after all, it's the first time we've met?" Li Meng asked again.

"Because of your name, Beastman King Li Meng."

Lin Hua said it again.

"Hahaha, your friend, Li Meng, is not in vain. Since Brother Lin called me the Beastman King, I will be called the Beastman King Li Meng from today on." Had a drink.

But then the orc king Li Meng sighed again.

"I wonder if brother Li has something to hide, is there going to be a war?" Lin Hua said.

"Brother Lin, how do you know?" Li Meng said.

"It can be seen from the formation we just arrived today," Lin Hua said.

"Now that we're friends, I'll tell you what happened. There's a country in the center of the earth 500 kilometers away from us. Usually we don't have any conflicts. Occasionally, when there are minor conflicts, we just settle things hastily. But just 5 days ago, the Earth Heart Kingdom seemed to be planning to unify here, and sent us a war post, saying that if we don’t surrender after 10 days, we will be exterminated. How can we orcs stand this? The country is powerful, but we orcs would rather die in battle than surrender." Li Meng stood up angrily

"It turned out to be because of the matter of the Earth Heart Kingdom. Let me tell you the truth. We came here this time for the Earth Heart Kingdom, because the people of the Earth Heart Country are cruelly killing us humans. We plan to destroy that land. Xinguo" Lin Hua said

"Brother Lin, do you know the strength of the Earth Core Kingdom, and you still say such things?" Li Meng said

"I know, their King Amethyst ranks 5, there are probably more than 80 Amethyst powerhouses," Lin Hua said calmly
"Since Lin Zhong knows about it, just a few of you can destroy their geocentric kingdoms." Li Meng continued to ask

It might be a little troublesome before this, but today I met you, and this matter is much simpler. Brother Li, what will happen if you meet the king of the earth-centered country?Lin Hua asked
"I've fought before, but it's only a tie," Li Meng said.

"It's good if we can get a tie. You come to hold back the king of the earth center country, and leave the rest to us," Lin Hua said.

"That's hundreds of thousands of troops and more than 80 Amethyst experts." Li Meng asked in disbelief.
"Brother Li, if you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say it," Lin Hua said

"Brother Lin, don't mind, I didn't mean that, do you have a better way?" Li Meng continued to ask

"Let's fight over there. If you are afraid of too many casualties, you can take the Amethyst powerhouse with you. I have a way to destroy them all over the country, but the acquisition of alien cores depends on your own strength."

"Brother Lin, don't worry, if you can help me deal with the Kedixin Kingdom this time, we won't take anything from you," Li Meng continued.

"I just want some heteronuclei, I don't want the others," Lin Hua continued.

"Then when shall we leave?" Li Meng continued to ask

"The sooner the better, don't wait until they are about to call," Lin Hua said.

"Well, you have a good rest today, and we'll set off tomorrow." After Li Meng finished speaking, he asked someone to arrange a place for Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua and the others are all in the same cave?live!

"Boss, is Li Meng trustworthy?" Li Jie asked

"Of course he is trustworthy, because he has a great future," Lin Hua said

"Boss, how will we deal with the Amethyst experts from the Earth Heart Kingdom tomorrow? There are about 8 of them, and the few of us plus the orc Amethyst experts may not be able to defeat them?" Li Jie said worriedly.
"Boss, do you want to break down one by one?" Gu Tian said at this time

"That's right, no one can stand facing so many Amethyst powerhouses at once," Lin Hua continued.

"Boss, the orc Li Meng is very powerful, are you sure to defeat him?" Li Jie asked

"I face it with a 6/[-] split. If I and Heisha stand [-]% I win"

Several people stayed like this until midnight, and then went to rest.

In the morning of the next day, Li Meng woke up early and came to find Lin Hua because yesterday he had agreed to go to the Earth Core Kingdom today. When Lin Hua came out, he saw that 32 Amethyst orcs were already waiting at the door. .

"Li Zhong woke up so early," Lin Hua said.

"Didn't I say that I'm going to fight over there today? I haven't rested all night. These are our beastmen's amethyst powerhouses. There are 32 of them, and I have 33 of them. We are now following your command." Li Meng pointed at the man behind him. 32 amethyst orcs said!
"Okay, then thank you Brother Li for your trust."

Heisha can sit so many people.

"Of course, it may be a bit difficult before the upgrade, but now it's very simple," Heisha replied.

Then Heisha gradually grew bigger, and then everyone climbed onto Heisha's body!Run towards the direction of the earth core country.

"Brother Li, the Earth Heart Kingdom now has more than twice as many Amethyst experts as us, so we need to eliminate them one by one. When the number is similar to ours, we will fight hard again," Lin Hua said to Li Meng.

"As I said, everything depends on Brother Lin's arrangements. Since you choose to trust Brother Lin, we will do what you tell us to do. You just need to make arrangements," Li Meng said.

Heisha's speed is very fast, and he has reached the territory of the Earth Heart Kingdom. Looking at the capital of the Earth Heart Kingdom from a distance, it is very magnificent!
Lin Hua and the others were not close to the capital of the Earth Core Kingdom. They were afraid of being discovered and causing the Earth Core Kingdom's defenses, so they rested in a nearby cave and discussed how to take down the city.

"Brother Li, we can't appear at the same time now. You guys wait here first. We will take the lead first. If they see the orcs, we will be prepared." Lin Hua said to Li Meng.

"Okay, we are waiting for your next instruction at any time," Li Meng said.

"Okay, don't worry, Brother Li, I, Lin Hua, am a man of my word. Since we have agreed to deal with the Earth Heart Kingdom together, I won't have any thoughts. Please don't worry about this." Lin Hua said with Li Jie and the others walked out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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