Chapter 333 One Against Six
Several people slowly approached the main city of the Earth Heart Kingdom, waiting for the guards to discover them.

Soon, these guards found Lin Hua and the others, and then rushed towards Lin Hua and the others with their weapons. Dozens of ice blades shot at the guards who rushed over.Those guards fell down immediately, but one guard, Lin Hua, didn't attack her, because Lin Hua planned to let her go back and report the news!
Li Jie and Gu Tian quickly went over to take out the different core of the guard who died just now and put it into the backpack.

Just when Li Jie and the others had just taken away the alien core, a large number of guards rushed out of it!
At this time, Gu Tian had already summoned more than 100 elf archers and some ghost trees for defense.

The guards who rushed out were not in a hurry to do anything, but were waiting for their Amethyst general to come out, and then two Amethyst generals came out from the city gate, both of Amethyst first rank.

Lin Hua didn't move, but Heisha and Li Jie beside him rushed over!Against these two Amethyst generals, how could the two Amethyst generals be the opponents of Heisha and Li Jie? They died in the hands of Heisha and Li Jie within a few rounds.Then the two of them took out the heterocores of the two Amethyst generals.

And the guards who watched General Amethyst being killed so quickly and looked at Heisha and Li Jie were also full of fear.Another guard went back to report. Lin Hua saw that there was a report, and immediately released the skill Dripping water into an arrow. In an instant, all the guards rushed out and died under Lin Hua's skill.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were no longer standing there, but slowly walked into the city gate. Gu Tian commanded the elf archers to collect the alien cores.

However, Li Meng, who was inside the cave, saw all the battles just now clearly.This forest is really powerful, she said to the Amethyst orc behind her, it is really possible to destroy the Earth Heart Kingdom this time.And the Amethyst orc behind Li Meng also nodded repeatedly.

One of the Amethyst orcs said, "Wang, it's not just Lin Hua, his subordinates are also powerful, Heisha and Li Jie, especially Heisha, although the two who died were of the first rank of Amethyst, But killing people in such a short time is almost an instant kill, and Lin Hua directly killed a group of platinum-level guards in an instant with one skill, their strength is really terrifying!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Although I've only known Lin Hua for a day, I'm already a friend, not an enemy," Li Meng said.

On the other side, after Lin Hua and the others walked into the center of the earth, six generals from Zijing came over without any guards this time, probably because they were afraid of causing unnecessary casualties. One is Zijin Tier 6.

This time, without saying anything, Lin Hua drew out the epee Wufeng behind her back, and activated the Xuanbing Bodyguard.Fight against six Amethyst generals alone

Lin Hua Zijing ordered Li Jie to protect Guiwu and them, because now they are in the center of the earth, I don't know how many generals of Zijing are watching them secretly, and Heisha is waiting for the opportunity to kill Zijing directly General Jing, this is a good way to end the battle quickly.

The six Amethyst generals saw a human fighting against the six of them alone, and looked at Lin Hua absurdly, but when they saw the sword in Lin Hua's hand, they had already started to be wary of Lin Hua!
Because this epee was given to his younger brother by the king of the center of the earth, and now in the hands of this human being, it can only mean that the palace master is dead, and was killed by this human being.So they dare not have the slightest negligence.

Lin Hua waved the epee Wufeng, released the shackles of ice, and ice formed within 10 of Lin Hua's surroundings, and it could also slow down General Amethyst's ability to move. Just starting to fight Lin Hua, he used Slight Shift Bing Phantom, in an instant, came behind the general Amethyst who had just chopped down Lin Hua with a big knife, and the epee Wufeng pierced the head of that general Amethyst fiercely.Then this Amethyst general fell down!And the remaining five looked at Lin Hua as if they were demons.

Lin Hua didn't give them a chance to be surprised, and attacked the Purple Crystal General who was closest to him. Behind him, the sharp claws smashed his head instantly.Then quickly backed away.

In less than a minute of fighting like this, two of the six Amethyst generals died, and they were all one-hit kills.The remaining 1 Amethyst generals were dumbfounded, staring at Lin Hua, and they had to spare some energy to stare at the black tiger that might rush over at any time.

Lin Hua continued to attack like them. Seeing that a general Zijing's knife was about to hit Lin Hua's body, he could see a smile on his face. However, Lin Hua disappeared for the second time, and when he appeared for the second time , the Amethyst general who laughed just now had his head Amethyst fell off, and then his body fell slowly. When he was about to kill Lin Hua, it disappeared, and he died when he appeared for the first time. To be honest The death of this General Amethyst who just died was really unjust.

After killing an Amethyst general for the first time, Lin Hua quickly attacked the remaining three Amethyst generals. They are now very careful not to leak the slightest flaw, because the human in front of them is too terrifying.They are also afraid that they will be the next to die
At this moment, three Amethyst generals appeared in front of them, all of which were of Tier 3 strength. Heisha quickly rushed over to block them.

Because the three Amethyst generals were obviously planning to attack Lin Hua, how could Heisha give them a chance? Heisha didn't do anything, and neither did the three Amethyst generals.Just watching Lin Hua's battle quietly like this, Lin Hua disappeared again when an Amethyst general attacked her. The Amethyst general thought that Lin Hua would appear behind him, and then chopped at his go.But he was wrong this time. Lin Hua appeared on the left side of another Amethyst general, cut off his head again with a sword, and fell another Amethyst general.

However, the three Amethyst generals who were confronting Heisha saw that another Amethyst general had died, and became anxious. They planned to rush to kill Lin Hua. Heisha saw their intentions and directly attacked a purple crystal. General Jing!
Heisha and the three Amethyst generals started fighting.

At this time, inside the main hall in the center of the Earth Center City, a guard who was sitting on a golden seat was listening to the report of the situation.

"Why is he holding my brother's epee with no front in his hand? Is what you said absolutely true?" the king of the center of the earth asked.

At this time, an Amethyst general came in and said, "King, the two Amethyst generals outside the city just now have been killed."

"Torai, go and meet this human being to see how strong he is, and see if the epee he uses has no front." King Amethyst said to an Amethyst general standing on the left!The strength of this Zijin general is about the third level of Amethyst, and it is the fifth general in the Earth Heart Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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