Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 335 The Absolute Amethyst Powerhouse

Chapter 335 The Absolute Amethyst Powerhouse
Because the orcs were warlike by nature, when they saw Lin Hua and the others annihilate [-] troops, their warlike nature was even more ignited!
Li Meng, Heisha and those Amethysts all rushed forward!

When the Amethyst orc rushed to the front, Li Meng said suddenly, "I didn't expect to see the first general and the second general here."

"You orcs are really good at asking humans for help," the first general sneered.

"I have long heard that the number one general of the Earth Heart Kingdom is very powerful. I happened to see it today. As he said that, Li Meng took out his big sword and rushed towards the number one general."

In this way, Li Meng faced the first general, Lin Hua faced the second general, and Heisha and Li Jie randomly found some Amethyst generals who were not too strong to fight. The battle has just begun!

Although Tisa is the number one Amethyst general in the Earth Heart Kingdom, she is very powerful, but she is only Amethyst 4th rank, and he is fighting against an Amethyst 5th rank orc. Looking at Li Meng, they are not of the same rank at all. In the beginning, that The first general was suppressed and beaten by Li Meng, which can be said to be a hanging beating.

And Lin Hua is fighting against the second general of the Earth Heart Kingdom. Although there is some gap with the first general, it is not a big gap. At the beginning of the battle, he was evenly matched with Lin Hua. The restraint reduced her attack speed and reaction ability, and then Lin Hua used the ice-moving phantom to attack him non-stop, causing the second general of the earth-centered country to lose a lot of weight and injuries shortly after the battle.

As for Li Jie, his opponent's level is the same as his level, which is the second level of Amethyst, but how could he be the opponent of Li Jie who has activated the skill? Li Jie can leapfrog the level when he activates the skill Yes, soon that General Amethyst was at a disadvantage,

Heisha was already at the fourth level of Amethyst. He fought against an Amethyst general at the second level of Amethyst, and quickly killed him. Then he went to help Li Jie kill the Amethyst general that Li Jie was fighting against.

Er Xuewu and Gui Wu kept releasing their skills to help those Amethyst orcs and suppress their opponents!

But at this time, a Zijin general saw Guiwu and Xuewu releasing skills to attack his own kind, as if they were rushing over, and at this time Gu Tian was already at the second level of Zijing's strength, and he had been sitting for the past few days The defense and command work to clean up the different cores, but he was suffocated. Although Gutian is a doctor, he is still a summoner because his ability is a seed ability. In the end, Gutian is still an excellent fighter. Because he has a martial arts book called Duan Tian, ​​Gu Tian also took his own weapon, a big knife, and rushed towards the general Amethyst.

The current battlefield can be said to be one-sided, only a small number of Amethyst orcs are at a disadvantage, but with the support of Ghost Dance and Xuewu's firepower, they are gradually becoming the upper hand!
The battle between Lin Hua and the second soldier of the Earth Heart Kingdom gradually came to an end, because the second general had already been stabbed in many places by Lin Hua, and Lin Hua had no injuries at all. Ice Phantom, bypassing the rear of the Second Amethyst General, smashed his head directly, and then took out his different core.Then Lin Hua went to help some Amethyst orcs who were at a disadvantage.

And the battle between Li Meng and the number one Amethyst general of the Earth Heart Kingdom was over soon, because they were not at the same level at all, so he easily killed the so-called second general.

And Heisha helped Li Jie to kill the Amethyst general. On the battlefield, the Amethyst orcs had Li Jie, Li Meng, Heisha and Lin Hua, and the four of them quickly ended the battle of the Amethyst strongman. fight.

And the general Amethyst who was fighting against Gutian was very powerful, but how could he be the opponent of Gutian with high martial arts skills? Soon Gutian also eliminated that general Amethyst!

Seeing that the war was over, Gu Tian commanded the elf archers to collect those alien cores.

At this time, some Amethyst orcs came to Gui Wu and Xue Wu one after another, thanking them both, because without their fire support, they would probably have died!

The battle was over, Lin Hua, the five of them, and Heisha didn't suffer much injuries.Although some of the Amethyst orcs were helped by Xuewu, several of them were seriously injured. Heisha sent them back to the orc camp, and when Heisha came back, he brought back some food.

In this way, they continued to rest in the cave!

At this time, Li Jie reported to Lin Hua how he got the different cores today, because Li Meng and the others had agreed in advance that all the different cores belonged to Lin Hua and the others.

"There are 45 amethyst heteronuclei, 2885 platinum heteronuclei, and 19656 gold heteronuclei," Li Jie reported,

"Keep the gold heteronucleus and share it with them when they go back. There are 7 amethyst heteronuclei and ghost dance. 400 cores, 7 Li Jie amethyst heterocores, 400 platinum heteronuclei, 7 black amethyst heteronuclei, 400 platinum heteronuclei, 8 amethyst heteronuclei, 400 platinum heteronuclei" Lin Hua After distributing these different cores, they discussed with Li Meng about tomorrow's battle situation, but in the end they didn't discuss anything, because tomorrow the Earth Heart Kingdom will not be able to solve it so easily, and tomorrow they will fight against the Earth Heart Kingdom's king.So Evolution decided to attack now, and tomorrow's battle might be easier.

Lin Hua told Xuewu that everyone should be able to reach the first level this morning, and then began to sit cross-legged, eating the different cores obtained today one by one. The few high-level different cores today are all in Lin Hua Here, because everyone knows that Lin Hua's impact on the 5th level of Amethyst consumes a lot of power.

After about an hour, Lin Hua had eaten almost all of the different cores that were separated today, and there were only two Tier 4 amethyst different cores left. Lin Hua thought to herself, if these two are not upgraded, it will be very difficult for tomorrow's battle. It is very unfavorable. Lin Hua thought of these things and did not dare to continue to think about it. After eating a 4th-level amethyst heteronucleus, she felt that she had reached the bottleneck of the 4th-level amethyst. At this time, Lin Hua was very happy. , because he felt that he would be able to hit the 5th level of Amethyst. Sure enough, Lin Hua broke through the bottleneck of the 4th level of Amethyst and reached the 4th level of Amethyst after eating the last 5th level of Amethyst in vain.Then I felt a warm feeling in my body, and after I reached level 5, my physical powers increased a lot, especially the amount of powers. I used to release the Ice Shifting Phantom 30 times before there would be no powers, but I feel that I can release at least 50 times.Because the skill of moving ice phantom is so easy to use, especially when fighting, it is very beneficial to invest in others and win the war.

At this time, Li Jie's leveling up has also been completed, and now Li Jie is already at the third level of Amethyst!The strength has increased a lot, and Gu Tian also broke through the second level of Amethyst, and also reached the third level of Amethyst, Xuewu broke through the third level of Amethyst and broke through to the fourth level of Amethyst, but Heisha did not break through and was still at the fourth level of Amethyst , but he himself said that his current strength and speed have made great progress.

(End of this chapter)

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