Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 336 The Powerful Ghost Dance

Chapter 336 The Powerful Ghost Dance

But Gui Wu hadn't woken up yet, Lin Hua and the others didn't think much about it, but after a while, 5 dark warriors appeared behind Gui Wu, and these 5 dark warriors were all of Amethyst's first-level strength. It seems that Gui Wu had realized again , Some new skills, about 10 minutes later, Gui Wu slowly opened his eyes.

When she saw that everyone was watching her, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Ghost Dance, have you realized a new skill?" Lin Hua asked.

"Boss, how do you know? I still want to tell you." Gui Wu said.

"There are 5 dark warriors behind you, and they are all of Amethyst 1st level," Li Jie said.

"Why are there only five? I thought there would be more," Ghost Dance said.

"Five are still few, they are Amethyst level 5 dark warriors, that's Amethyst," Li Jie said dissatisfied.

"Five is already very good." Lin Hua continued.

"In my opinion, after I leveled up to the fourth level of Amethyst this time, I realized a new skill is to summon dark creatures. However, with my current strength, I can only summon 4 of them. In the future, as my strength improves, I may summon more creatures." Ghost Dance said.

"Great, from now on there will be 5 more jewelry and different cores," Gu Tian said.

"Amethyst's dark warrior is actually a place to pick up different cores. If this spreads, it will scare others to death," Li Jie continued.

"The current Ghost Dance is really too powerful. I am a long-range mage, and I am afraid of melee combat. Now I have 5 Amethyst-level melee fighters. Now there are very few opponents of Ghost Dance," Lin Hua continued.

Looking at everyone's strength, I am Amethyst 5th level, Xuewu Amethyst 4th level, Ghost Dance Amethyst 4th level, Heisha Amethyst 4th level, Li Jie Amethyst 3rd level, Gutian Amethyst 3rd level, imagine this strength It shouldn't be a problem to occupy Xueyun City after returning. Even if the monsters are about to attack the city, he should be able to deal with it!
Thinking of Lin Hua, I can't help recalling the scenes of the last ten years, especially when monsters broke through Baidi City. I will never forget that scene in my life. With the desperate eyes of so many people, Lin Hua will never let tragedy happen again Repeat it again, because in this life, I want to stand on top of the peak, but there are so many powerful teammates behind me.

"Boss, what are you thinking, so absorbed in thinking?" Li Jie couldn't sleep at this time and asked
"I didn't think about anything, I just recalled the past," Lin Hua said

"By the way, do you miss the woman you loved before? Even if he's not by your side, do you think of her?" Lin Hua continued to ask

"Of course I will, but since we have separated, what can we do? You should cherish the person in front of you, and let the past go. People can't always live in the past. People should look forward, just like us now. Similarly, if you want to survive, you must increase your strength. If you don’t have strength, you will die sooner or later in this world of the jungle,” Li Jie said.

"I can't think too much about other things right now. What I should do now is to strengthen my strength, work hard to survive in this world, and protect all the people who are important to me from harm," Lin Hua said.

"Isn't it right to think so? This is like the once cruel boss. Boss, you can't become indecisive. Then it's not you. By the way, boss, do you think I can beat Ghost Dance now? " Li Jie asked

"If it's the ghost dance that didn't break through today, it should be fine, but you can't beat the ghost dance that broke through today, because it can summon 5 dark warriors, and the levels are all amethyst level 1 and ghost dance It’s also a dark-attribute long-range attack mage who especially restrains you, so you are no match for him,” Lin Hua said

"Boss, I found that you are really powerful. You are a powerful fighter and a powerful mage. Moreover, your sword skills are so superb. Boss, you have time to teach me how to use swordsmanship. I think I will also use heavy swordsmanship in the future." Sword, because I feel that you are very handsome when using heavy swords, and your skill that can suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear is very powerful. In the battle, you can easily kill the enemy," Li Jie said

"Swordsmanship cannot be learned in a few days, but requires long-term training, and swordsmanship is not suitable for you. You are good at using knives. I will find you a good knife when I have a chance." Lin Hua said to Li Jie said
"Is it true, I'm good at using knives?" Li Jie asked

"Of course, when did the boss lie to you? Well, it's getting late. Let's go to bed early. We have to attack the Earth Heart Kingdom tomorrow. Tomorrow's battle should be tough." Lin Hua said to Li Jie
"Boss, don't worry, our strength has been greatly improved today, especially you, who have increased our chances of winning a lot tomorrow, and we will definitely hit the ground running tomorrow." Li Jie rested after finishing speaking!
When Lin Hua got up the next day, she saw that Li Meng was already standing at the entrance of the cave.

"What's wrong, brother Li got up so early?" Lin Hua said to Li Meng
"I'm just thinking about the battle later, I can delay it for as long as possible, and I'll leave the rest to you, Brother Lin," Li Meng said!
"Brother Li, don't worry too much now. I advanced yesterday, and I want to test the strength of this king in the center of the earth," Lin Hua said.

"What, brother Lin is that you have already broken through to the fifth level of Amethyst, but the king of the earth core country is not an ordinary character. I know that brother Lin is very strong, but the king of the earth core is not so easy to deal with. I I'm just afraid Brother Lin will get hurt," Li Meng said.

"Thank you, Brother Li, for your concern. If I ran away because of the opponent's strength, I, Lin Hua, would not be able to get to where I am today," Lin Hua said.

"Since Lin Zhong is like this, I won't say much," Li Meng said.

Not long after, Ghost Dance and the others also got up.

Everyone is up, and after breakfast, let's go to attack the heart of the earth.

After Lin Hua and the others had breakfast, they set off and walked towards the city of the Earth Core Kingdom at the bottom of the mountain.

The guards were still patrolling outside the city, but Lin Hua didn't attack them, and waited for the guards to develop their image, and reported inside the city.

And not long after, the king of the earth-centered country still didn't come out, and the platinum-level guards came out, but behind them, there were more than 20 amethyst generals, and these generals were headed by two amethyst-level three-level generals.However, those two Amethyst Tier [-] actually had a mage holding a fiery red staff. If he didn't guess wrong, he should be a mage with fire abilities.Then he looked back at Xuewu, he was also a mage with fire attribute abilities, but he didn't have his own staff, and now Xuewu lacked a weapon of his own.

Without saying a word, Lin Hua drew out the epee Wufeng on her back and walked forward.

"When will your king come out? Will he come out after killing all of you?" Lin Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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