Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 337 Space Ring

Chapter 337 Space Ring
"Is our king something you, a human being, can talk about?" said the general Amethyst holding a staff.

"I happen to be a mage too, how about the two of us competing?" Lin Hua said to the Amethyst General!
"I am a mage, and you are a fighter plus a mage, how can I compete with you?" said the Amethyst general.

Lin Hua looked at him, the Amethyst general, and ignored her, and sent a few ice blades directly at her, then activated the skill of ice bondage, and walked forward.The ice blades issued by Lin Hua were resisted by the fire attribute skills issued by General Amethyst.

However, these Amethyst generals seemed to be particularly afraid of Lin Hua and began to back away!
"Am I that scary? Do you seem to be backing away?" Lin Hua kept walking forward, and then fired dozens of ice blades at the general Amethyst mage. The general Amethyst looked at the ice There are too many blades to resist, and then it seems to hide around.And when those Amethyst generals saw Lin Hua approaching them with the epee Wufeng, they also took out their weapons one after another, and began to rush towards Lin Hua, while Li Jie and the others were waiting for Lin Hua's signal. But Lin Hua didn't send a signal, so they weren't nervous about Lin Hua, because their boss would never do anything unsure. He disappeared, and when he appeared for the first time, he was already in front of the sorcerer, and this Amethyst general sorcerer started to activate his skills like Lin Hua, but Lin Hua disappeared again!When it reappeared, the head of the amethyst mage amethyst was chopped off by Lin Hua.

Then he picked up his fire-attribute staff and disappeared again.

In this short period of time, a Tier 3 Amethyst general was killed, and the rest of the Amethyst generals were dumbfounded.When they reacted, they didn't feel like they stopped.At this time, Lin Hua had already returned to his side.Now Lin Hua is more and more fond of this ice-moving phantom skill, killing people invisible.

The Amethyst mage that I killed just now was so smooth, although the Amethyst general was at the third level of Amethyst, his reaction was too slow!But when he reacted, he was already dead!
Lin Hua handed the staff with the fire attribute ability to Xuewu, "This staff is very suitable for you, it can increase the power of skills," Lin Hua said

After Xuewu took the staff, she looked back and forth at the staff. This staff was really suitable for her. She felt very comfortable when she held it in her hand. Then she sent a fireball. She only saw that the speed of the fireball was still fast. The size of the fireball has also increased.This fire stick is really suitable for me!
"Thank you, Boss, so you just went there just now to help me snatch this magic staff." Xuewu asked, at this moment, Xuewu's heart was full of emotion.

"Well, just now I saw that he happened to be a mage with a fire attribute ability, so I knew that his staff was unusual, and you didn't have your own staff, so you went over and snatched it." Lin Hua continued.

Then he said to Gui Wu, "When the time comes, there will be one suitable for you, and I will get one for you too." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Gui Wu knew that Lin Hua had never lied to her before saying, "Thank you, boss."

"The strength of Lin Zhong is really not ordinary. So many generals of Amethyst can't stop him. I really admire that Lin Zhong wants to kill that Amethyst mage." Li Meng said, because although Li Meng is Amethyst level 5, but he may finish these things as smoothly as Lin Hua, and he must go through a lot of battles before he can answer this staff.From here, one can fully see Lin Hua's strength, as well as his weird movement skills.Li Meng really admires Lin Hua
"Thank you, Brother Li, for your compliment," Lin Hua said.

At this moment, the King of the Earth Core came out of the city gate with the remaining Amethyst generals!When Lin Hua saw the king of the earth core, he found that there was not much difference between this king and the other Amethyst generals, except that he was only Amethyst level 5, and he was wearing silver armor!However, when Lin Hua saw the ring worn by the king of the earth center country, Lin Hua was shocked. If I remember correctly, this ring should be the legendary space ring. If I can get this legendary If you use the space ring in the middle, it will bring you a lot of advantages.

The king of the earth-centered country stared at Lin Hua coldly for a long time and said, "You are the human who killed my brother, aren't you?"

"Your younger brother is the master of the palace, right? I killed it. Didn't you see my epee Wufeng? I used this giant sword to kill many of your Amethyst generals. I killed one just now." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she pointed at the Amethyst general and mage whom she killed just now.

When the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom heard Lin Hua's words, he was very angry, but he still didn't do anything.

At this time, Lin Hua was not in a hurry to act, but was staring at the ring in the hand of a king in the center of the earth. The king of the center of the earth must have something good on him.The space ring, if this is the case, the silver armor on his body and the blood-red sword in his hand should be rare treasures.

Lin Hua couldn't help but feel very excited when she thought of these things. Her own black ice body shield's urine bubble defense is quite good, but with the addition of that silver armor, Hua's defense should have reached a terrifying level!And his blood-red broadsword is also very suitable for Li Jie, I once promised Li Jie to find him a weapon, today this opportunity came!The king of this earth-centered country is indeed full of treasures!
And the king of the center of the earth on the opposite side couldn't help being angry again when he saw the human being who killed his brother staring at him like this.This has already violated his majesty, a majestic king is actually being stared at like this.

"By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. The first general Tisa and the second general Kassadin you sent out by Yuntian have been killed by us. At this moment, I have already reached the fifth level. One of their different cores just arrived, thank you very much," Lin Hua said.

The reason why Lin Hua said these words was just to stimulate the king of the earth core country, so that he would be angry, and when his anger reached a certain point, he would turn crazy. This is what Lin Hua wanted to see the most, because with a crazy It's more interesting to fight with someone who is a good person, and it's easier to find out his weaknesses!Good for killing him.

However, Lin Hua's wishful thinking was wrong this time. The king of the earth-centered country was no longer angry when he heard Lin Hua's words, because the king of the earth-centered country also knew that the human being in front of him just wanted to provoke Just bring up your own anger!Let yourself lose your mind.How could he be fooled.

When Lin Hua saw the performance of the King of the Earth's Center at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed. This king is indeed not an ordinary person. He can hold back his anger at this moment when Lin Hua stimulates him like this!
(End of this chapter)

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