Chapter 338
"Li Meng, you are really tired of cooperating with people. Don't you understand the shamelessness of human beings? Don't you think that after these human beings help you kill this king, will they turn their guns on you? If You take your people and leave now, this king can promise you that the Earth Heart Kingdom and the orc tribe will not be enemies for the rest of my life, but friends, how about this?" said the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom.

"Impossible. First of all, I believe in Brother Lin's character. Secondly, I don't believe in you. At first, if you didn't plan to eat our orc tribe, what did you think? The orcs go away, you come to deal with Brother Lin and the others, and tell you that we orcs disdain to do such things against our will," Li Meng said with a trace of anger.

"Li Meng, do you really think I'm afraid of you guys? I just want to let your orc tribe go." At this moment, Lin Hua heard some noisy voices from behind, and Lin Hua turned her head to look I only saw more than 30 python warriors moving in the direction of Lin Hua and the others, and soon came behind Lin Hua and the others.Lin Hua took a closer look at these python warriors. Their bodies were similar to those of orcs, and their scarlet eyes were like red lanterns. The leader of these python warriors was actually an amethyst level 5 powerhouse, and this The python warriors behind the python warriors are also of the amethyst level.Lin Hua couldn't help being startled, it turned out that the king of the center of the earth didn't feel nervous when he saw it coming, so it was because of these preparations.

"Let me tell you the truth, just yesterday I had already discussed with the Boa Constrictor Warrior Clan to destroy your Beastman Clan, and the territory and resources belong to them. Originally, I still have a little bit of regret today, and I planned to let your Beastman Clan go. But you didn't cherish the opportunity I gave you. Today I will let you all die here and be buried with my brother," said the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom.

And at this moment, a trace of worry appeared on Li Meng's face!Looking at today's situation, it is impossible to run away, and we can only fight hard, but the opponent's strength is much stronger than our own, and if we don't make it right, we may really all die here today.Li Meng wasn't afraid of death, but he couldn't bear to cause Lin Hua and the others to stay with him!

Lin Hua saw Li Meng's pain and hesitation at this moment, and knew that Li Meng was not afraid of death, but because he was hurting several of himself.That's why it's like this!
Lin Hua said to Li Meng in a low voice, "Brother Li, don't worry, we haven't reached the point of desperation yet, everyone will go to Heisha's body later, they can't catch up with Heisha's speed, and they don't even dare to pursue him at all." Then he turned his head and said to Heisha and the others, later I will use my skills to face the strong men from the Earth Heart Kingdom in front, and Ghost Dance and Xue Wu will use their skills to face the pythons behind.Then Heisha became bigger, everyone went to Heisha, let's run out first and then talk.

After speaking, Heisha became bigger, and the rest of the people also approached Heisha.

Seeing the actions of the people at this time, the king of the earth center country couldn't help worrying, so he directly ordered General Zijing to attack, and the python warriors behind saw that the general Zijing of the earth center country had already attacked, and they also started to attack Lin. Hua and the others rushed over!

"Just now," Lin Hua said

^_^ Then hearing Lin Hua's voice, Heisha squatted down, and everyone quickly ran up to Heisha!

Drops make arrows
Meteor fire
Corrosive acid rain
After last night, Lin Hua's ghost danced with Xuewu, their three levels have been upgraded, and the damage of their skills has also increased significantly, especially Xuewu's Meteor Fire Rain, because it is also blessed by the fire attribute staff in her hand.

Although their skills cannot cause fatal damage to these Amethyst powerhouses, those low-level ones have all suffered some severe blows!And the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom on the other side was also very angry when he saw Lin Hua and the others on Heisha's body.But before she got angry, Heisha was already running to the left. Heisha's speed was unmatched by them, and he quickly disappeared from their sight.

This time, the king of the earth-centered country seemed to be really angry. She spent a lot of money to invite these pythons to help her, but she didn't expect to let them run away.

However, at this time, the leader of the python warrior saw that Lin Hua and the others had already run away, and said directly to the king of the earth core country, "I helped you this time. You promised that all the resources of the orc tribe would belong to us, and you even sent troops to help us." We attacked the orc tribe, those people should have fled back to the orc tribe now, we will go back now and prepare to attack the orc tribe tomorrow, and hope that your army will arrive on time." The leader of the python warrior finished speaking without waiting for the king of the center of the earth to speak , and returned the same way with the rest of the python fighters.

"Brother Li, it seems that your orc tribe is very memorable. The group of python warriors who helped the Earth Heart Kingdom in the past were also for your orc tribe," Lin Hua said.

"That's right, the tribe of python warriors has always had hatred for us orcs, but I didn't expect that this time the Earth Heart Kingdom planned to help the python warriors to attack our tribe of orcs," Li Meng said worriedly.

"And thanks to this time, Brother Lin, otherwise, where would we all be accounted for?" Li Meng continued.

"This sky gate is really scary. There are so many amethyst experts in the middle difficulty, just like a wholesale market. What about the advanced difficulty, the hell difficulty, the torture difficulty? What kind of monsters are there inside, it's scary just thinking about it," Li Jie said.

"Difficulty and rewards are in direct proportion. How can there be better rewards without difficulty?" Lin Hua said.

"By the way, this boa constrictor tribe wants to fight your orc tribe, and this time with the help of the Earth Heart Kingdom, they will definitely go back to tidy up their troops. Brother Li Meng, can you find their boa constrictor warrior tribe? Where can we stop them? Defeat them one by one so you know how strong they are," Lin Hua said to Li Meng.

"The strength of this python warrior tribe is about the same as that of our orc tribe. They have about 40 Amethyst generals. The leader who went today is the leader of their python warrior clan called Batu, who is also at the fifth level of Amethyst. The army under them There may be more than 5 of them, but they are all very strong and the minimum is gold level, and their tribe of python warriors is 5 kilometers southeast of our orc tribe," Li Meng said.

"Since this is the case, it will take 400 hours for their strong men to reach 6 kilometers, but Heisha can take us there in less than 1 hour. Let's wipe out their tribe of python warriors first and then Wait for their king to return, and then destroy them too! This way things will be much easier!" Lin Hua said to Li Meng.

"This is really a good way," Li Meng directed Heisha's direction after finishing speaking.

After about 50 minutes or so, they have arrived at the territory of the python warriors. At this moment, there are two pairs of python warriors patrolling there, and there are more than 100 python warriors behind them. house, and there is a big mountain at the end of that python warrior's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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