Chapter 339
When Heisha saw the big mountain, she suddenly said, "There is a very powerful aura in that mountain, it should be the fifth level of Amethyst." After hearing Heisha's words, Lin Hua and Li Meng couldn't help being surprised , because Lin Hua knew that Heisha's perception was very accurate.There must be some kind of monster in that mountain.Then the strength of this tribe of python warriors is really strong, there are actually two strong men of the 5th sister of Amethyst!At this time Li Meng said, "I have heard before that there is a guardian python in the python tribe. She has been living in a big mountain, as if watching something, and has never come out. As long as the python warrior He won't come out of the mountain unless something big happens in the tribe."

"Where there are strange beasts guarding them, there must be treasures, and we will know when we go in and have a look."

Lin Hua said.

And at this moment, the guarding python warriors had already discovered that Lin Hua and the others, like the orcs, took out their horns and blew them. Soon, a large number of python warriors rushed out with their weapons, but these python warriors were not like orcs. Like the tribe, there are many types of arms, but they only have one type, and that is the warrior.

At this time, the bird came out with 6 amethyst python fighters, 5 of which were of the first level of amethyst and one of the second level of amethyst.

Lin Hua looked at the python warrior on the opposite side and activated his skills without saying anything.

Drops make arrows
And Ghost Dance and Xuewu behind saw Lin Hua didn't say anything and directly attacked, and each released their own skills.

Meteor fire rain, corrosive acid rain, and after the three skills fell, those on the opposite side suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the roars of some python warriors, and the calls for help were immediately remembered.

And the six amethyst python warriors on the opposite side were also very angry when they saw the direct attack of the humans coming from the opposite side. When they saw the sea of ​​flames behind them, they immediately raised their weapons like Lin Hua and they rushed forward. come over!
When Lin Hua saw them rushing over, she didn't pay attention to them, and didn't even look at them, and activated the skill Dripping Water into Arrows again.

Ghost Dance and the others also released their large-scale skills, corroding acid rain and meteor fire rain.

The python warriors on the opposite side either died from Lin Hua's ice arrow, or died from the highly corrosive black liquid from Ghost Dance, or died from Xuewu's fire rain!At this moment, the python tribe is in a mess.There were flames everywhere, and the stone houses of those python warriors were also set ablaze, and now there was a scene of hell on the opposite side!Seeing that it was almost done, Lin Hua and the others stopped and stopped releasing their skills, because there will be a tough battle to fight later!

However, when the six amethyst python warriors who rushed towards Lin Hua were about to reach Lin Hua, they were stopped by Li Meng and Heisha!Although there were 6 amethyst python fighters on the opposite side, there were only 3 on the opposite side, but Li Meng and the others were good guys. The six amethyst python fighters were all wiped out in less than 2 minutes of fighting.

Seeing that the battle was over, Lin Hua said to Li Meng and the others, "The python king will take at least 5 hours to come back and the fire will burn out in a while, and the mountain on the opposite side is not very big. Let's go and meet the python who guards the python tribe for a while, and see what treasure he is guarding."

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Lin for everything," Li Meng said, because at this moment Li Meng has been completely convinced by the strength of Lin Hua's small team. Although they only have 5 people and one Heisha, there are only 6 of them. You can top thousands of troops!
"Brother Li Meng, don't go in with your orc warriors, stay here to deal with the python warriors who haven't died yet, right? Zijing's python warriors have all been wiped out, they won't suffer any casualties, wait for the python king We should have already come out when we come back!" Lin Hua said

Li Meng felt that what Lin Hua said was very reasonable, and if the python inside was so powerful, it wouldn't be good for his amethyst orc warriors to follow in and cause unnecessary casualties!Then several people climbed onto Heisha's body and ran towards the mountain behind the python tribe.

This mountain is very strange, the general mountain has many caves, but this mountain has no other caves, only a huge cave in the middle.

Heisha ran along this huge cave, and Lin Hua and the others saw a large number of bones in this cave, which are the bones left over after the dead body rotted away.And there are more and more, there were only a few when they first came in, but now there are more and more, when Heisha ran for about half an hour!
I heard a loud voice, "Who dares to break into my territory? Could it be that they came here for the treasure?"

"Lin Hua and the others discovered that the voice was coming from the depths inside." Then Heisha quickened his pace!
Soon several people came to an empty hall in the middle of the cave, and in this hall there was a huge python. His huge body was about 50 meters long and 6 meters wide. His body was the same as that of Heisha. Than, Heisha is obviously much younger than her!

At this time, Heisha spoke again, "This python is very strong and should break through the amethyst. It is about to reach the extraordinary level. The perception ability of our team's animals is very accurate."

"This black tiger is right. I am indeed at the bottleneck stage of the 5th level of Amethyst. At that time, I can transform into a human form, and then use this rejuvenating potion to restore my appearance." After finishing speaking, the boa constrictor turned his huge snake head and looked at the treasure chest under the mountain on the left.Leaked longing to look.

"What, it's the rejuvenating potion" Gui Wu couldn't help shouting excitedly after hearing what the giant python said.Because as long as Gui Wu gets this face-rejuvenating potion, he can restore his appearance. Why is Gui Wu not talkative now, and his personality is so introverted? Go to the treasure chest for water.

At this moment, Lin Hua grabbed her, and Gui Wu turned to look at Lin Hua and shook her head.Then he stopped, but he turned his head and stared at the treasure box closely, as if he was afraid that the treasure box would run away.

"It seems that you are also here for this rejuvenating potion. Although you are very strong, it is impossible to get this rejuvenating potion from me, because I have been waiting for this rejuvenating potion. more than 300 years," said the giant boa constrictor.

Lin Hua took a closer look at the huge python!There are many scales on his body, those scales look particularly sharp, and must have strong defense.If you want to snatch this rejuvenating potion, you must defeat him, or hold her back, and then go secretly to snatch the treasure box by yourself.

At this time Li Meng said, "Brother Lin, this python is very strong, and our combined efforts may not necessarily be his opponent, but since the contents of this treasure chest are so important to you, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

(End of this chapter)

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