Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 342 It turns out that the ghost dance is so beautiful

Chapter 342 It turns out that the ghost dance is so beautiful

At this time, Li Jie and the others who were outside the cave knew that Lin Hua and the others had won by hearing the roar of a python, but they couldn't help worrying, because they had already felt, in Lin Hua's eyes, that giant python. The strength is strong, otherwise they will not let them all go out.

After more than an hour like this, Li Meng and the others came out. At this time, Li Meng and Heisha were covered in blood, but only a small part belonged to them, and most of the rest belonged to the dead one. When they saw Lin Hua on Li Meng's back, they were stunned for a moment!Because the mysterious ice body shield on Lin Hu's body was all shattered, and there was still a lot of Lin Hua's blood on the broken pieces of the mysterious ice body shield, which could only mean that Lin Hua suffered a lot of injuries.

"How is the boss, will he die? Why did he lose weight and suffer such a serious injury?" Li Jie asked anxiously.
At this time, Xuewu was already crying, because when she saw Lin Hua's shattered black ice body shield, she thought Lin Hua was dead.

"Brother Lin, there's nothing serious about it, it's just that the ground vomited blood due to the huge impact. If the steel material wasn't a snake that was about to die, it didn't have much strength, and the mysterious ice body shield blocked most of the impact. Brother Lin may be finished, but it doesn't matter now, he will wake up in a while," Li Meng said.

Then Li Meng walked to Gui Wu's side, and handed the rejuvenating potion in the treasure box to Gui Wu, "I planned to let Brother Lin wake up and give it to you, but the last sentence that Brother Lin said before he fell into a coma was to give this potion to you." Here it is, I can only do it."

"Thank you, Boss." At this time, Gui Wu couldn't stop crying.

However, when Xuewu heard that Lin Hua was fine, she stopped crying and began to wipe the blood from Lin Hua's body.

At this time, Li Jie asked Li Meng about the battle just now, and why Lin Hua was injured so badly.

And Li Meng told Li Jie and the others everything that happened after they left just now, and how Lin Hua and the others were injured.

When Gui Wu heard that Lin Hua was injured because of protecting the rejuvenating potion, she blamed herself even more.

At this moment Lin Hua woke up, but her body was still a little weak, but Xue Wu took out some food for Lin Hua to eat, after Lin Hua ate, her body was no longer so weak, it was already much better!

"I'm sorry everyone, now I apologize to everyone for what I just said about Hua Xiang, what I just said was serious." After speaking, Lin Hua bowed to Ghost Dance and the others.

"Boss, don't be like this, okay? We didn't take what you said just now seriously. We all know that what you said just now was just to drive us away and not to hurt us," Li Jie said

"Don't we know you yet? I've never seen it. Your serious expression just now shows that the giant python just now is very strong. You didn't have much confidence in how to deal with it. You were just afraid of endangering us," Xuewu said.

"But, have you ever thought about what I will do when you die? I will die with you," Xuewu continued.
Lin Hua heard Xue Wu's words, and in order to solve the current embarrassing situation, she asked Gui Wu, "How about the rejuvenating potion of Gui Wu?"

"Boss, thank you so much, I haven't used the rejuvenating potion yet, I'm thinking of waiting for you to wake up before using it," Ghost Dance said

"Now everyone is awake, use it quickly, I am curious about your previous appearance." Li Jie said at this time

Gui Wu didn't speak, just remembered to wait for Li Jie, but Li Jie didn't dare to speak

At this time, Gui Wu slowly opened the treasure chest, and found that the rejuvenating potion inside was actually a small bottle with only one drop of water in it.

Gui Wu slowly took out the small bottle, opened the cap, and drank the drop of water.

Then Gui Wu began to pass out, and Gui Wu who was in a coma seemed to be suffering from something, with a painful expression on his face!
At this moment, the scars on Gui Wu's face that were given to her by the dark attribute of hesitation are slowly disappearing, and the skin on her face is slowly starting to shine, not as rough as before. After about half an hour, The scars on Gui Wu's face have all disappeared, and the skin is so good, giving people a feeling that they can be broken by blowing bombs!

Lin Hua and the others couldn't help being shocked when they saw Gui Wu's beautiful face. It turned out that Gui Wu was so beautiful. It's no wonder that Gui Wu's personality became so withdrawn at that time, and he didn't like to talk. what
Just imagine that such a beautiful girl suddenly turned into an ugly monster. Who can resist the change of personality? Maybe a large part of people would choose to commit suicide, but she didn’t have Ghost Dance, which is enough to show that Ghost Dance is not ordinary. The strength of Ghost Dance.

At this moment, Gui Wu woke up, and when she saw herself, she "asked anxiously, has my appearance recovered?"

No one spoke, only Xuewu handed her a mirror. When Guiwu received the mirror, it reflected on her face. At first, she didn't dare to open her eyes because he was afraid that the rejuvenating potion would not work well. All previous efforts were wasted, but about 5 minutes later.Gui Wu still slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw herself in the mirror, she cried happily!
She has finally recovered her own beauty. It has been a long time since she saw her face. If her face hadn't been destroyed, she wouldn't be so inferior, she didn't like to talk to others, and she closed herself up!I have to thank my boss for all of this. It was Lin Hua who saved her when she was planning to commit suicide, and told him that there was a face-rejuvenating potion that could restore her appearance, and gave herself the motivation to live. In reality, it was Lin Hua who protected the only drop of rejuvenating potion regardless of the danger of his life.Lin Hua's kindness to herself was too great.

"Thank you, Boss. Without you, I might have died a long time ago. Without you, I would never have gotten this rejuvenating potion, and I would never have regained my appearance. I don't know how to repay your kindness now." Gui Wu cried and said to Lin Hua.

"Don't cry, crying is ruining the current appearance. We are right in the team. There is no need to say these things. If you don't cry in the future, it is the best repayment for me." Lin Hua said to Ghost Dance .

"Okay, let's all go down the mountain too. The group of python fighters will arrive soon after more than an hour. Let's all go down and get ready," Lin Hua said.

Then several people sat on Heisha's body and faced the amethyst orcs down the mountain, and these amethyst orcs had already cleaned up the remaining python warriors.

At this moment, everyone is waiting there for the python warrior's return!
"Boss, do you think the current ghost dance looks better, or sister Xuewu?" Li Jie asked in a low voice at this time.

Only Li Jie, Lin Hua Gutian and Li Meng beside him could hear this voice.

At this time, Gui Wu has recovered his appearance, he is no longer the quiet person he used to be, and now he is sitting in the distance with Xue Wu and whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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