Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 343 Sneak attack from behind

Chapter 343 Sneak attack from behind
And Lin Hua turned her head to look at the two people who were whispering and said, "They are both pretty, but they are not of the same type. What kind of ice beauty is Xuewu, and what kind of fiery beauty is Ghost Dance?" Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, sister Xuewu is really an ice beauty, but she is not an ice beauty when she is facing the boss," Gu Tian said at this time.

"What, why didn't I feel it?" Lin Hua continued.

"Brother Lin, don't pretend, I've seen it through the past few days, why are you still pretending to be confused here?" Li Meng said at this time.

At this time, Li Jie, Li Meng and Gu Tian laughed out loud, but Lin Hua just smiled awkwardly.

And Xuewu and Guiwu, who were whispering in the distance, also looked at this place, and then they continued talking.

"By the way, Brother Li, do you have any opposing forces?" Lin Hua asked Li Meng.

Li Meng shook his head, and said that there is no other hostile force after the python tribe and the earth-centered country!

Then Brother Li, you have been here for a long time, do you know that there are still those forces here, or powerful monsters, I need a lot of different cores to improve our strength now." Lin Hua asked Li Meng .

Li Meng thought about it, but there are several powerful monster forces. There is a mutant bear tribe more than 1000 kilometers to the east. Their power is stronger than our orcs. There is also a huge mountain range more than 800 kilometers to the southwest. There are branch dragons occupying it there, but there is one more place, which is very dangerous, that is, there is an underground kingdom thousands of miles away in the middle of the outer sky gate, which is full of dark creatures, and no one dares to approach it.It's extremely chaotic there.

Lin Hua silently remembered what Li Meng said.

About half an hour later, I saw some returning python warriors from a distance, and those python warriors seemed to see the current situation of the python tribe, and accelerated their marching pace!

Soon these python warriors came in front of Lin Hua and the others, and the python king at the front saw the scene of their tribe, and immediately a trace of anger appeared on her face.And the amethyst python warriors behind them were not as powerful as their kings, and they took out various weapons one after another and prepared to fight desperately.It seems that they are just waiting for their king to speak!

"You guys did all of this." The king of the boa constrictor tribe asked, pointing to the broken tribe behind Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua didn't answer him

"We didn't do it. Could it be the people from the inner earth who planned to be a tribe of orcs? Are you stupid? There are other people here besides us." Li Jie provocatively said
"Looking for death" the words of the python warrior king just fell, those 30 amethyst python warriors waved their weapons one after another, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others!And the amethyst orc warrior also rushed over!

"Brother Lin, you are already injured, leave the python king to me." After speaking, Li Meng rushed towards the python warrior king with his big knife!
At this time, Heisha and Li Jie Gutian also rushed over.

Lin Hua didn't move at the moment.Instead, he quietly watched the situation on the battlefield.

At this time, Ghost Dance has summoned 5 dark warriors to participate in the battle.At this time, Li Meng and the python warrior king had already fought together, and the two were evenly matched!If it wasn't for the giant python that Li Meng and the others fought just now, Li Meng should have the upper hand, but even now Li Meng can maintain a tie!

The rest of the battle was a one-sided situation. Originally, the number and strength of the Amethyst Orcs and the Amethyst Boa Warriors were about the same, but with the addition of Li Jie Gutian Heisha and Wuhe Dark Warriors summoned by Ghost Dance, it was different. Yes, and the strength of Heisha and Li Jie is not ordinary.

And Ghost Dance and Xue Sha kept releasing their skills to sneak attack the warrior holding the python.

Soon the situation on the battlefield has become overwhelming!
However, the king of python fighters who was fighting Li Meng saw this situation, and his own purple crystal python fighters kept losing, so he was a little angry, but he didn't show the slightest impulsiveness, and he was still on par with Li Meng, the two of them They are all powerful fighters, constantly fighting hard.

At this time, Lin Hua saw that Li Meng was fighting the king of python warriors for a day without any results, so she directly pulled out the epee Wufeng behind her back, activated the mysterious ice body protection, and the ice bondage was always on Every time Lin Hua took a step forward, ice would freeze on the ground about 10 meters away. In this way, Lin Hua walked step by step towards Li Meng and the python warrior king who were fighting, about 10 meters away from them. At that time, the ice on the ground had already reached the feet of Li Meng and the python warrior king!At this time, their speed also dropped significantly.

Li Meng and Lin Hua have fought together several times and know that Lin Hua came to help him, but the python warrior king saw that his speed had slowed down, and there was ice on the ground, and this human was walking towards him with an epee When he came over, he couldn't help being wary of Lin Hua's sneak attack, but Lin Hua didn't make a move, he was just waiting, waiting for an opportunity that could kill him directly, and the python warrior king, seeing that the humans who came over didn't attack him, he didn't dare to have it. Not the slightest snub.

Just like this, they continued to fight with Li Meng. Whenever the two of them were about to leave the range of Lin Hua's ice bondage, Lin Hua would take a few steps closer to them, so as not to let the king of python fighters fall out of his control. !In this way, about 10 more minutes passed.

The battle at Li Jie's place was over, there were not many injured, and the wounded were all skin wounds, which didn't affect the battle at all. Because of the overwhelming battle, how could there be too many casualties!

At this time, the python warrior king had already observed that the amethyst python warriors on his side had all died in battle, so he was also a little anxious at this time!Not attacking, just passively defending. Seeing this, Lin Hua knew that her chance had come!
Also directly used the skill to move the ice phantom, came to the back of the python warrior king and stabbed at her head directly, but the strength of this python king is really not covered, although it was a bit hasty, but still reluctantly blocked Lin Hua this time attack!Lin Hua stepped back again and watched the battle between the two of them. Li Meng has the upper hand in the current battle, because the king of python warriors not only has to resist Li Meng's attack, but also needs to guard against this human being. The sneak attack, because this human's movement is too weird, suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind him, directly attacking himself, although he was resisted several times, but he didn't know what to do next time. Can you resist it.

However, at this moment, Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom skill to disappear again, and the python warrior king habitually defended from behind, because every time Lin Hua sneaked up on her from behind, he became a little habitual!
(End of this chapter)

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