Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 344 The Shocked Earth Core King

Chapter 344 The Shocked Earth Core King

But he was wrong this time. Lin Hua appeared on Zai Zai's left side. The epee Wufeng directly pierced the python warrior king's head. Just when the python warrior king knew that he had been fooled, he turned around and saw This person appeared on her left, but it was too late for her to react now!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the python warrior king let out a painful roar, and this was her last sound!
Unwillingly, he fell to the ground and died within seconds.

"Thank you Brother Lin for your help, otherwise it would be very difficult for us to tell the winner even if we fight for a day and a night," Li Meng said to Lin Hua.

"Sneak attack is very dishonorable, but there is no way, this is not a duel, but a war. I am also afraid that the longer the fight, your superpowers will be consumed too much, and it will affect tomorrow's battle." Lin Hua Said.

"Li Meng isn't angry either, because he knows Lin Hua's character, and he also knows that her mouth can't say anything nice, but his heart is good, so it's fine."

"Boss, you should be an assassin, because your sneak attack is too powerful." Li Jie ran over and said to Lin Hua at this moment.

"You think I want to sneak attack her. I can't do her right now. I'm afraid that brother Li Meng will miss the time. That's why I did this shameful thing. Why do you still feel honored?" Lin Hua said.

"Okay, okay, I know you have no choice but to," Li Jie said.

"Congratulations, Brother Li, you have one less rival tribe," Lin Hua said.

"It's also difficult to unify here, because there are too many eyesights here." Li Meng couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

"Although this space gate is very big, it is still very small compared to the outside world. Brother Li didn't want to go to the outside world and create his own world?" Lin Hua asked.

"Let's forget about the outside world. My current plan is to unify the inside, because the outside world is too complicated. Sometimes monsters are scary, but people's hearts are even more terrifying," Li Meng said.

"Although people's hearts are scary, some people are good. If you get in touch with good people, you will be fine if you don't get in touch with bad people," Lin Hua continued.

"You are my first friend, and all I see in you are the advantages and benefits of human beings, but I have also been in contact with human beings before, but those human beings are too far behind Brother Lin." Li Meng continued.

"There are not many people in this world who can compare with my boss, and my boss will definitely become the man standing at the top in the future," Li Jie said.

"I believe Brother Lin will definitely do it, because Brother Lin still has friends like you all behind him to help him," Li Meng continued.

"Aren't we also friends now? What you said is really out of place." Gu Tian smiled after finishing speaking.

"You misunderstood me, I know we are friends, but what I meant just now was that brother Lin has all of you friends behind him to help her and support him," Li Meng explained.

"Brother Li, if you really regard me, Lin Hua, as a friend, you should leave this space gate as soon as possible and go to the outside world. It is not impossible to occupy a city outside with your current strength, and this space The empty door is very unstable, maybe it will disappear someday," Lin Hua continued.

"However, I don't have any plans to go out yet. When I do, I will definitely look for you, Brother Lin. I believe that with your ability, it should be easy to find you," Li Meng said.

"Then I won't say anything more, let's clean up the heterogeneous core now, the fire has already burnt out," Lin Hua said.

Gu Tian summoned her elf archer, and Ghost Dance summoned her dark warrior to clean up the alien core. This time it took a really long time, because this is the alien core of the entire python tribe.

It took about two hours, and the collection of heteronuclei was completed!Li Jie reported to Lin Hua about the different cores he harvested this time, "The 37 amethyst different cores don't count the giant python you killed, the one is yours alone, the platinum different cores are 860, and the gold different cores are 890." Seven thousand eight hundred and ninety two, two thousand seven hundred and ninety silver heteronuclear."

"I myself have seven amethyst hetero-cores, 310 platinum hetero-cores, six ghost dance amethyst hetero-cores, 310 platinum hetero-cores, six Xuewu purple gold hetero-cores, 310 platinum hetero-cores, and six Li Jiejing gold hetero-cores. , 310 platinum heteronuclei, six Gutian amethyst heteronuclei, six amethyst heteronuclei, 310 platinum heteronuclei, six black evil amethyst heteronuclei, 310 platinum heteronuclei, and the remaining heteronuclei below gold are reserved. Let’s go back and share with everyone.” After Lin Hua allocated the different cores!

Everyone ran to Heisha's body and ran towards the capital of the Earth Core Kingdom. After about an hour, several people arrived at the cave where they rested last time!

"Everyone have a good rest tonight and prepare for tomorrow's battle," Lin Hua said to the crowd
Then Lin Hua and the others were eating the alien cores they got today and preparing to upgrade. Lin Hua did not upgrade. At this moment, Lin Hua felt that it was very difficult to hit Chaofan, because after eating so many different cores, he didn’t feel the slightest bit. Jie hit the fourth level of Amethyst, he was promoted to the first level, but Gutian did not upgrade to the third level of Amethyst, and Heisha finally broke through the fourth level of Amethyst, reaching the level of the fifth level of Amethyst, Xuewu and Ghost Dance The level has not changed and is still the original Amethyst Tier [-].

At this moment, Lin Hua feels that it is getting more and more difficult to upgrade now. Platinum's different cores are not very useful for her own upgrade. What Lin Hua needs now is Amethyst's different cores, and there are a lot of them. And it's a high-level heterocore.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua felt that he still needed to work hard, because although his current strength could occupy Xueyun City, this was not what Lin Hua wanted at all. What Lin Hua wanted was to occupy Baidi City and build a city of his own. The Ice Empire, this goal may be very far away from the current Lin Hua, but Lin Hua believes that this matter will definitely be realized in the near future.

Soon it was dawn, today Lin Hua got up very early, because he felt that he was too weak now, although she had gone through many life and death along the way, but now she was too weak, yesterday was killed by that giant The boa constrictor pressed and beat me, I don't want to feel that feeling anymore.

"Brother Lin, why did you wake up so early? Are you worried about today's affairs?" Li Meng asked at this time.

"That's not true, it's just because the growth in strength is too slow," Lin Hua said.

"Brother Lin, your current strength has grown very fast," Li Meng said.

"Although it has grown very fast now, it is still a long way from what I thought," Lin Hua said.

"The increase in strength can't be achieved overnight, but can be obtained slowly over time," Li Meng continued.

"But thank you too, Brother Li," Lin Hua continued.

(End of this chapter)

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