Chapter 345

At this time, everyone has already woken up. After Lin Hua and the others had breakfast, they were about to walk towards the Earth Heart Kingdom. The king and the rest of the Amethyst generals from the Earth Heart Kingdom have all come out!

Are they going to attack the orc tribe now?

And Lin Hua and the others directly climbed onto Heisha's body and rushed down the mountain.

When all the troops of the Heart Kingdom had come out, and when they were about to set off, Heisha had already arrived in front of the King of the Earth Heart, and Lin Hua and the others slowly came down one by one!
When the king of Xin Kingdom saw Lin Hua and the others, he felt uneasy.

"Aren't you very curious, how dare we come here today?" Lin Hua asked.

Although the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom was very disturbed, he said without any emotion on his face, "I'm not curious, I'll come as soon as I come, what's there to be afraid of?" said the King of the Earth Heart Kingdom.

"Oh, let me tell you, don't try to procrastinate. Yesterday we wiped out the tribe of python warriors. We came here today to destroy your Earth Heart Kingdom," Lin Hua said calmly!

"What, you already wiped out the tribe of python warriors yesterday." The King of the Earth Center asked in panic. At this time, he could no longer pretend to be as calm as before. If what the person in front of him said was true, then they The Earth Heart Kingdom will obviously be wiped out today!If what he said was false, there was no need for him to lie to me.At this time, the King of the Earth Center was thinking about Lin Hua's words!

"By the way, I'll tell you one more thing. Even the giant python in the cave behind the python warrior tribe died," Li Meng reminded at this time.

"What, the guardian giant python of the python tribe is also dead." At this time, the king of the center of the earth has completely believed what this human being said!So today is the day when the country in the center of the earth will be destroyed.

At this time, Lin Hua seemed to have a lot of time, quietly watching the changes in the face of the king of the center of the earth!Because he feels very interesting

"What we said just now surprised you very much. Now you are ready to be destroyed. If you are not ready, I will give you another hour to prepare." Lin Hua provoked the king of the earth core country again

"Don't get complacent too early. What do you think of our Earth Heart Kingdom? You can destroy it with just one word. Who do you think you are?" said the king of Earth Heart Kingdom

"First of all, I want to tell you that it is very easy to destroy your Earth Heart Kingdom, and I don't think of myself as who I am, I am myself, my name is Lin Hua, don't wait to die After that, I don’t know who killed you,” Lin Hua continued.

Then Lin Hua told Ghost Dance and the others to start. At this time, Gu Tian summoned more than 200 platinum level 5 elf archers, and Ghost Dance summoned 5 dark warriors to guard her and Xuewu by his side!
"Meteor Shower"

"Corrosive Acid Rain" Gui Wu and Xue Wu released their skills 5 times in a row, and the army of the Earth Core Kingdom on the opposite side was in chaos. Attribute ability skill damage is continuous damage!Most of the tens of thousands of guarding troops in the Earth Heart Kingdom have been abolished now!Scream for help, roar!

When the king of Xin Kingdom saw that his army was basically wiped out before the battle started, he was very shocked and angry. The shock was the strength of these human beings, who wiped out tens of thousands of troops in a short period of time. .

"There are still some that are not dead, I'm helping you." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she released the skill Rain into Arrows, and countless ice arrows fell from the sky in an instant!

At this time, the army of the Earth Heart Kingdom rang out countless roars, and after Lin Hua's skill, the Earth Heart Kingdom's army was basically wiped out.

"You are courting death. At this time, the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom rushed towards Lin Hua with a big knife tightly in his hand, and the Zijin generals who were behind the Earth Core King rushed over with their king!"

Seeing Li Meng and Li Jie rushing over from the other side, they all rushed over too!Lin Hua still didn't move!Waiting for the king of the earth center country to rush towards him, the mysterious ice body has already tightly protected Lin Hua's body. Lin Hua released the ice bondage to form an ice surface around him. When he was 10 meters away from Lin Hua, his speed slowed down a bit.Seeing that Lin Hua still didn't move, the Earth Heart Kingdom couldn't help feeling a bit more vigilant, thinking what happened to this human being, who didn't resist, there must be a fraud in it!
However, when there was still a distance of 5 meters, Lin Hua quickly drew out the epee on his back, used his skill to move the ice phantom, disappeared, and then appeared behind the king of the earth center, facing the back of the king of the earth center Heart stabbing, although the king of the center of the earth was prepared, but this is the first time he saw this method, in order to avoid stabbing his own back, so he dodged like the right side, although he avoided stabbing the back of the heart The sword, but his arm has been stabbed, and this time he has been injured since the beginning of the battle.From the beginning of the battle between the King of the Earth Center and Lin Hua, Lin Hua had the absolute upper hand!The king of the center of the earth has always been at a disadvantage and defended passively. At this time, she is also very depressed. If it wasn't because she was very angry when she rushed over just now, she would not have injured her arm, and she would not be defending everywhere at this moment.

As for other aspects of the battlefield, since Li Meng's strength is far higher than that of their opponents, it will soon be over.

Everyone went to clean up the battlefield, only Ghost Wu Xuewu and Li Meng Heisha watched Lin Ying fight. Now the king of the Earth Heart Kingdom will lose sooner or later, because it is already covered in blood. At this moment, Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom to appear on the side of the earth center king's broken arm, and the epee Wufeng pierced the earth center king's head viciously. , although the king of the earth center wanted to block it with his own sword, but found it was too late, so the earth center country was wiped out, and the last king of the earth center country also died in Lin Hua's hands. The giant sword in the king's head was pulled out, and then he took off the space ring in his hand, pulled off the silver armor on her body, and finally took away his different core and big knife.

Lin Hua looked at the interspatial ring in her hand and found that the space inside the interspatial ring was very large, about 200 square meters in size, but it was actually empty, with nothing in it!Then I put all the different cores in the backpack into the space ring, thinking that there are many rare treasures in the space ring, but when I found that there was nothing in it, Lin Hua felt very disappointed. The king of Xin Kingdom wasted such a good treasure, what a waste!

(End of this chapter)

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