Chapter 349 Huge Lair
Heisha kept running, and around evening, he saw a mountain range in front of him!And there are more than 10 different tailed dragons hovering over the mountains.

However, Lin Hua and the others were not found, but watched the mountain range from a distance.This mountain range can be more than 5000 meters high, and it covers a very large area, and its width is also very wide. The space inside this mountain must be very huge!
"This should be what brother Li Meng said, the mountain range controlled by the dragon clan," Lin Hua said to Li Jie and the others.

"However, this mountain range seems difficult to enter," Li Jie said.

Because Lin Hua and the others saw more than a dozen Allosaurus hovering over the entrance of the cave in the mountain range, and they were all platinum-level, they should be guards.

It seems that this time it is really difficult, because several people can't fly at all, and the monsters in the sky are not easy to deal with
"Let's find a place to rest first, and come back tomorrow." Lin Hua said to several people as if walking back.

In this way, several people rested more than 20 kilometers away from the mountain controlled by the Dragon Clan.

"How do we get rid of those hetero-tailed dragons in the big sky?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

Lin Hua had no choice, because it was really not easy for the Allosaurus guards in the sky to destroy them without being discovered!

"How about I go to attract their attention tomorrow and lure them away, and you take this opportunity to run into the cave?" Heisha said at this time

"That's fine, but you should be more careful, and wait for us here after you're done," Lin Hua said to Heisha
In the early morning of the next day, several people came to the controlled mountain range after eating.There are still more than a dozen different-tailed dragons circling in the sky.

At this time, Heisha also rushed towards the entrance of the cave quickly, but was soon discovered by the Allosaurus in the sky, and he sent out flames and ice attacks at Heisha.

At this time, Enheisha saw that he had achieved his goal, so he retreated quickly, and those different-tailed dragons followed closely behind!

When Lin Hua saw the scene at this time, the dozen or so Allosaurus had been lured away by Heisha, and several people ran towards the cave quickly, because those Allosaurus would be back soon!

Just when Lin Hua and the others had just entered the cave, the Allosaurus that had chased Heisha just now came back again, and at this moment Lin Hua and the others had already entered the cave.

Lin Hua, who had just entered the cave, found that the cave was very huge and the inside was very humid.When a few people had just walked not far, they saw a lot of forks in the road, there were about a dozen intersections.

"Boss, which way do you go? There are so many ways, which way should we go?" Li Jie asked
"Let's take the farthest road." After Lin Hua finished speaking, the group of people seemed to be walking along the farthest road, but just after walking a short distance, they heard a strange voice, which should be the language of dragons. Because it was very humid here, Lin Hua used her ^ skill to hide water and walked forward alone.

Now Lin Hua Shuyin's skills can only be discovered by people or monsters with some special abilities, or those whose level is similar to Lin Hua's.

And the ghost shadow dragons that were screaming just now were killed by the ice blade issued by Lin Hua.

Then Lin Hua continued to walk forward, and Li Jie and the others followed slowly about 300 meters away from Lin Hua.

However, when Lin Hua continued to walk, there was a Ghost Shadow Dragon staring at Lin Hua coldly in front of him.

At this time, Lin Hua already felt that Shuyin was useless to this ghost shadow dragon, because the strength of this ghost shadow dragon was already at the fourth level of Amethyst!

Lin Hua was also very shocked in her heart, because it had only been a long time since she came in, and she met a ghost shadow dragon with a level of Amethyst 4th.

If it goes on like this, the strength of this dragon clan can be seen that it is really not ordinary!
And the ghost shadow dragon on the opposite side didn't make any roars, looking at him, it should mean that he wants to fight Lin Hua one-on-one!Lin Hua didn't want to waste too much time, because the longer the time, the more dragons would be attracted. Lin Hua immediately released the Ice Bind, and drew out the epee Wufeng. The energy attribute is also ice attribute, she released a lot of ice arrows at Lin Hua, and Lin Hua directly summoned an ice wall, blocking all those ice arrows!
The ghost shadow dragon saw that the ice arrows he released were blocked by the ice wall, and then released a huge ice sword, and this ice sword was so powerful that it shattered the ice wall in an instant!At this time, Lin Hua was using the Ice Shifting Phantom, and the ghost shadow dragon couldn't help being surprised when he saw Lin Hua's disappearance. He was looking for Lin Hua's figure everywhere. Just as he was looking around, Lin Hua appeared in the In front of him, the epee Wufeng directly pierced his throat.

The ghost shadow dragon fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, and Lin Hua quickly took out his different core.Then quietly wait here for Li Jie and the others behind.

Soon Li Jie and the others arrived here.When they saw the ghostly shadow dragon dying on the ground!

"What's the situation, boss?" Li Jie asked.
"The strength of the dragons here is really extraordinary. How long have we been here? We met a ghost dragon of the fourth level of amethyst. However, their physical strength and reaction ability are not as good as warriors. As long as they get close to them, they will definitely die, but I feel that the strength of their dragon kings should have reached the extraordinary level, so everyone should be careful." Lin Hua said to the rest of the people
Then Lin Hua continued to walk towards the front of Shuiyin, while Xuewu and Li Jie continued to follow at the back keeping a distance
However, the temperature inside is getting lower and lower as you go inside, and the level and number of dragons encountered inside have increased a lot, but none of them can spot Lin Hua like the ghost shadow dragon just now.

When Lin Hua walked for about 2 hours, the front suddenly became much wider, and all he could see was a huge nest below.

When Lin Hua saw the huge lair, she was a little shocked, because the huge lair was full of small ghost shadow dragons, and there were a large number of ghost shadow dragons guarding it near the huge lair.Looking at the densely packed little ghost shadow dragons in the huge lair, Lin Hua's scalp felt numb.Lin Hua didn't move on, but waited for Li Jie and the others to meet up!

Not long after, Li Jie and the others came over, and when they saw the huge lair below, they couldn't help feeling their scalps tingle, because the dragons below were too dense.The dense places are a bit scary.

"Don't attack the little dragon below, keep going forward, there are too many guards of the ghost shadow dragon below, we can't get rid of them all at once, we will be discovered, this will cause unnecessary trouble "Lin Hua said.

"Boss, when I saw the little dragon below, I had an urge to vomit because I have trypophobia," Li Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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