Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 350 Killing the Amethyst Ghost Shadow Dragon

Chapter 350 Killing the Amethyst Ghost Shadow Dragon

"I didn't expect you, a big man, to have intensive phobia. It's not Li Jie. I think you are usually a man." Gu Tian laughed.

"Okay, I'll go ahead, slow down, don't get caught."

Then Lin Hua continued along the mountain road above this huge lair!

And those ghost shadow dragon guards were all quietly dealt with by Lin Hua!
When Lin Hua continued to move forward, she discovered that there was actually a large amount of ice inside the cave at this time, which meant that the current temperature was already below zero.And the temperature gets lower the further you go down!Lin Hua doesn't care because he has an ice-type ability, he likes this environment very much, but Li Jie and the others can't stand it, but at this time Xuewu sent a fireball in his hand to keep everyone warm, so they eased them Several people have cold issues.

At this moment, Lin Hua realized that the cave was about to come to an end!Because he found out that he immediately left a message and left this cave, how could he walk out of this mountain range so quickly.Just when Lin Hua was wondering, he only saw two ghost dragon guards at the entrance of the cave in front of him. When Lin Hua went to deal with them, he was suddenly shocked because he saw a castle in front of him, and this castle was very Huge!And the castle is surrounded by snow, this is simply the ice palace in Lin Hua's mind!

The castle is actually inside this huge mountain range.When Li Jie and the others arrived later, they were also very shocked to see this castle!

"I said why the more you go inside, the colder it gets. This is the reason. There is actually an ice city inside," Li Jie sighed.

"The owner of this ice city should be a very powerful existence with ice attribute abilities," Lin Hua sighed.

There are no dragon guards around the castle.At this time, Lin Hua and the others slowly walked towards the castle!
"The guards outside are so strict, why are there no guards inside? It's really strange." Li Jie said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's really weird." Gu Tian also felt very strange.

But they continued to walk towards the castle, and when they were about to approach the castle, they heard noisy voices inside!Lin Hua continued to use the water to move forward. When Lin Hua approached the castle, he found a large number of ghost shadow dragons inside.Moreover, the levels of these ghost shadow dragons are all above Amethyst.

At this time, Lin Hua was thinking about how to deal with so many amethyst ghost shadow dragons. At this time, some ghost shadow dragons discovered Lin Hua's existence!When she looked in Lin Hua's direction, Lin Hua knew that she had been discovered, and she no longer hid her body.

Before Lin Hua's body fully appeared, those ghost shadow dragons fired a lot of ice arrows at Lin Hua.Lin Hua instantly created an extremely thick ice wall in front of him, because there was ice everywhere, and the environment was favorable for Lin Hua.So the ice wall made by Lin Hua this time is very thick, and it resisted all the ice arrows that came over!

However, although they withstood this attack, the attack was not over. Some of the ghost shadow dragons continued to release ice arrows, some released ice blades, and some of the higher levels released huge ice swords.This huge ice sword, Lin Hua, had seen her power before, and knew that this ice wall couldn't resist it.Immediately, the skill of using the ice-moving phantom disappeared, so Lin Hua kept using the ice-moving phantom to avoid their attacks.

Lin Hua found that the ability to release the Ice Shifting Phantom at this time was almost negligible, probably due to the influence of the environment here.

At this moment, Lin Hua plans to fight, because there are more than 50 amethyst ghost shadow dragons here, and the highest level is also the fourth-level amethyst, there is no amethyst-level five!And the environment here is especially suitable for my own battle!Then Lin Huaxuan's ice body protection skill was released, and then continuously released the ice-moving phantom!Slowly approaching the ghost shadow dragon closest to him.

Lin Hua disappeared again. When Lin Hua appeared for the first time, he had already come to the left side of the ghost shadow dragon that was closest to him. The epee Wufeng instantly killed the ghost shadow dragon. Seeing his companion being killed, Long also let out a roar.

When Li Jie and the others outside the city heard the dragon's roar, they planned to rush in to help Lin Hua, but they were blocked by Xuewu!Because he believed that Lin Hua had his intentions without calling them for help, that's why Xue Wu stopped Li Jie from rushing in.

As for Lin Hua, he kept using the Ice Shifting Phantom to kill the remaining ghost shadow dragons. Almost every time after the ice shifting phantom, one ghost shadow dragon died, and the remaining ghost shadows Long, seeing this situation, his companions kept dying, all afraid that he would be the next one, so every time Lin Hua appeared, he desperately used his skills towards Lin Hua.

After more than an hour like this, there were only two amethyst 4th-level ghost dragons in the castle, and the remaining amethyst ghost dragons were killed by Lin Hua.

Because after Lin Hua killed the ghost shadow dragon for so long, the two ghost shadow dragons knew how to protect each other!Lin Hua failed to kill them several times.

At this moment, Lin Hua is no longer using the Ice Shifting Phantom, it is directly controlled by the ice, it may be due to environmental factors, the two ghost shadow dragons were frozen directly, Lin Hua quickly went over and smashed their heads with the heavy sword , and then collected all their different cores, and then Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others called in and told them to rest here tonight!I plan to break through the extraordinary, and continue to go to other caves tomorrow.

When Li Jie and the others saw the corpses of those ghost shadow dragons on the ground, they couldn't help being a little surprised, because Lin Hua's strength was too strong, so many amethyst ghost shadow dragons were killed by him alone, and She herself was not injured at all.

"Why did the boss suddenly realize that you are really strong? You killed so many amethyst ghost shadow dragons by yourself," Li Jie said.

"It's not that I'm too strong, it's just that the environment here has greatly benefited the release of my skills. That's why I was able to kill so many Amethyst Ghost Shadow Dragons," Lin Hua said.

"By the way, boss, didn't you just say that you planned to upgrade to the extraordinary level? How do you feel that you can break through?" Xuewu asked

"Well, I felt like I was at a bottleneck a few days ago, but I got the heterocore today, so I should be able to reach the extraordinary level," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, you don't need to share the different cores with us today, and we didn't make any contribution. If you still have the remaining different cores after you hit the extraordinary, you can give us more points," Ghost Dance said.

"That's fine, after I level up to Chaofan, I'll share the remaining heterogeneous cores with you," Lin Hua said.

Then several people continued to walk towards the middle.Because the environment here is especially suitable for Lin Hua's attributes, and Lin Hua plans to reach the supernatural level today, so he decided to rest here.

Just like this, several people had a good rest in a small room, and Xuewu was afraid that everyone would be cold, so he released a big fireball inside the room to keep warm.

At this time, Lin Hua was sitting cross-legged and eating the different cores one by one, but although Lin Hua felt that he was only one step away from Chaofan, it seemed that this step was not close. At 35, I finally felt that I was about to break through the line of defense from the amethyst to the extraordinary, and then ate another heterocore.

It was a strange feeling at this moment that Lin Hua's mind came to a space that was the same as the outside environment now, and all of Lin Hua's battle scenes were played back in this space, and when Lin Hua saw these pictures, she kept thinking. He recalled every battle, especially the battle where he killed so many amethyst ghost shadow dragons just now. Although the ice swords issued by those ghost shadow dragons were very powerful, they were just one, and The length and width of his sword are not good enough, it is very unsuitable for him. Lin Hua is currently researching skills, but uses the ice attribute in his body to send out three huge ice swords in a row, and one is bigger than the other. Strong.And the skill of cutting is still a single skill.This is how Lin Hua came up with a particularly powerful single-target damage skill.

Then Lin Hua kept practicing in this thinking space. After practicing like this for about half a day, Lin Hua succeeded.

At this moment, Lin Hua slowly opened her eyes, carefully observing the transformation of her body from amethyst to superhuman. Lin Hua found that first of all, the powers in her body had increased several times, and the amount of powers had also increased by a considerable amount. Less, the body strength has also been greatly improved, and its own strength has increased by about 30 times!Lin Hua felt the biggest change in the power upgrade this time.

At this time, Li Jie developed Lin Hua and woke up, and came directly to ask Lin Hua if she had reached the extraordinary level, "Boss, have you successfully upgraded, I feel a little oppressed standing next to you now, do you have any new ones?" What about skills?" Li Jie asked.

(End of this chapter)

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