Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 351 Battle against the Extraordinary

Chapter 351 Battle against the Extraordinary
"Well, the upgrade was successful, and the strength has increased by more than 30 times, and the abilities in the body have also changed a lot. I just created a single-body ability. It doesn't have a name yet, and I don't know how powerful it is," Lin Hua said slowly. Said slowly.

"What skills does the boss have? He doesn't have a name yet."

Li Jie continued to ask.

"Boss will know how powerful it is when he goes out to try his skills," Gu Tian said.

Then several people went out.Facing the building in the castle that was about 20 meters long, Lin Hua released the skills he thought of just now. First, the first ice giant sword was about 10 meters long, and then another ice giant sword, but this giant sword had a big ice sword. About half of it, about 15 meters, and followed by a larger ice giant sword, this giant sword is about 20 meters!However, the building where Lin Hua released the skill instantly shattered, not the kind that collapsed, but shattered all over the ground.

"Wow, boss, the damage of this skill of yours is beyond the charts," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, I feel that there are very few people or monsters within Amethyst with this skill who can catch it. If they catch it, they may be seriously injured and lose their fighting power," Gu Tian said.

"This skill has a total of three huge ice swords in a row, why not call it Triple Illusion?" Xue Wu said.

"The name Triple Phantom sounds nice," Ghost Dance said.

"What does it sound like? It's not domineering at all. It might as well be called Triple Sword," Li Jie said.

"I still feel that the name that sister Xuewu gave sounds nice. Your triple sword is too vulgar, and it's too vulgar," Gu Tian said.

"Then let's call it Triple Phantom. I think it's a good name," Lin Hua said.

And Li Jie and Gu Tian started pinching each other wherever they were.

And Lin Hua took out eight of the remaining ten amethyst heteronuclei and divided them among them!And the remaining two are reserved for Heisha.

However, at this moment, a large number of ghost shadow dragons appeared outside the castle, probably attracted by the loud noise just now.

Lin Hua and the others discovered that these ghost shadow dragons used the absolute freezing skill in an instant, but those ghost shadow dragons who were attracted by the noise just now were frozen in an instant.Then the frozen ghost shadow dragons were shattered into pieces in an instant, leaving only the different cores on the snow, and Gu Tian continued to do his old task, commanding his elf archers to collect the different cores.

After about an hour or so, all the different nuclei have been collected.

This time Lin Hua didn't give them the different cores, because at this time everyone's level, the platinum different cores are not of much use to them at all, so they kept them, and reserved them for the members of the Ice and Snow League, because these different cores Nuclei are very important to them, and then Lin Hua put all these heteronuclei into his space ring!And Lin Hua liked this space ring more and more, because now everyone doesn't need to carry all their things, just put them in the space ring.

Lin Hua and the others discussed it and decided not to take a break, but to go directly to another cave to have a look.

Lin Hua and the others walked back the way they came. After walking for about 3 hours, they came to a place with more than 10 intersections. They chose the second road on the side. It was still the old way, Lin Hua. Continue to be invisible, but Lin Hua is invisible at this time, and ordinary people really won't find it, because now Lin Hua is already a first-order extraordinary!

So the road went very smoothly, and all the monsters encountered were killed by Lin Hua.

This cave and the cave just now have two completely opposite temperatures. It's very hot inside, not very hot but very hot. Lin Hua and the others don't even need to think about it. There should be dragons with fire attribute abilities inside.

However, this cave has come to an end, and there is no nest that is the same as the previous cave!

However, several people continued to walk forward.

Then at the end, there was still the self-esteem castle inside, but it was not an ice city, but a fire city, and the temperature inside was high, and several people were sweating non-stop, except for Lin Hua and Xuewu.

Xuewu is originally a fire attribute ability, so she is not afraid of this kind of temperature at all. As for Lin Hua, the mysterious ice body protector on her body can effectively control the temperature. Lin Hua made an ice ball for each of them, and let them hug With this, it is very effective, reducing the temperature.

When several people approached the castle, the same thing happened, there were more than 40 flame dragons with fire attribute abilities inside.Lin Hua still went in by herself, the mysterious ice shield tightly protected her body, and then released the ice bondage, because the level has reached the extraordinary level, so now Lin Hua's ice bondage can form a 20-meter ice It came to the surface, but it disappeared soon, because the temperature inside was too high, but it was enough for Lin Hua to cast the ice-moving phantom.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Hua came out, and brought out more than 40 heteronuclei.After distributing the different cores to everyone, Lin Hua and the others swept up several caves in this way.Everyone, let's rest in this cave today, and go to the biggest cave tomorrow to have a look. They should be the strongest of the dragon clan in it. The proposition should be a tough battle!

And Li Jie and the others are all preparing to level up at this moment, because they have obtained a lot of amethyst heterocores today.

And the next morning, when Lin Hua saw Li Jie and the others, she realized that Guiwu and Xuewu were already the fifth sisters of Amethyst, while Li Jie and Gu Tian were of the fourth rank of Amethyst. They all made it through.

"It's so difficult to advance to the next level. After eating so many different cores, I haven't reached the fifth level of Amethyst, and I'm only at the fourth level of Amethyst," Li Jie complained.

"If the upgrade is so good, there will be strong people everywhere," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, our current strength is already very strong, and haven't you noticed? How long has it been since we came in? It's already at this level. Isn't it fast enough? How much faster do you need?" Gu Tian said

"Okay, we're going to the biggest cave in the middle later. If I guess correctly, the monster inside should be at least level 5 of Amethyst or higher, so everyone be careful." Lin Hua said to Li Jie they ordered.

"Okay boss, don't worry, I'm only at the fourth level of Amethyst, but I can deal with enemies already at the fifth level!" Li Jie said.

"Boss, the elven archer I'm summoning now is already Platinum Level [-], and can summon [-] plants and control about [-] plants," Gu Tian said.

"Boss, I upgraded last night, and now there are six dark warriors summoned, and all of them are at the second level of Amethyst," Ghost Dance said.

But at this time, he already felt that Ghost Dance was really too powerful. He upgraded and summoned more and more dark creatures with high levels.No wonder the future Ghost Dance can be called the Queen of the Night.

"Anyway, everyone be careful later," Lin Hua reminded again.

Immediately afterwards, a few people seemed to be walking along the middle road!

Everyone they encountered along the way was killed by Lin Hua, so several people arrived smoothly, the palace at the bottom, but this palace has a completely different feeling from the others!Because this palace is too huge, and there are guards at the gate tower of this palace, and there are four green dragons of the second level of amethyst.And this green dragon has a wood attribute ability. When Lin Hua and the others saw them, the green dragon also discovered them, and then roared directly. A large number of green dragons surrounded Lin Hua and the others. Birch's green dragons are all platinum level.So Lin Hua and the others were not worried at all.

Because the green dragon has a wood attribute ability, it is particularly afraid of fire, and Xuewu directly sent out a meteor fire rain, and those low-level green dragons were burned to death instantly, but at this moment, the gate of the huge castle ,opened.

A human came out of it, that's right, it was a human, but this human's face was particularly ugly!When Lin Hua saw a human being, he remembered the words of the giant boa constrictor. When the animal level reaches extraordinary, it will transform into a human being, and drinking the rejuvenating potion will make it look better.

And the human being in front of him should be, the level is extraordinary, and he didn't drink the rejuvenating potion.That's why it's so ugly!

The human looked at the green dragons that were burned coldly.

Then he stared at Lin Hua closely.Said 'you have also risen to extraordinary? '

"Well, she was born not long ago," Lin Hua replied.

"The same is true, it seems that we have met an opponent this time," said the human in front of him.

Only then did Lin Hua carefully observe the human who had turned into a human from a dragon.The weapon in his hand is an ordinary big knife, and his body is particularly weak, let people see whether he will exhaust him if he holds such a big knife!His hair is long and green, maybe he is a green dragon!
"Are you ready to fight?" said the human in front of him.

"Always be prepared." After Lin Hua finished speaking, a mysterious ice body guard slowly appeared on her body.Then he released the Ice Binding, ice appeared on the ground within 20 meters of Lin Hua's feet, and slowly drew out the giant sword Wufeng.Lin Hua was particularly cautious about Xiaodou this time, because this seemingly weak human being opposite him was an extraordinary and strong man of the same level as him!

(End of this chapter)

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