Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 352 Weak Humans

Chapter 352 Weak Humans

That alone can't make him relax.

And the weak human on the opposite side suddenly swung a big knife that was not proportional to her body and rushed towards Lin Hua!

There was a bang, the sound of two people's weapons colliding for the first time, and both of them took a few steps back.

At this moment, Lin Hua was particularly shocked. This person is really too strong. Just now, he had already used all his strength, while the thin human being opposite obviously didn't use his full strength.In this case, the two people take the same number of steps back.

At this time, the thin human being opposite was also very shocked. Although the human being in front of me was not as powerful as me, but the moment he confronted her with the sword just now, from his eyes, he was very disturbed and felt very dangerous. Could it be that he would Lost to a tiny human being!
At this time, Lin Hua raised his epee Wufeng again, and rushed towards this thin human being, who also raised his big sword to fight!But he is very cautious now, because Lin Hua gives him a strong sense of danger!

Although Lin Hua's strength is not as good as his, but Lin Hua's swordsmanship is particularly superb, and he still managed to maintain a tie!
Li Jie and the others, who were watching Lin Hua's battle, also saw the strength of that skinny human being, and wanted to go to help, but they were afraid that it would cause unnecessary trouble to Lin Hua instead.Instead, Lin Hua was dragged down.

Although Lin Hua, who was fighting at this moment, was barely on a tie with this thin human being, Lin Hua knew in her heart that the longer this dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for her, and she felt that the weak human being opposite hadn't exhausted its full strength yet. Woolen cloth!

Think about the current self, I have tried my best, is this the only way to go!After another violent collision, the weak human didn't retreat, but Lin Hua retreated six steps. Is this the difference in strength!
It seems that I can't fight recklessly anymore, and recklessly fighting won't do me any good. After Lin Hua made up her mind, she stopped fighting recklessly with this seemingly weak human, but used her superb swordsmanship to keep defending!

And the weak human started to defend after seeing Lin Hua on the opposite side, no longer fighting with him recklessly!Don't you think the sneer is because you don't want to fight recklessly, don't you?It was a blow directly to Lin Hua's head. Lin Hua looked unstoppable. Now is not the time to use the Ice Shifting Phantom. Wait until the end with a last smile and kill with one blow.

Lin Hua used Wufeng to block it again, but this time Lin Hua didn't retreat, but the ice under her feet shattered.At this time, Lin Hua saw that the ice under his feet was shattered. It was caused by too much force. Now that he has released the ice bondage, why did his speed not decrease much? Is it because his speed is too slow? Well, my slow speed is all due to gravity. If I control my gravity to a certain point and use my supernatural ability to control myself to the minimum, my speed will increase. Thinking about Lin Hua using Her own abilities minimized the effect of gravity on her. Sure enough, Lin Hua felt that her speed had increased a lot. Although her strength had not improved, her speed had increased a lot. Now she was faster than that thin human being. On a trace.

And this thin human found that Lin Hua's speed had been improved a lot, faster than his own. Although his strength was not as good as his own, his climactic swordsmanship and his current speed increase were a bit overwhelming. I feel it!

But just when I confronted him just now, the ice surface on the ground was shattered and sent flying due to too much force, and at that moment, the speed of that human being dropped to the speed at which the battle was just started. It turned out that he The speed can only be increased on the ground with ice!Now every time this weak human takes a step forward, the ice flakes on the ground will instantly shatter, and then be knocked into the air. Lin Hua knew that this weak human had discovered a way to increase his speed. crushed,
But it doesn't work at all, because I release the skill Ice Bind, and Ice will freeze within 20 meters of me!
Then the two continued to fight like this. Although the weak human kept knocking away the debris on the ground, the ice that Lin Hua shattered on the opposite side of him continued to freeze.Weak human beings can't see it, thinking that you must consume a lot of power to do this.I will consume it slowly, and when your ability is exhausted, it depends on what you do!
At this time, Lin Hua found out that this weak human being started to defend himself. It seemed that he wanted to use up his abilities!
At this moment, a weak human being suddenly slashed at the land on Lin Hua's ground, and then only saw the phantom image of a huge knife attacking him just now, and Lin Hua responded to the huge knife that attacked. Shadow released his triple phantom.The first giant sword blocked the huge blade shadow from breaking instantly, but the speed of that blade shadow dropped a lot, and the second ice giant sword collided with the huge blade shadow, and there was a bang. The sword shattered, and the huge sword shadow disappeared, but Lin Hua's triple phantom still had the last ice giant sword!

However, the weak human didn't expect that the human in front of him could block his sword shadow, and he was a little shocked, but he didn't realize that there was still a sword.When he saw the ice giant sword attacking him, he wanted to avoid it, but it was too late!He can only block it with a horizontal knife!

With a bang, the huge ice giant sword shattered!The ground under the weak human's feet has sunk more than half a meter deep!At this time, the clothes on his body were torn.Blood spewed out of his mouth continuously. Obviously, Lin Hua's knife directly wounded this weak human being. At this time, this weak human being was also very angry, because he hadn't been injured for a long time, and just It was injured by this human being today, so how could it not be angry now!

Lin Hua saw that the weak human being was injured, but this was not what Lin Hua wanted. What Lin Hua wanted was to kill him. Lin Hua continued to raise the epee Wufeng and rushed towards the weak human!

And this weak human saw Lin Hua approaching him again, and he was already injured, so he didn't want to shake with Lin Hua any more. A dramatic scene happened, and suddenly she turned around and ran back.

And the mouth kept roaring, and at this moment, a large number of dragons rushed out of the castle, and they were all of the amethyst level.

Seeing the scene at this time, Lin Hua couldn't help feeling her scalp tingle!If you don't kill this weak human being today, all your efforts will be in vain.I can only work hard!

Then Lin Hua shouted to Li Jie and Xuewu behind him, ready to fight, and then cast a triple phantom at the Amethyst dragons who had just rushed over.And the Amethyst Dragon Clan that was attacked by the Triple Illusion was either dead or injured, and fell down at once, more than ten ^_^.

Just now, I saw Lin Hua's move and killed more than 20 amethyst green dragons. The remaining green dragons were also panicked, but they had no choice. In order to protect their king, they could only rush towards Lin Hua. !

At this time, Li Jie and Gu Tian who were behind also rushed over to help with their own weapons.Xuewu, on the other hand, released the skill Flame Aegis to resist the skills attacking herself and Ghost Dance.Six dark warriors of the second rank of Amethyst were also guarding against the rushing green dragon.Ghost Dance released the dark wind and arrows of corrosion to attack the enemy.

Seeing Li Jie and Gu Tian approaching, Lin Hua continued to rush forward to chase after that extraordinary human dragon. Lin Hua felt that she couldn't waste any more time here, so she directly used the Ice Shifting Phantom to stop. Stop chasing!Soon Lin Hua had rushed past the group of dragons just now. At this time, he saw that weak human being running forward. Lin Hua used the ice-moving phantom to chase him again. When the distance was still more than 30 meters, the weak human The humans found out, and Lin Hua was chasing him!But she doesn't want to die yet, so she can only keep running!It used three ice shifting phantoms in a row to directly come to this weak human being.

"Just like you, you should be an extraordinary and strong man. What do you think? Run away if you can't beat it. Are you embarrassed? Run and let your men come down and fight for you." Lin Hua said to this weak human being.

"Since ancient times, there have been winners and losers, I have surrendered, can you let me go?" said the weak human being.

Seeing his begging eyes, Lin Hua replied coldly, "I lost, could you let me go? You should know the answer."

Lin Hua then used the triple phantom to face this weak human being at such a distance and he was injured. Unless he can teleport, he will die!

This weak human has seen the power of Lin Hua's skill just now, so it used up all of itself to send out the sword shadow to fight Lin Hua again, but it was too late, the first ice giant The sword has fallen, and the weak human instantly blocked the attack with his broadsword horizontally!Although he resisted the first giant sword, his body has dropped about ten centimeters, and then the second giant sword of ice also fell on this weak human being. The sword broke, and finally blocked it, but still There was the last knife, which was also the strongest one, smashing the head of the weak human in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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