Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 353 Mutated Undead Warrior

Chapter 353 Mutated Undead Warrior
Just such an extraordinary and strong man died under Lin Hua's triple phantom.At this moment, Lin Hua also deeply felt the power of her triple phantom move.

Quickly went over to pick up the heterogeneous core of the weak human, put it in the space ring, and quickly went back to help Li Jie and the others!

At this time, Li Jie's eyes were red, his body was covered in blood, and he was using the skill of getting stronger and more ruthless as he fought.

And Gu Tian is now at the fourth level of Amethyst, and relying on the martial arts book Duantian, these Amethyst green dragons are basically no match for him.

And these green dragons couldn't resist seeing Lin Hua's return, and ran away one after another.

And Lin Hua and the others had already consumed too much power at this time, so they didn't pursue it!Gu Tian continued to summon his elven archers to collect the heterocores.

"Boss, when the group of amethyst green dragons rushed out just now, the triple phantom move you used was really cool. Do you know that you killed or crippled at least 20 or more people in that one attack just now?" An amethyst green dragon, that's an amethyst level, boss, you don't know how much I admire you now," Li Jie said.

"Actually, I was able to win this time thanks to the strength of the triple phantom. If the triple phantom hadn't smashed the weak human's sword light and the third one directly injured him, I should have lost," Lin Hua said.

In fact, Lin Hua didn't lie. If he continued to fight with that weak human, Lin Hua would definitely lose.

"Boss, I have to work hard on the impact level now to get a powerful skill, another powerful skill is too powerful," Li Jie said.

"Your current skills are already very powerful. After you activate the skills, your offensive and defensive power has increased a lot, and you can even leapfrog battles. These skills are not strong enough," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

Isn't that not handsome? Look at how handsome your skills are, and the damage is explosive, Li Jie said.

"Stop talking, let's all go collect the different cores, and let's go after collecting them," Xuewu said at this time.

Hearing Xuewu's words, Lin Hua and Li Jie followed to clean up the heterogeneous core.

It took a few people more than 10 minutes to clean up the heterogeneous core, and they seemed to be walking out of the cave!

At this time, there was no dragon in the cave, because they had already fled for their lives after the battle just now.

At this time, the nagging black yarn is still waiting there!
"You have broken through, and you have reached the first level of extraordinary," Heisha asked.

"Yeah, I made a breakthrough yesterday," Lin Hua replied.

"If the boss doesn't make a breakthrough, he will be finished. That dragon man is really too powerful, but he was finally wiped out by the boss," Li Jie said.

Then several people got on Heisha's body and walked towards the darkest kingdom in the center.

Along the way, Li Jie told Heisha everything about the past few days.After talking about these, Li Jie took out all the different cores and distributed them!There are 42 amethyst heterocores, 860 platinum heteronuclei, and 670 gold heteronuclei. Li Jie reported to Lin Hua.

"Each person has seven different amethyst nuclei" and put the rest of the platinum and yellow crystal nuclei into the interspatial ring.Then he gave Heisha all the different cores that should be Heisha inside.

Several people are advancing towards the dark kingdom in the center.

Ho Ho Ho, just as Heisha was moving forward, a huge flame fox appeared in front of him. This flame fox has a fire attribute ability, and the level of the long-range attack ability is Amethyst Tier [-].

At this time, he slowly raised his epee, and directly released the skill triple phantom to face the huge flame fox opposite.

And the huge flaming fox saw Heisha, the black tiger, directly attacking Heisha with a flame of fire.Heisha quickly dodged the flame attack.

However, the first stage of the triple phantom that Lin Hua sent to the huge flame fox had already reached him. With a bang, the huge flame fox spat out a mouthful of blood, and sank about ten centimeters into the ground. The sword is coming!With another bang, the huge fox fell directly to the ground.He should have died. At this time, the third ice giant sword fell, directly chopping up the huge fox's body, leaving only the amethyst core lying on the ground.

Heisha picked up the heteronuclear image and threw it on it, and Lin Hua took it directly into his hand.

Then the group continued to walk forward.

"Heisha saw the boss's skills just now, is it a fortress?" Li Jie said to Heisha
"That's right, and the flame fox just now is the second ice giant sword of the fourth level of Amethyst, and it died," Heisha said.

"You don't know, don't say it's Zijing's, even the first-order Transcendent vomited blood when he received the third one," Li Jie continued.

It was almost evening, Lin Hua and the others were on a wide grassland at the moment, and the cold wind was blowing.At this time, Lin Hua felt that the surrounding environment was not right!

Several people quickly got down on Heisha's body, and Heisha also shrunk his body. Everyone was observing the surrounding environment vigilantly!

Suddenly bursts of particularly weird laughter came from the front. This kind of laughter sounded very scary, and the air in front suddenly became foggy, and it became more and more blurred!can't see anything clearly
Houhouhou, the roar of monsters came to Lin Hua and the others again, and one after another wobbly shadows came out of the foggy air in front of them!

There are more and more of these shaky shadows, and they are moving in the direction of Lin Hua and the others step by step!

"Boss, what are these things, so scary?" Li Jie asked

"I can't see clearly now, what is that group in front of me?" Lin Hua said, because the air in front is so foggy, I really can't see clearly

At this time, Xue Wu released several big fireballs in front of him, only to realize that what came in front was actually a group of mutated undead warriors.These mutated undead warriors wore worn out rusty armor and held rusty knives in their hands, and they wobbled step by step towards Lin Hua and the others. , the level of undead warriors is around the first level of Amethyst, and a few may have higher levels. Their defense is particularly high, and they don't have any consciousness, and they are not afraid of any pain!And the action is very slow, they are the kind of immortals, so they must be killed when they encounter them, or they will follow you all the time.

Lin Hua told everyone in Xuewu about the situation of the mutated undead warrior, and then Ghost Dance released the skill to corrode acid rain!And those mutated undead warriors, although their bodies were constantly being corroded by the corrosive acid rain, didn't seem to have the slightest effect on them, and they continued to stagger like Lin Hua and the others.

At this time, Xuewu released a shower of meteors and fire, instantly lighting up the grassland, and the ignited bodies of those staggering mutant undead warriors did not affect their progress in the slightest.

"I've said it before, they don't have the slightest sense of consciousness, they are already dead," Lin Hua said to Xuewu and the others behind him

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she directly raised her giant sword at the group of mutated undead warriors who came over, and directly issued a triple phantom.

The triple phantom fell, and those mutated undead warriors attacked by the ice giant sword were directly smashed into pieces, but there were still a few that were not within the attack range of the ice giant sword. Lin Hua directly raised the heavy sword without a front and rushed forward. Passed over, and Li Jie also took out a big knife, and slashed at the mutant undead warrior.

Although the mutant undead warrior's defense is particularly strong and he is still unconscious, Lin Hua and Li Jie are both extremely powerful. They either cut off their heads directly, smashed them into pieces, or smashed them into pieces. The legs were cut off, so about five or so resolved which remaining mutated undead warriors.

However, at this moment, there were some body voices behind. Lin Hua and the others looked towards that voice, and it turned out that there was a mutant undead warrior behind him. This mutant undead warrior was about the same size, but the weapon in his hand was born Instead of a rusty iron sword, it was an iron chain that could swing back and forth non-stop.

The sound just now should be the sound of the iron chain rubbing against the ground. It seems that this guy is the boss of this group of mutant undead warriors.

The boss of the mutant undead warriors is at the fifth level of Amethyst. Although he is the boss of the group of mutant undead warriors, his mobility is the same as that of the group that died just now, so slow!However, which iron chain he swings back and forth can make up for his lack of speed.At this time, he was slowly walking towards Lin Hua and the others!

"Leave the boss to me, I'll deal with him myself," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Be careful yourself. Although he reacts slowly, his iron chain has a large attack range, and his defense is not comparable to those low-level mutant undead warriors just now." Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

At this time, Li Jie was using several of his skills, and his eyes were already red.Swinging the big knife is like slashing at the boss of this mutant undead warrior, but although this monster's reaction ability and action ability are slow, he is also a strong man of the fifth level of Amethyst, especially when she rotates the big iron When the chain was on, Li Jie couldn't get close at all.

It's just been avoiding the attack of this mutant undead boss!Lin Hua saw that Li Jie reminded Li Jie again at this time, you attack his feet first and cut off his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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