Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 354 The Tree That Eats People

Chapter 354 The Tree That Eats People
And when Li Jie heard what Lin Hua said, he suddenly squatted down to avoid the big iron chain that was swung over just now, and got even closer to the boss of the mutant undead warrior, and directly stabbed down, killing the boss of the mutant undead warrior. One of his legs was cut off, and the boss of the mutant undead warrior suddenly lost his balance and fell down!Li Jie seized the opportunity to chop off his head with one knife, and just like that, the boss of the mutant undead warrior died in Li Jie's hands.

Lin Hua watched as Li Jie killed the boss of the mutant undead warrior, and then began to clean up the alien core just now.

And Li Jie picked up the alien nucleus of the boss of the mutant undead warrior, and went to help Lin Hua and the others clean up the alien nucleus.

After cleaning up, several people didn't want to rest here and continued to move forward as before.I don't know how long Heisha ran, and finally ran out of the grass.They came to a forest, which was no different, so Lin Hua and the others chose to rest here.

Several people found some firewood, and then Lin Hua took out some animal meat from the space ring, and several people roasted and ate the meat like this.

After a few people ate and shared the different cores they got today, they went to upgrade.However, everyone's level has not changed at all, but the supernatural energy in the body has increased a little.

At this time, Lin Hua felt that there were too many different cores needed to upgrade to the second level of Transcendent. Lin Hua didn't even have the slightest feeling about the different cores these days.

And now everyone in the team is stuck at the same level as himself!

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and the others got up and ate some food. When they were about to move on, they saw some birds flying in a panic ahead.

There must be something in front, otherwise why would the group of little birds take off suddenly.

But when I came to the tree where the group of birds took off just now, I didn't find anything wrong. If I really want to say that there is something wrong with the birch, I can only say that this big tree may be too big.

At this moment, Lin Hua and the others were standing in front of the big tree.Looking back and forth at the surrounding environment, there is still nothing strange about it!

Everyone is depressed!what on earth is this kind of happenings.Looking at the surroundings at this time, I didn't find anything special. I actually sat down near this big tree with my back facing it. When Gu Tian saw where Li Jie was sitting, he also sat there. .

At this time, Lin Hua sensed the troops. The flock of birds just took off here in a panic. They must have been frightened by something, so they appeared so panicked, but now they are near the big tree. Nothing weird,

When Xuewu and Guiwu were also going to sit under this big tree.Lin Hua found that there were many bird feathers under the big tree, and there were bloodstains on them, and there was a trace of blood hanging on the big tree that Lin Hua was facing!

"Don't go there, this tree is weird" Lin Hua shouted at Guiwu Xuewu and the others
He heard Lin Hua's call.Ghost Dance and Xuewu also stopped advancing in an instant!

Li Jie and Gu Tian got up immediately after hearing Lin Hua's words, but it was too late.Two ghost vines instantly entangled the two of them, and two smaller tree vines pierced into the bodies of Li Jie and Gu Tian.

Then Li Jie and Gu Tian passed out in an instant!Seeing that the two of them had passed out, Lin Hua instantly sent out several icy blades, cutting off the vines wrapped around Li Jie and the others, and Ghost Wu Xuewu did not dare to attack for fear of hurting Li Jie and the others.

Lin Hua's Binding of Ice and Ice-moving Phantom rushed over in an instant, leaving Li Jie and Gu Tian to Xue Wu and Gui Wu.

At this moment, dozens of ghost vines were about to entangle Lin Hua. Lin Hua felt that it was too late to use the ice-moving phantom, and then wrapped herself tightly with the mysterious ice body in an instant, and kept Thicken the Xuanbing body.And Lin Hua's last sentence was to burn him to death, and then Lin Hua was eaten into his mouth by the huge tree monster.

However, when Gui Wu and Xue Wu saw Lin Hua being eaten into the big tree's mouth, they couldn't help feeling a little anxious. At this time, Heisha also came over when he heard the sound of his body!After knowing this matter.

Put Li Jie and Gu Tian on my back, and then you attack him.Heisha said

Then Xuewu and the others put Li Jie and Gu Tian on Heisha's back.

Xuewu remembered Lin Hua's words just now and burned it with fire, and then Xuewu used a skill with a fire attribute ability on the big tree, and soon the big tree caught fire, and the fire became more and more intense. Big, and the big tree saw the fire set by the two humans in front of him and began to attack them with tree vines. At this time, Xue Wu used the flame shield to resist.Ghost Dance directly corroded the vines that stretched out with the Corrosion Arrow.

And now Lin Hua, who is in the tree monster's stomach, kept thickening the mysterious ice body on the surface of his body, and finally reached a thickness of more than three meters before he stopped, but he could see through the ice that this big The belly of the tree is full of white bones. It can be seen that this big tree has eaten a lot of creatures.

At this time, the big tree kept roaring, because the fire had almost burned most of its body, but Xuewu still continued to use his skills to burn the tree quickly, and time passed by like this Go!

At this time, Lin Hua felt that the big tree was being burned, and he probably understood the situation.Because when he surrounded himself with the black ice body shield, he yelled at them and burned them with fire.

After burning for another 1 minutes, Lin Hua felt that her black ice body was melting continuously, which meant that it had already burned to this point, but Lin Hua continued to thicken the black ice body, because it now I don't know if the tree is dead or not.So now evolve and wait, this big tree is burned, and then go out later!This big tree is really big. The fire has been burning for an hour and it has not been burned. At this time, Li Jie and Gu Tian have already woken up. They are only temporarily anesthetized. Heisha and the others came over.

"How is the boss? He is still in the big tree!" Li Jie asked

"The boss is still inside the big tree, I don't know what's going on, but I'm about to know the result, and the big tree is almost burnt out," Xuewu said

At this time, Lin Hua didn't know what was going on outside, but when he saw that the ice had melted, he thickened it up. After another 10 minutes or so, the big tree finally burned out!
When Xuewu and the others saw that the big tree had already been burned, Lin Hua was still lying quietly in the black ice, and they didn't know what was going on with Lin Hua at this time.

"Boss won't be suffocated in Xuanbing due to lack of oxygen?" Li Jie asked

"This big tree has been burned, why hasn't the boss turned back?" Gu Tian also began to ask anxiously
If Lin Hua hadn't saved them in time just now, they might be dead now.Now Lin Hua's behavior is all because of them.

At this time, Lin Hua also felt that the big tree had been burnt out, thinking that he knew that he had touched the ground, and the fire had already burned out.

At this moment, Lin Hua canceled the mysterious ice body protector in an instant, then released the shackles of ice, and used the phantom of shifting ice to come to Xue Wu and the others.

When Xuewu saw Lin Hua coming out, she immediately hugged Lin Hua, completely blinded Lin Hua, I didn't know what to do!
"It's all right, just let go, I'm almost out of breath," Lin Hua said, and it was at this moment that Xue Wu sent Lin Hua away.

"Boss, as long as you're fine, if something happens to you, I'm afraid that Li Jie will commit suicide," Gu Tian said.

"Boss thanked you just now, if it wasn't for you just now, Gutian and I would be finished," Li Jie said.

"What are you talking about, I just slept in a different place just now, and I didn't suffer any harm," Lin Hua said!Then he walked to the side of the burnt tree, took away the different nucleus, and handed it to Xuewu.

After everything was done, Lin Hua and the others were ready to move on. They walked like this for a day without encountering any monsters.

In the evening, Lin Hua and the others came to a grassland again!
"Why is it a grassland again? No way, we should spend the night on the grassland tonight." Li Jie complained a little.

"That's right, it's either the grassland or the deep forest these days, and there are some strange things in it, it's better to meet monsters directly," Gu Tian said.

"Yeah, especially in the grasslands, there are often things that are not very clean," Xuewu said.

"Wherever you go, count where you go, and see if you can get out of this grassland when you bring it back at night," Lin Hua said.

In fact, Lin Hua didn't like to spend the night in this grassland, because this time, he encountered some special monsters every time in the grassland.It's not that Li Jie and the others don't like it, even Lin Hua himself really doesn't like spending the night in the grassland!

It wasn't God who didn't know what was going on, or it was intentional. Lin Hua and the others continued to move forward even after it was dark for a long time.Haven't gone out to this prairie yet.

"Boss, I think it's better to forget it, don't exhaust Heisha, it's been a day of running, let's rest in this grassland," Gu Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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