Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 355 Necromancer

Chapter 355 Necromancer
"It's not that I didn't try my best to run, it's really that the grassland is too big, and the front is still endless," Heisha said.

"Then let's rest here today," Lin Hua said.

Then several people rested in this grassland!
After dinner, several people started chatting, "By the way, Heisha, will you also transform into a human form after reaching Chaofan?" Lin Hua asked Heisha.

"That's right, as long as animals reach the extraordinary level, they can transform into humans," Heisha said.

"Did you not see the green dragon on the day of Heisha, it was ugly after transforming into a human form," Li Jie said at this time.

"Appearance is nothing to me, as long as I transform into an adult, then many things will be very convenient," Heisha continued.

"Turn into a human form, can you still turn into your current form by then?" Gu Tian asked at this time.

"As long as it is transformed into a human form, it can no longer be transformed into the previous appearance!"

"Until now I don't know if you are a man or a woman," Li Jie said with some embarrassment.

"I'm dizzy, you forgot, how did we meet when we first met? We wanted you to avenge my child," Heisha said.

"By the way, I forgot, my brain is really hard to use," Li Jie continued.

"At that time, my level was the highest. I was higher than the boss at that time, but now I am only higher than the two of you. It's really depressing." Heisha said a little depressed.

"What, I'll surpass you if you decide the time, okay?" Li Jie said very dissatisfied.

"It seems that I'm about to touch the extraordinary, and you haven't reached the threshold of the fifth level of amethyst yet." Heisha couldn't help but let out a roar after finishing speaking.

At this time, everyone couldn't help laughing, only Li Jie didn't laugh, looking very embarrassed.

However, at this moment, the air in the east suddenly became very blurred, which was very different from other places, and there were bursts of noises in the grass, as if someone was walking!

"Boss has a situation" said Li Jie and pointed to the east!
A few people said that they really found something special in the direction of Li Jie's finger, it was very dark there!And the grass was still shaking back and forth, Lin Hua and the others were all staring at the grass that was shaking back and forth.

Not long after, a few shaking figures appeared!
"Is the boss another mutant undead warrior?" Li Jie asked

Lin Hua didn't answer him but continued to stare at him.

"It looks almost the same," Gu Tian said

"When I was in the grassland, I always encountered this kind of thing," Gui Wu said.

However, those swaying figures keep increasing!
However, at this moment, many rockets, fireballs, ice arrows, and water polos, like Lin Hua, sent them here!Before the rest of them could react, Lin Hua was ready when she saw those swaying people imitating their activation of their skills.

Immediately in front of Lin Hua and the others, an extremely thick ice wall about five meters high was created.

And those sent skills were instantly blocked by the ice wall made by Lin Hua!Only then did Xuewu and the others react.

And the swaying figures who released the skills just now saw that all the skills they attacked just now were blocked, and they activated their skills again to attack the places in the sky where they were not blocked.At this time, Xuewu also released the skill Raging Flame Aegis to block the part of the sky above.

Those swaying figures reflected Lin Hua and the others walking over!But their skills don't stop there!

"Boss like this is not an option," Li Jie said

At this time, Lin Hua used the water concealment to become invisible immediately, and then saw from the side, those swaying shadows were actually necromancers, Lin Hua still knew about necromancers, necromancers were those who died, and their grievances lingered after death , I always thought that I was a mage before I was alive, and then I still fought like a mage. They all wore worn-out mage robes!They all hold worn-out staffs in their hands!They are all people who have been dead for a long time, and they are all supported by lingering souls.They can cast magic.And they are the same kind of immortal warriors as those mutated undead warriors. If such things come across, they will be destroyed!

Lin Hua looked at the necromancers in front of him, and released his skills on the ice wall and the flame shield.These undead mages are probably around the second level of Amethyst, but their physical strength is particularly fragile, and may not be as strong as platinum fifth-level fighters. A mage is a long-range attack and not a fighter, so the physical strength is not high. These undead mage.

Seeing that these necromancers hadn't noticed her at all, Lin Hua took the epee Wufeng from the back of her body, slowly raised Wufeng, and then directly used the skill triple phantom on the group of necromancers, and then Lin Hua Immediately used Ice Bind!Because some necromancers were not within the range of the triple phantom and were not harmed, they were not attacking Xue Wu and the others, but turned around to attack Lin Hua.Lin Hua immediately used the Ice Shifting Phantom to keep going back and forth among the necromancers. Each time, a necromancer's head fell off. After about seven or eight minutes, Lin Hua killed the last one. The necromancer then said to Li Jie and the others, come and collect the different cores, and then several people began to collect the different cores.

After a few people have collected the different cores of those necromancers!Still a little worried, because every rest on the grassland is like this.There will always be something dead.

Today everyone is still standing guard in samsara, every two people for two hours.

Because of the rest in this environment, I can only stand guard.

The first is the post of Lin Hua and Heisha. One person and a tiger passed through a group of posts, and then the next group is the two people of Ghost Dance and Song Xuewu. When the two people called out just now, at this time Lin Hua and Heisha are getting ready to rest.

But at this time, bursts of giggles came from a distance. This kind of laughter felt particularly creepy, and made people feel creepy. Lin Hua called Li Jie and Gu Tian at this time.

When Li Jie and Gu Tian woke up, when they heard that kind of giggling, they were so frightened that they woke up straight away!
Lin Hua and the others stared closely at the place where the laughter came from!
At this time, Xuewu threw a few fireballs towards the place where the sound came from, but nothing was seen, but it came again from that direction, and the creepy laughter caught Li Jie and Li Jie who had just woken up. Gu Tian was so frightened that he kept talking about whether he was just having a nightmare.

But at this moment, a lightning bolt from Lin Hua shot towards Lin Hua. Lin Hua immediately released the skill Ice Bind, and then used the Ice Shifting Phantom to avoid the lightning attack.

When Xuewu and the others saw a bolt of lightning attacking Lin Hua, Xuewu directly aimed at the place where the lightning came out and fired several fire bombs in succession.When those flame bombs touched the grass on the ground, they instantly ignited the grass, and finally saw through the flames, a white skeleton floating in mid-air.And they kept firing lightning attacks at Lin Hua.

At this time, Lin Hua kept using the ice-moving phantom to avoid, facing the lightning attack from him, while observing the white skeleton attacking him.

Lin Hua carefully noticed that the eyes of this huge white skull of his own were actually shining with red light!He held a magic staff in his hand.He wears a crown on his head. How can ordinary people believe that a white skull actually wears a crown? What an illogical thing!

At this moment, Lin Hua looked at the white skeleton for the first time, and suddenly she remembered that this might be the legendary Skeleton King!The Skeleton King is a bone with a crown on his head and a staff in his hand.And it is a thunder attribute ability.The Skeleton King uses the lightning attribute ability to attack others, and if he is attacked by his skills, he will be temporarily paralyzed.And the level of the Skeleton King is the first or second level of extraordinary!

At this time, the Skeleton King kept waving the staff in his hand and launched lightning attacks at Lin Hua!The main reason why the Skeleton King only attacked Lin Hua was because only Lin Hua had the highest level among all the people.

And the most important reason is because the ring in his hand used to be his, but it was given away, and now seeing the old thing, he also misses the past.

Lin Hua had heard some stories about the Skeleton King before. This Skeleton King was once a very capable emperor, but she fell in love with a woman herself, and he put his most precious space ring, which was worn by Lin Hua at this moment. I want to give this to this woman, but this woman doesn't love Skeleton King, this woman only loves power!So in the end, the woman poisoned the Skeleton King to death. After the death of the Skeleton King, he was unwilling and resentful. His body was already rotten, but there were still bones left!When you see humans, attack them.Keep dying until you kill them all.

(End of this chapter)

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