Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 356 The Appearance of the Skeleton King

Chapter 356 The Appearance of the Skeleton King
At this time, Lin Hua saw that the Skeleton King was only attacking him because of the ring in his hand, but this space ring was too important to him, so he couldn't just give it up.

So I can only use Ice Shifting Phantom to avoid his attack.However, looking for an opportunity, he slowly attacked the Skeleton King.However, whenever the Skeleton King sees Lin Hua approaching him, he speeds up his own lightning release speed, and quickly attacks Lin Hua, preventing Lin Hua from approaching.

Li Jie and the others who were watching the battle were also sweating for Lin Hua. They understood what happened to Lin Hua at this time.Can only keep passive defense.But at this time, the Skeleton King saw that he had failed to attack Lin Hua and was always dodged by her, so he began to attack Xuewu and the others. At this time, Xuewu immediately released the skill Raging Aegis.To block the thunder dragon that had rushed over at this time, although the defensive power of the Flame Aegis is particularly strong, but the suppression of the level, there is a full difference of two levels, from the fifth level of the amethyst to the second level of the extraordinary.

Although Xuewu resisted, the Thunder Dragon, but the Flame Aegis was broken, and Xuewu was also vomited blood from the shock. At this moment, Lin Hua saw that Xuewu was seriously injured by the Skeleton King's attack, so Lin Hua must attract all of his attention at this moment!Otherwise, the next time it attacks other people, it will injure them completely.

Now that Lin Hua has already made plans, he doesn't care about anything else, just use the ice shifting phantom to follow the Skeleton King!And Lin Hua also remembered to control the power she received on the ice.This increases the speed a lot.At this time, Lin Hua, who was refreshed, slowly came within ten meters of the Skeleton King.

The Skeleton King released the skill Thunder Dragon next time like Lin Hua.However, Lin Hua's ice-moving phantom came to the back of the Skeleton King in an instant, and stabbed him fiercely in the head. Unexpectedly, the Skeleton King had already reacted at this time, and he also disappeared in an instant. When he appeared, the Skeleton King had already appeared about 20 meters away from Lin Hua, and he kept waving his staff, attacking Lin Hua non-stop.

At this time, Lin Hua was very shocked, because this Skeleton King also has the same skills as Lin Hua, and his speed is not that fast, and the distance is not comparable to Lin Hua.At this time, Lin Hua had no choice but to keep avoiding when he discovered this, and he was also attacking him, otherwise, the Skeleton King would still have the energy to attack Ghost Dance and the others after his death.

Keep dodging, keep casting ice blades!Just like that, the two kept flashing and attacking each other.

In this way, the two kept consuming and fighting!At this time, Lin Hua didn't know what to do next!
Gui Wu, who was taking care of Xue Wu there, saw Lin Hua and Skeleton King attacking each other non-stop and avoiding them.

The Skeleton King once again sent out a thunderbolt like Lin Hua, and suddenly stopped attacking Lin Hua, but kept growling in his mouth.Lin Hua saw it. The Skeleton King was going to attack him with a triple phantom at this time, but thinking that he would also flash, let's forget it.

Lin Hua just quietly watched the Skeleton King growl there, but not long after his growl, a large number of skeleton knights appeared behind the Skeleton King, holding a big sword in their hands, and the others They were all skeletons, just bones, and the horses under them were all bones.

There can be more than 200 of these skeleton knights, all of which are around the second level of Amethyst!At this moment, they all rushed towards Xuewu and the others!Lin Hua saw that those skeleton knights were not coming towards her, but towards Xuewu and the others, and now Xuewu was injured!Unable to let them be harmed anymore, Lin Hua instantly released the skill Raindrops into Arrows, because at this time Lin Hua waited until after being promoted to Transcendence, the damage of the skills has been greatly improved!A lot of skeleton knights, their bodies made of skeletons were crushed while sleeping, but only a small part of them rushed towards Xuewu and the others!At this moment, Lin Hua was also relieved, because the remaining Li Jie and the others were enough to deal with.

The Skeleton King saw that most of the Skeleton Knights he had just summoned were wiped out like this. He couldn't help being angry. He sent another blow to the Thunder Dragon at Lin Hua. Lin Hua continued to dodge. What is Lin Hua thinking now? Only by getting close to this Skeleton King, because this Skeleton King will also flash, and his release speed and moving distance are both faster and farther than himself,

Procrastinating like this is not a solution, when the ability energy is exhausted, there is no solution!At that time, I can only lose for sure!What should we do now.

The two of them kept changing positions and attacking each other, but the careful Lin Hua discovered that the Skeleton King switched back and forth in those positions, back and forth.After going back and forth, Lin Hua can probably guess the position of the Skeleton King next time, but at this moment Lin Hua launched the ice blade at the current position of the Skeleton King, and then increased the strength of the ice bondage!This can reduce his speed even more, and use the ice-moving phantom to come to the approximate position where the Skeleton King should be next time.

Sure enough, the Skeleton King really came to this position, but when she felt Lin Hua behind her, her speed suddenly became lower, feeling that something was wrong, and was about to use the flash to escape again.Lin Hua stabbed at the Skeleton King's chest. At this time, the Skeleton King couldn't see the flash in time, so he could only dodge, and instantly dodged to the left, just like that, his hand holding the staff was chopped off by Lin Hua up!Then when he disappeared again, Lin Hua knew where he was next time, and went directly to that location. Unsurprisingly, the Skeleton King reappeared in front of Lin Hua, and he still had the same feeling as last time. This time, Hua directly attacked his head a split second earlier. When the Skeleton King arrived, Lin Hua thrust forward instantly, and the skull with the crown instantly shattered.

The remaining skeleton limbs were also automatically separated.

Just like that, the Skeleton King, a powerful second-order extraordinary monster, died under Lin Hua's hands!Lin Hua also took out his heteronucleus.

And the battle at Li Jie's place is still going on, Li Jie and Gutian fought against the remaining skeleton knights, and they quickly solved them all, and a few people cleaned up the alien cores!Then Li Jie reported to Lin Hua about the income of different cores today, "There are 240 six amethyst different cores, and platinum different cores are useless for us, so we can just divide them."

Li Jie said.

"One person has 41 amethyst heteronuclei," Lin Hua said.

Then the few people who should stand guard will stand guard, and the rest of the people are hitting the level, but few people have not changed much, only Li Jie and Gu Tian have successfully upgraded, and Li Jie also realized a new His skill is bloodthirsty!When using this skill in battle, the attack power and defense power are increased several times!It can be superimposed with his other skill enhancements without any conflict.At this time, except for myself, the four people and one tiger are already at the fifth level of Amethyst!
Lin Hua also discovered that the level of the monsters gets higher and higher the further you go inside, and they are all dark creatures, the kind that have been dead for a long time!I really don't know what will be in the dark kingdom when I get to the very center, and whether I can go up to another level by then!

"Boss, have you noticed that it is full of unclean things, and the level is getting higher and higher, and it is not easy to deal with?" Li Jie said.

"That's right, I don't know what kind of monsters are in the dark kingdom in the center. Anyway, judging from this form, the monsters inside will not be too weak," Gu Tian said.

"But for me, maybe I can come up with some particularly powerful skills when I come into contact with dark monsters, just like the triple phantom of the boss. Isn't that very powerful?" Ghost Dance said.

"Everyone should seize the time to upgrade now. It has been more than a month since we came in, and we don't have much time here, because the dark warrior said that within half a year, monsters plan to attack Xueyun City, we We must take Xueyun City down before the monsters attack it," Lin Hua said.

"Everyone, after hearing Lin Hua's words, they all cheered secretly, quickly improved their strength, and tried to take down Xueyun City when monsters attacked the city, because they have also seen Wanlong City in the eighteenth district. , After the monsters attacked the city, those tragedies! They don't want to see that kind of tragedies happen again."

"Heisha, let's move on, anyway, everyone doesn't want to rest in this grassland anymore," Lin Hua said to Heisha.

Heisha's body also became bigger in an instant, and then several people climbed onto Heisha's body. In this way, several people were still moving towards the dark kingdom in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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