Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 357 Not necessarily a human

Chapter 357

Around the next morning, several people had already left the vast prairie.When I came to a small village that had been abandoned for a long time, I knew that the small village had been abandoned for a long time, because it looked very depressed, and most of the houses were dilapidated.

Several people got down and walked slowly in the dilapidated village clothes, but when they walked to the center of the small village, they saw a big house that was incompatible with the small village. The big house was about three stories high , and seeing this house from the outside, it looks very high-end, just like that kind of villa.

"Boss, it looks like there are people living in this villa, and it should look like a rich person," Li Jie said.

"The people living here are not necessarily human beings. Don't look at it as a human house, but you have no smell. There is a faint smell of blood in the air!" Heisha said.

"Well, there is indeed a faint smell of blood, but if you don't smell it carefully, you really can't feel it," Lin Hua said.

"Why didn't I smell it? Maybe it's because my nose isn't working well," Li Jie said.

A few people walked towards this big house like this!
When seeing this big house up close, the smell of blood was stronger than before.

"There is a problem with this big house. When everyone enters later, be careful, this house is a bit weird." Lin Hua said to the few people behind him.

Lin Hua walked in the front. The door of this big house was ajar. With a slight push from Lin Hua, the door slowly opened!
"Is anyone there? We are passing by, come and visit the owner here," Lin Hua said.

At this moment, two mutated pig demons rushed down the stairs on the second floor. They were wearing ancient clothes, but the color of the clothes was still very bright.An oversized rake was held in their hands.

The rake they held in their hands was similar to the rake Zhu Bajie held in Journey to the West.And their looks are much uglier than the Zhu Bajie on TV, not much uglier, they are simply ugly!However, their strength can still reach the third level of Amethyst.

"Did I just say it, the people living in a good house are not necessarily people," Ghost Dance said.

And at this moment, the two pig demons holding rakes had rushed to the lobby on the first floor, about five meters away from Lin Hua and the others!They were observing Lin Hua, the five of them and a black tiger.

But it seemed that when they couldn't see Lin Hua's strength clearly, one of the pig demons yelled at the upstairs a few times!At this time, I only saw five pig monsters who looked similar to these two pig monsters rushing down from the second floor and the third floor.

However, the strength of these five pig demons is higher than that of these two pig demons, and the strongest one is actually the fifth-level strength of Amethyst!

Lin Hua and the others didn't move, but quietly watched the pig monsters upstairs rush down!When the pig demons upstairs rushed down, it seemed as if they had given courage to the two pig demons who had just arrived, and the murderous look in their eyes suddenly became much stronger.

Lin Hua told Xuewu and Guiwu who were behind him to back off.Then Gui Wu and Xue Wu both retreated to the door!

When the pig demons upstairs arrived at the downstairs hall, they didn't rest at all, and directly waved their big rakes at Lin Hua and the others, and the two pig demons at the beginning also followed Lin Hua. Hua and the others rushed over!

At this time, Lin Hua and the others also moved. Lin Hua directly activated the Xuanbing Body Protector, and then drew out the epee Wufeng pinned to his back, while Li Jie directly activated the skills Yuezhan Yueyong, Yue Zhan Yurui and bloodthirsty, At this moment, Li Jie's eyes were already red.Gu Tian also drew out his big knife.And Heisha rushed directly at the second-level amethyst pig demon who was downstairs just now. Because Heisha's speed was so fast, the second-level amethyst pig demon hadn't reacted yet.His head was instantly scratched off by Heisha's sharp claws.

However, the remaining six pig demons were also shocked. With Heisha's speed and strength, their companions were instantly killed, but their eyes were more angry and murderous.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others fought with the remaining six pig demons. Lin Hua fought against the pig demon with the highest level, the fifth-level amethyst.And Heisha fought against two Amethyst-level [-] pig demons, Li Jie fought against two Amethyst-level [-] pig demons, and the remaining Amethyst-level [-] pig demon Gu Tian dealt with it.

However, due to the strength of several people, it can be said that they all suppressed and beat their opponents. The most serious ones belonged to Gu Tian and Lin Hua, especially Lin Hua, who was an extraordinary first-order powerhouse. It is a pig demon of the fifth level of Amethyst. There is a huge gap between Amethyst and Transcendence!After crossing this gap, one can reach the extraordinary level. The short battle took less than 2 minutes, and the pig demon who fought with Lin Hua was already covered with scars!

Blood kept flowing from the body of the amethyst fifth-level pig demon to the ground.

And the pig demon of the second level of Amethyst that Gu Tian was fighting against had already fallen down slowly and unwillingly!Then Gu Tian took the big knife to help Heisha deal with an amethyst fourth-level pig demon.At this time, Li Jie had already killed one of the amethyst third-level pig demons.

Due to Gutian's joining, Heisha is a pig demon who is dealing with an amethyst fourth-order.Without the slightest pressure, this amethyst fourth-order pig demon was quickly resolved.Although Heisha had the upper hand when dealing with the two fourth-level amethyst pig demons just now, it still takes some time for him to kill the two fourth-level amethyst pig demons.

But Gu Tian came over to share a fourth-level amethyst pig demon, so Heisha killed the fourth-level amethyst pig demon very quickly.

And Lin Hua's Purple Crystal Tier [-] pig demon also fell down unwillingly in front of Lin Hua's powerful, overwhelming strength.

At this time, the battle between Gutian Lijie and the others is over!A few people cleaned up the heterogeneous cores of the seven pig demons.

Then several people walked upstairs!The layout of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, but there are just a few more bedrooms!There is nothing strange, and there is no pig demon anymore, and then a few people continued to walk upstairs like the third floor!

There is nothing special about the third floor!
"Boss, this house is not just these seven pig monsters, there are no other monsters," Li Jie said

"The three floors have been searched, and no other monsters have been found," Gu Tian said

Lin Hua didn't answer them, because he still felt something was wrong, because when he was downstairs just now, he noticed a particularly strong smell of blood.

At first she thought it was the smell from upstairs, but when they got upstairs, there wasn't such a serious smell of blood, that smell should be on the first floor.

Lin Hua thought of this, then turned to Li Jie and the others and said, "There is a problem downstairs, the smell of blood comes from downstairs.

Then Lin Hua walked directly downstairs, and Li Jie and the others also followed Lin Hua to go downstairs!

When several people arrived downstairs, the smell of blood became stronger, but Li Jie and the others felt that the strong smell of blood came from the dead pig demon just now.

"Isn't the smell of blood here, Boss, the smell of those pig monsters killed just now?" Li Jie asked.

"Yes, Boss," Gu Tian also echoed.

"This smell is different from the one just now, because when I first came in, the smell of blood was very strong. I thought it was coming from upstairs, but after I went upstairs, the smell of blood was very weak. , It can be said that there are a few pots, but there is no, so I said that there is a problem downstairs! Everyone look for it and see if there is any gain." Lin Hua said to several people.

Several people started to search separately, but to be honest, this house is really big, especially the first floor!
"Boss has a basement here, and the smell of blood is particularly strong." At this time, Gu Tian shouted at Lin Hua and the others.

Several people quickly walked towards Gutian!
When several people came to this study room, they smelled a particularly strong smell of blood. This smell was what Lin Hua smelled when he first came into this big house.

It turned out that there was a basement behind the study, and the entrance to the basement was very large. Several people walked down the stairs in the basement, and the smell of blood became stronger the further they went down!However, this staircase is very long. Several people felt that when they walked down more than 300 meters, there was still such a long staircase, and the lights on both sides of the staircase were also very dim. Coupled with the strong smell of blood, it gave people a feeling A particularly eerie feeling.

"Boss will think about what kind of scene will be next," Li Jie said at this time.

"It must not be a very warm scene, because the strong smell of blood here will not make people think of any good scenes!" Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, with such a strong smell of blood, how could it be possible to see anything good?" Gu Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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