Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 358 The Legendary Pig 8 Ring

Chapter 358 The Legendary Zhu Bajie

"I don't know what kind of monsters I will encounter later," Gui Wu said.

"It must be a pig demon, isn't it the pig demon you met just now?" Li Jie said.

Me, "And the strength must be very good, at least it should be at the fifth level of Amethyst, because the pig demon at the fifth level of Amethyst just now looks like a pony, not like the boss." Li Jay continued.

"I feel the same way. I don't know what level the monster below will be, maybe it's an extraordinary level, but if it's really an extraordinary level monster, the level is higher than mine. , you guys run first, I'll be short, and then we'll gather at the entrance of the village," Lin Hua said to the people behind him.

"Boss, don't worry too much. How could there be so many extraordinary monsters? You thought you were buying vegetables at the vegetable market, there are all kinds of them," Li Jie said.

"Yes, boss, how could there be so many high-level monsters?" Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua didn't speak, just like this, the few people continued to walk down the stairs!

I finally reached the end of the stairs. At the end of the stairs in front is a door, a big stone door.

The stone door was huge, and Lin Hua and Li Jie had to use a lot of strength to push the door open.

When the door was pushed open, a stronger smell of blood came to the nostrils. This smell of blood was several times stronger than the one above!
However, when he opened the door, he saw two amethyst-level five pig demons quietly staring at Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua didn't even look at these two amethyst level five pig demons.

Lin Hua was watching the figure bathing in the huge blood pool behind the two amethyst fifth-level pig demons, because of the strength of that figure, Lin Hua couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

"Boss, why do I feel like vomiting when I smell this smell?" Xuewu said

"I feel the same way. You see, there is something in that huge pool of blood. It's taking a bath there. Isn't it disgusting?" Ghost Dance said.

Lin Hua didn't speak, but still stared at the figure bathing in the huge pool of blood.

At this time, the figure bathing in the huge pool of blood seemed to sense that Lin Hua was staring at her, and then he slowly turned her head to look at Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua and the others saw the face of the bathing figure in the pool of blood, they couldn't help but feel a stir in their stomachs, as if they were about to vomit!Her face was too scary, it was like a pig's face, especially under the dim red light, it was particularly scary and disgusting.

Although Lin Hua felt particularly disgusted in her heart, she didn't show the slightest expression on her face.

At this moment, the two girls, Xuewu and Guiwu, couldn't take it anymore when they saw that particularly ugly pig's face!
He threw up on the floor behind him, not to mention Xuewu and Guiwu, even Li Jie and Gutian couldn't hold back and vomited!

Then Li Jie and the others saw that Xue Wu and Gui Wu had finished vomiting, so they handed them water and asked them to rinse their mouths.

However, the figure bathing in the huge pool of blood didn't show the slightest expression when he saw Xue Wu and the others vomit, and then he got up slowly. At this time, a pig demon of the fifth level of amethyst handed the clothes to the pig demon.

At this time, Gui Wu and Xue Wu saw this scene and turned their heads to avoid seeing anything they shouldn't.

At this time, Lin Hua didn't have the slightest expression on her face, but she activated the mysterious ice body guard, and then opened the ice bondage!

Behind them, Li Jie and the others nagged that Lin Hua had activated his skills at this time, knowing that Lin Hua would start fighting every time this happened, and they also picked up their weapons one after another.Then stare at the scene in front of you.

At this time, the figure had already put on clothes.Slowly walking towards Lin Hua and the others, the amethyst fifth-level pig demon who had just handed him the clothes ran to the back. After a while, a huge rake was added to her hand.

This rake was nearly twice as big as his one!And there are a few more rulers in front, the rulers on her rake are only six, but the huge rake he took the ground just now has nine rulers on it, it is not difficult to think of it, Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake in Journey to the West!And this figure monster is still a pig demon, so it could be the legendary Zhu Bajie!These thoughts are now in Li Jie's mind.

The pig demon of the fifth level of amethyst handed the nine-toothed rake to the figure.

Then the figure continued to walk towards Lin Hua and the others.She stopped when there were about 20 meters left!

Only then did Lin Hua and the others see the figure clearly.

He is about the same size as Lin Huadi, but her face is a pig's face, and her nose is very big and unique, very big and long, about [-] centimeters long, with a pair of fan-sized ears.At this time he was wearing blood red clothes.Lin Hua didn't know if it was the color of the clothes, or whether it was the blood that stained her body when she took a bath in the pool of blood just now, which made the clothes red.

However, her strength made Lin Hua a little afraid. Although she was also at the first level of extraordinary, Lin Hua had already reached the bottleneck of the first level of extraordinary at this time. Didn't he step into the second level of extraordinary with one foot? How could this not make Lin Hua afraid!

Fear is fear, not fear. At this time, Lin Hua is not afraid of the pig demon in front of him at all, because he has not yet reached the second level of Transcendent, and he is still capable of fighting, because Lin Hua's strength at this time is because of countless times. Growing up in the life-and-death battle, the stronger the opponent, it is just a kind of tempering for oneself!

At this time, the pig demon stared at Lin Hua for a long time, and then smiled. Although the smile was a smile, it looked particularly ugly and scary on the pig's face.

After the pig demon finished laughing, he said to Lin Hua and the others, "Don't think of me as Zhu Bajie in your human legend, but I am not. Our pig demon's weapon is a rake, and I happened to know about Zhu Bajie's weapon in Journey to the West. forged this weapon."

"Well, it's impossible for Zhu Bajie to kill innocent people so indiscriminately, so I didn't treat you as Zhu Bajie at all." Lin Hua said coldly to the pig demon.

Because at this time, Lin Hua didn't have the slightest affection for this pig demon bathing in the huge blood pool, because if the huge blood pool was filled with human blood, at least tens of thousands of human blood would be needed.

"You seem to have a big prejudice against me. Is it because of the blood in this blood pool? You are right, it is full of human blood, and it is all the blood of the girl I killed. The two girls who saw my face spitting up their blood just now will be put in by me later," the pig demon pointed at Gui Wu and Xue Wu.

"It depends on whether you have the ability." Lin Hua slowly pulled out the epee Wufeng behind her back.

"What's the matter, I got angry after saying a few words, maybe the two people behind are very important to you, haha" the pig demon continued.

Lin Hua didn't answer him.

At this time, the pig demon shook her huge rake and continued to say, "I haven't met a similar opponent for a long time, and I want to talk more, but since you are so anxious to die, I will help you." Then the pig just now The demon's smiling face suddenly became devoid of any emotion!And the eyes looking at Lin Hua were full of strong murderous intent.

And those two amethyst level fives were also tightly holding their rakes, just waiting for the pig demon to speak and rushing to tear Lin Hua and the others apart.

"Those two girls gave me bloodletting, then you two can eat the rest," said the tired pig demon.

And those two Amethyst fifth-level pig demons waved their rakes and rushed towards Xuewu and the others when they heard the words of the tired pig demons!

The pig demon didn't move, and neither did Lin Hua!
It's just that Heisha and Li Jie moved!Soon Li Jie and the others fought with these two Amethyst fifth-level pig monsters. Li Jie activated all his skills, because she knew that he was facing the fifth-level Amethyst pig monster this time. So they have the slightest slack!
Heisha's speed is very fast, and she has already stepped into the supernatural with half a foot, so the pig demon of the fifth-level amethyst was very passive at the beginning of the battle. Defense, there is no chance of attacking Heisha.

However, Li Jie was fighting another Amethyst fifth-level pig demon.Li Jie's skills are fully activated, his eyes are red, and his strength, attack power, and defense power have increased a lot when his skills are fully activated, and Li Jie is a desperate, desperate style of play, although it is just the beginning The battle, but for the amethyst fifth-level pig demon who just fought against her, the fight was especially frightening!It is also at a disadvantage, passively beaten!
However, this tired pig demon saw the battle between his two pig demons at this time, and he also showed a trace of anger on his face and said, "You two trash, what do you want? Let Li Jie attack. He wants to sneak attack Li Jie directly, so as to injure or kill Li Jie."

(End of this chapter)

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