Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 364 The strength of terror

Chapter 364 The strength of terror
But Zhang Er saw that it was effective, and flew directly towards the place where Lin Hua and the others were resting!
And the dark knight behind followed closely this Zhang Er.

After about 40 minutes, Heisha heard a loud sound of horseshoes in the distance. He knew something was going on, and quickly woke up everyone. When Lin Hua and the others woke up, they heard the sound of horseshoes , can't help but be vigilant! "The sound is getting closer and closer, it seems to be for us, and it should be that the number of hooves is not too small," Lin Hua said!
Lin Hua said to the group of young girls who just joined, you stand behind Ghost Wu Xuewu and the others, and get ready to fight.

Gu Tian summoned her elf archers, and more than 50 plants were ready for defense, while Ghost Dance summoned her six second-level dark warriors of amethyst to stand behind Lin Hua and the others.

In the front, Lin Hua took out the epee Wufeng, and the ice shield was instantly opened, and the ice bondage was also opened.

Li Jie is waiting with full skills and holding a knife!
And Heisha directly showed her pair of sharp claws.

Just like that, Lin Hua and the others were waiting here for the monster to approach, only to hear the sound getting closer,

"Boss, look what that thing is flying up there, it keeps casting skills on the ground," Li Jie said, pointing to Zhang Er who was flying over from a distance.

"I know her. He is the deputy leader of the Hongyun Gang and a supernatural being of the flying department," said a girl.

"Yes, it's that Zhang Er. Our leader said before that the three leaders of the Hongyun Gang are all ulterior motives, and they don't let us get in touch with them," said another girl.

It was getting closer and closer, only then did Lin Hua and the others see a group of dark knights rushing towards them, and Zhang Er, who was flying in front, kept releasing his skills to lure the group of dark knights to charge them over.

"It seems that we were used as guns by others," Lin Hua said.

"It's really a good plan to lure the monster to us, use our hands to kill the monster, and then get rid of us," Gu Tian said.

"Your gang leader is right, this Hongyun gang leader really has ulterior motives," Xue Wu said to the girls behind him.

Getting closer and closer, when they were less than ten meters away from Lin Hua and the others, the flying gang leader Zhang Er no longer flew like Lin Hua and the others, but flew towards the sky.

"It's so obvious against us, do you still want to leave?" Lin Hua said to Zhang Er.

Then Lin Hua directly sent out two ice blades and instantly flew in the sky. Zhang Er instantly had two wings chopped off by the ice blades. Zhang Er yelled in pain and fell straight down. Zhang Er has the strength of the second level of Amethyst, so he won't die. Lin Hua also appeared in front of him in an instant, grabbed it with one hand, went back to the position just now, and left Zhang Er behind him.

At this time, Zhang Er screamed in pain because his wings were cut off.

Not far away, Zhang Yi from the Hongyun gang didn't say anything when he watched Zhang Er's wings being cut off, and continued to stare at Lin Hua and the others.They are always ready to clean up the mess later.

At this time, the dark knight has quickly come to a distance of more than ten meters from Lin Hua and the others!Lin Hua saw that the first few ranks were all wet with amethyst and directly released the triple phantom.Attacked the amethyst dark knights rushing in front of Lin Hua, and then shot arrows at the dark knights rushing forward!The two skills are carried out approximately at the same time.

The triple phantom fell instantly, and the fastest charging Amethyst dark knights in front, even the Amethyst fourth-order leader died before making a sound, while the rushing dark knights behind, Large pieces fell down.Suddenly bursts of roars from the dark knight came out!At that time, there was a heart-piercing sound, and then Lin Hua launched a drop of water into an arrow again!In an instant, all sounds have stopped.Only the sound of the wind remained.All three skills wiped out a group of dark knights.The group of little girls behind Ghost Wu Xuewu was stunned, and then there was a lot of applause!Although they knew about Lin Hua's strength, they had also heard that it was the last test, but today's was actual combat.

The boss of his own alliance is too powerful.Three skills wiped out a group of dark knights.

"This is unbearable. The highest one here is only the fourth level of Amethyst. You didn't see the boss deal with more than 40 Amethyst dragons alone." Li Jie said at this time!
The group of little girls behind Xuewu and the others expressed their desire to listen, but at this time Lin Hua said, "I'll listen to it after the matter is settled, and we haven't finished the business right now!"

"Boss, I'm going to clean up the battlefield now, you guys do your work first." After Gu Tian finished speaking, it was as if he was directing the elf archers to collect the alien cores.

And the boss of the Hongyun Gang in the distance, after seeing a person who wiped out the group of dark knights with all three skills, immediately stayed with her men and retreated.

Because that person just now was too powerful, and they still had five strangers who didn't do anything, just one person was so powerful!
"Speak up, tell the truth if you don't want to die," Lin Hua said to Zhang Er.

At this time, Zhang Er was already frightened, because he also saw Lin Hua's strength just now!One skill wiped out all the dark knights.After seeing Lin Hua at this moment, her heart was full of fear.

"I said I said everything. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with me. Our boss asked me to do this. She wanted me to use the advantage of flying to attract a group of dark knights and let you fight first." Then they came to clean up the mess, that's all, can you let me go?" Zhang Er said to Lin Hua.

"Go away," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, why did you let him go so easily? You haven't asked where the group of people are, so I can kill them all," Li Jie asked.

"It's useless to ask, they dare not show up with the strength I showed just now, and the two wings of the deputy gang leader were cut off by me, and they are already useless. Their gang will not talk to him, she left soon It will die in the monster's mouth, so as not to dirty our hands," Lin Hua said.

"Boss is not only strong, but also has a good brain," Lin Hua continued.

"You think the boss has the same mind as you, so what about being the boss?" Gu Tian said after packing up the different cores.

"Oh, you said that my brain is not good, as if your brain is so good." Li Jie said unconvinced

"The boss platinum has a total of 360 five different cores, and the gold one has a total of 56. The twelve amethyst cores said Gu Tian
"Let's get two Amethysts for each of us. Let's divide the remaining Xuewu and Guiwu between you two. From now on, these girls will be managed by the two of you. You don't need to obey Brother Yu and the others. You will be responsible for managing the female superhumans in the future." "Then gave Xuewu the remaining heterogeneous cores.Then Lin Hua went on to sleep!
"I'm going to sleep too. I'm still there when I bring it back," Li Jie said.

"This is my post," Gu Tian said.

"Well, it's yours, you watch it, I'm going to bed now.

"Heisha said

And Xuewu Guiwu divided up the remaining heterogeneous cores to the girls behind them, and the sixty ordinary people also divided them up!

Those people didn't sleep because of their grades.

Where are Xuewu and Guiwu talking at this time?

"Boss, what do you mean, why didn't I understand what I said just now?" Gui Wu said.

"I don't quite understand either," Xuewu said.

"I don't understand such a simple thing. What the boss means is that these girls will be managed by the two of you in the future, and there will be more. It's just that they are all girls. Only you can manage them. Even Yu Brother, they are not easy to use, understand."

"I still don't quite understand," Gui Wu said.

"I understand," Xuewu said.

"Sister Xuewu is smarter," Gu Tian said.

"What do you mean, you mean I'm not smart?" Gui Wu stared at Gu Tian and said dissatisfied.

"I didn't say it, just pretend I didn't say it, you talk about me, go and look around, I'll add some firewood to the fire." After Gu Tian finished speaking, he went to add firewood to the fire.

After about an hour, those girls' level-ups have also been completed!Ghost Wu and Xuewu have been chatting and talking about this, waiting for them to finish leveling!
I am now Tier [-] Platinum.

I'm also platinum now

Platinum at last.

Most of these girls are already at the Platinum level, but only a few have not yet reached the Platinum level.

"It's very late, everyone except those who stand guard, go to sleep, don't lose sleep because of excitement!"

Soon those girls went to sleep, but they couldn't calm down at the moment, because they never thought that their level would increase so fast, it was unbelievably fast, and it felt like they were dreaming.

And Gui Wu has almost taken over, and then Xue Wu went to sleep!

After about four hours like this, it was dawn!Then the guard called everyone up and had breakfast.

"Boss was so handsome last night, he is really strong," some girls said recalling what happened the night before.

"Yes, there is no need to question the boss's strength. Didn't the two deputy gang leaders just join the gang say it? Have you forgotten?" Li Jie said at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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