Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 365 Brotherhood

Chapter 365 Brotherhood

"Oh, isn't this handsome Li?" Some girls began to tease Li Jie, because Li Jie usually stayed close to these girls.

"Everyone will be ready to go later! I feel that in a few days we will reach our destination, the Central Dark Kingdom," Lin Hua said to the others.

Then the group continued on their way, "Boss, I want to ask a question, at this time Xuewu came over and asked." "What's the question?" Lin Hua asked directly.

"You said that these girls are under the management of the two of us, not under the command of Brother Yu, right? They belong to our two guards, are they of this type?" Xuewu asked.

"Hmm" Because although the two of you are powerful, it's good to have more people around you.

"Sister Xuewu said it directly." At this time, Guiwu looked at Xuewu and said hesitantly.

"Boss, the thing is like this. Sister Xuewu and I plan to ask you to borrow some alien cores to raise their levels to platinum level, especially for ordinary people. We will slowly pay back the borrowed alien cores."

Ghost Dance finished speaking in one breath.

And the ordinary people around and those whose supernatural powers have not reached platinum level like mine all looked at Guiwu and Xuewu with special gratitude, because they knew that in the Ice and Snow League, these two were their bosses. Lin Hua said that they were the only ones. Two can manage them.Not long after Lin Hua finished speaking, the benefits are coming!
"It doesn't matter whether you borrow it or not. The different cores are reserved for the alliance members to use. It doesn't matter if they are upgraded to platinum level. It doesn't matter who uses them. Anyway, there are many here. How much do you need?" Lin Hua asked.

"Two thousand platinum heterocores are enough," Gui Wu said.

Then Lin Hua took out about [-] platinum heterocores from the interspatial ring and handed them to Xuewu and Guiwu for them to take back and distribute them to the girls during the noon break.

At this time, those girls saw that the boss was really not stingy, and he was really too generous to them. He just shot two thousand platinum heterocores casually.I admire Lin Hua even more.

And he plans to turn these dozen or so ordinary people into supernatural beings!

There are a total of 28 supernatural beings in this group of girls, and 47 ordinary people, a total of [-] people
They are all long-range abilities, long-range attacks!
These girls who belong to Xuewu and Guiwu's subordinates are very happy along the way, because they can all reach the platinum level at noon today, as their boss said!

During the break at noon, Xuewu and Guiwu Lian were busy dividing different cores for everyone, giving those ordinary people and those with low levels extra points for you. After about two hours, all the supernatural beings had reached They reached the Platinum level, and those ordinary people also reached the Platinum level, and one after another possessed supernatural powers!Ghost Wu Xuewu and the others were also very happy seeing the scene at this time, because these people belonged to their own management, the stronger they were, the happier Xuewu and the others would be!

Seeing that everyone's levels have reached the platinum level, Lin Hua was also very happy. Although it was a waste of some alien cores for you, those platinum alien cores are dispensable to the few of them at this time However, this group of girls rushed to the platinum level quickly, so everyone at this time was very happy.It's just that there is one person who is not happy at all, and that is the leader of the Hongyun Gang.
He is also very regretful now, because of his greed, it is a good thing to miss out on making friends with such a powerful human being, but in the end he screwed up and made things so bad.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others rested for a while, and then moved on.

"Boss, it seems that there is a group of people fighting in front of you." Li Jie pointed to the front and said not far away.

Lin Hua and the others looked in the direction of Li Jie's finger. Seven to eight hundred meters ahead, they saw only a group of humans fighting with a group of skeletons, and in the middle were two large amethyst-level 800 skeletons.Some six humans are fighting with these two large skeletons, but those six humans have already suffered serious injuries, but none of the two large skeletons have any injuries.And the rest of the human abilities, there are about 100 people, are fighting with those little skeleton fighters, although the number of those skeleton fighters is relatively small, only more than 30, but their level is much higher than those human abilities The level of the fighters is probably above Platinum, and there are a few skeleton warriors who are first-rank Amethyst and are a little bit bigger.And those human superpowers are mostly around the gold level.And there are some that are only silver level.

However, the dozen or so humans who fought against those Amethyst first-order skeleton warriors were platinum-level.

At this time, the battle situation on the battlefield has been seriously biased towards the skeleton warriors, because most of the human supernatural beings have suffered some injuries. Although there are a large number of them, their general levels are very different, especially those who are fighting against the fifth level of Amethyst. The strongest of the six human supernatural beings was the one in gray and holding a long sword.It was only the third level of Amethyst, and at this time his left abdomen was bleeding continuously.It should be caused by being attacked by a large amethyst skeleton warrior during the battle.

Of the remaining five supernatural beings, four are of the first level of Amethyst, and only one is of the second level of Amethyst.Lin Hua and the others saw the scene at this time and walked forward quickly, and stopped about 50 meters away.And those fighting supernatural beings and monsters found Lin Hua and the others, but they didn't react at all, and they didn't ask Lin Hua for help.

"Boss, you said that their strength is not very good. Why did they come to this empty gate and run towards the center? Isn't that courting death?" Li Jie said.

"Yeah, Boss, even if we have this strength, think about them, do they feel that their lives are too long?" Gu Tian said.

"Actually, their strength is pretty good, but they're just worse than us. As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food. There can be a lot of benefits in the outer space, so why don't they come?" Lin Lake said.

"Boss, can we help them?" Xuewu said

"They are another gang that is allied with our previous gang called Brotherhood," said a third-tier Platinum girl.
"Yeah, it's them, their gang leader, our gang leader said before, he is very loyal, and he is the opposite of the Hongyun gang leader," another girl said.

"Boss, please help them," said a girl named Chen Ying, the fourth-rank platinum girl with the highest strength, and Lin Hua turned her head to look at her, only to see that his eyes were full of pleading
He turned his head and looked at the rest of the girls who had just joined.

"They have helped us many times before. Boss, you are so powerful, so please help them." The girl who named Lin Hua's skill said weakly.

"Boss, they are great, look at these little girls, your eyes are about to cry," Li Jie said at this time, because Li Jie and these little girls are usually the closest, so he has a very good relationship with them.

"Boss, please help them," Gu Tian also said at this time.

"I said I won't help them. Everyone is human, so I can still see them go to die. Your boss is so ruthless," Lin Hua said at this time.

"Yeah, you don't know who the boss is for such a long time, and is it that you give the boss a chance to talk, you have been talking all the time," Ghost Dance said.

Only then did everyone realize that Lin Hua hadn't said he wouldn't help them, it was just that they kept talking and didn't give Lin Hua a chance!

"It's okay to help them. You also said that the gang leader is very loyal, and their strength is not bad. It's best to draw them into our alliance," Lin Hua said.

"Don't worry, Boss, I will try my best to persuade them and draw them into our alliance," said the girl with the highest level of platinum fourth rank.

"We will also help, because there are many people they know in their gang," the group also echoed.

"Li Jie, Heisha Gutian, and I, the four of us went to help, Xuewu, you just use your skills to attack them here." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she drew out the epee Wufeng on her back, and then activated the Xuanbing body protection and Ice bondage, several ice shifting phantoms came to a huge amethyst fifth-level skeleton, and said, "You step back and leave it to me."

When hearing Lin Hua's words, two human beings with supernatural abilities looked at the gang leader in gray clothes inquiringly.

"This brother, this monster is powerful, we will help you to defeat her more easily," said the gang leader in gray clothes.

"You are the leader of the Brotherhood, right? Those little girls in our alliance said that you are very loyal, so come here to help you, and you can retreat." Lin Hua pointed to Xuewu and the others, and then the few of them Only then did I notice which group of girls belonged to the Qinghuo Gang.

Then they backed off.The huge amethyst skeleton stared at Lin Hua with its huge eyes, and he felt that there was a very dangerous feeling on Lin Hua.So she was especially wary of Lin Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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