Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 366 The Monster Wants to Run Again

Chapter 366 The Monster Wants to Run Again

At this time, Li Jie and the others also rushed over.Li Jie rushed directly in front of the giant amethyst fifth-level skeleton, and then stopped. "

"You let the three people who attacked the giant amethyst fifth-order skeleton back down. That friend of mine is enough for himself. You go and help them deal with the remaining skeletons."

Then the gang leader in the gray clothes asked those human supernatural beings to retreat to help deal with the remaining skeletons.

At this time, Heisha had already killed an Amethyst Tier [-] skeleton, and was fighting another Amethyst skeleton!

The two giant skeletons of the fifth level of Amethyst looked at each other, because they both found out that the two humans in front of them were in great danger, especially the woman just now killed an Amethyst at random. For the first-order companions, this feeling of danger is even stronger.

At this time, Lin Hua saw that due to the joining of Heisha Gutian and those human beings with supernatural powers, the situation on the battlefield soon changed drastically!Soon all the skeleton warriors were up.Heisha and Gutian specifically killed the Amethyst Skull and took away the different cores, and the remaining ones remained unchanged.

Then everyone watched the battle between Lin Hua, Li Jie and those two giant skeletons of the fifth level of amethyst!
But Xuewu and the others saw that the battlefield was over, and they all came over. The group of girls should be familiar with the members of this gang before, and they started talking with each other. The girl named Chen Ying also began to persuade the leader of the Brothers Gang. .At this time, everyone in the Brotherhood was watching Lin Hua and his confrontation, but neither side made a move.

At this time, the members of the Brothers Gang, especially the leader, felt very strange. Why didn't this group of people go to help the leader and those two people to kill the giant skeleton of the fifth level of Amethyst!And why those two skeletons of the fifth level of amethyst didn't do anything after seeing those two humans!
I couldn't help but asked Xuewu and the others, "Aren't you going to help? Why don't you worry at all? You are still here to persuade me to join your alliance. The people in your alliance are fighting and you don't go to help. How can I join? What about in such a cold-blooded alliance like yours?" said the gang leader in gray clothes

Hearing the words of the gang leader in gray clothes, Xuewu and the others all laughed, and the little girls who had just joined laughed even louder.

"Guangzhu Huang, don't worry, the one with the huge sword is called Lin Hua, and the one with the big sword is called Li Jie, our guardian. They can easily deal with the two giant skeletons of the fifth level of amethyst." It can be solved. These two beauties are our two deputy gang leaders. The two men are the guardians and the women are the elders. This person named Chen Ying introduced them one by one.
When the leader Li, who was wearing gray clothes, looked at Xuewu and the others, they all smiled symbolically, expressing their friendship.

At this time, the leader of the Li gang is even more confused. Although these few people have some strength, they feel that their strength is almost the same as her own. How dare they be so arrogant and persuade them to join their alliance!A trace of displeasure appeared on his face.

Something happened on Lin Hua's side. Why didn't Lin Hua and the others do anything just now? They just wanted to see when the two amethyst fifth-level skeletons planned to do so.However, at this moment, the two fifth-order giant skeletons looked at each other again, and then a particularly funny scene happened, that is, the two amethyst fifth-order giant skeletons turned around and ran away.Their huge bodies, speed suddenly turned and ran.

When these people saw this scene, they laughed unconsciously.And Heisha quickly rushed to the front of Li Jie's giant skeleton. It took about a few seconds for the giant amethyst fifth-order skeleton to run about ten meters away before being stopped by Heisha.Although Heisha is no longer a tiger, his speed has not changed, it is still so fast, so he quickly appeared in front of that giant skeleton.

As for Lin Hua's, the moment she turned to run away, it ran about one meter away. Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom to appear in front of him.
At this time, the two monsters of the fifth level of amethyst are even more frightening, especially the one in front of Lin Hua. The humans in front of them are too scary!I can't even run

And when everyone in the Brotherhood saw the two monsters running away, they all felt that Lin Hua and Li Jie must be very strong, and they could actually scare the monsters away.Especially when he saw Lin Hua disappearing in an instant and reappearing for the second time, he felt how powerful this leader was.And how fast Heisha was able to run by their side in just a few seconds and run in front of the fifth-order Amethyst monster.

At this time, the girl named Chen Ying said again, "See the strength of our leader and protector, and scare away all the monsters at the fifth level of Amethyst." After finishing speaking, he himself couldn't help laughing.

The leader of the fraternal alliance did not speak after hearing Chen Ying's words, because he also felt that the Amethyst Tier [-] giant skeleton could turn around and run away in fright. It was unbelievable, which meant that these two humans must be very powerful!

At this moment, the two giant skeletons of the fifth level of amethyst saw that they could no longer escape!They started attacking Lin Hua and Heisha.

At this time, everyone in the Brotherhood is staring at the battle scene closely, because they also want to see how powerful these few humans are, so powerful that they can scare away the fifth-level Amethyst monster.

Seeing the monster rushing towards him, Lin Hua slowly raised the epee and instantly released the triple phantom.

It was in an instant that the first ice giant sword attacked the giant amethyst skull, and the giant amethyst skull let out a heart-piercing scream, and the ground under its feet dropped by about 20 centimeters.Immediately after the second giant ice giant sword fell, the amethyst fifth-order giant skeleton did not make a sound, only the sound of the skeleton breaking, and then the amethyst giant skeleton turned into broken bones. When the ice giant sword fell, it slashed to the ground, leaving a crater more than [-] meters long and five meters deep on the ground.This is just a momentary thing, not even a second.

On the other side, the amethyst fifth-order giant skeleton that looked like Heisha turned her huge head to look at Lin Hua after hearing the screams of her companion. At this moment, Heisha's two eyes Grabbing directly, the neck of the fifth-order amethyst giant skeleton was broken, and the head of the fifth-order amethyst giant skeleton fell to the ground.Rolled a few meters.

And those members of the fraternal alliance who were about to watch the big battle were also dumbfounded!This is simply instant kill.This is the huge gap in strength that can cause this.Xuewu Gutian knew that there was nothing strange about the strength of Lin Hua and Heisha.And the group of young girls who just joined had also seen Lin Hua's strength, so they didn't respond in any way.

Chen Ying saw the stunned leader Li and continued to say, "You didn't go to help just now, but you felt that this alliance is cold-blooded. You should have seen the strength of our leader and elders, and you won't doubt the strength of our alliance. Well, are you willing to join our alliance now? Also, after you join our alliance, your strength will improve very quickly. Didn’t you see that we are all platinum now? It’s only been a few days since we separated, and The ten or so ordinary people behind us have also reached the platinum level. With your own abilities, you should think about it carefully, even if you don’t think about it for yourself, you should also think about it for the brothers below you. Although the last sentence is a bit presumptuous, But it's also true, with your current strength, can you guarantee that you can safely bring these brothers out alive?" After Chen Ying finished speaking, she stopped talking, walked slowly in front of Xuewu and Guiwu and whispered "Sister Xuewu, Sister Guiwu, what did I say?"

"I didn't expect you to have these two tricks," Xue Wu said.

"That's right, but it's a bit harsh, you didn't see the change on that gang leader's face?" Ghost Dance said

"But it's not bad. It's so good for the first time. If there are many such things in the future, it will be fine. Practice slowly, and you will have plenty of opportunities to perform like this," Ghost Dance continued.

After hearing Xuewu and Guiwu's words, Chen Ying smiled more and more, because it proved that what she said just now was good, and in the future because of today's performance, she will be reused again!
So at this moment, Chen Ying was very happy.

At this time, the leader of the fraternity alliance showed a painful and struggling expression on his face, as if it was difficult to make a decision. When he saw his injured brothers, the painful expression on his face became more and more obvious!
Those people in the Brotherhood are also waiting for their boss's decision at this time. Although it is dangerous for them to follow their boss, their boss treats them very well and treats them like their own brothers, and is also a human being. Especially generous, they know that joining that alliance may have more benefits and guarantees, but no matter what the boss decides, they will follow their boss.

However, at this moment, Lin Hua and the others had already taken out the amethyst heterocore, and walked back!
"Boss, you were so handsome just now, you directly killed the monsters of the fifth level of Amethyst, and scared them away from the beginning," said a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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