Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 368 Absolutely Convinced

Chapter 368 Absolutely Convinced
The little girl saw Li Jie handing him a tissue, so she took the tissue shyly and wiped the tears off her face.Then a very innocent smile appeared on his face!
"I'm sorry I made you cry just now," Li Jie said to the little girl.

"It's okay, I cried by myself, and it has nothing to do with you." The little girl said in a panic that he was afraid that Li Jie would blame himself.

"Oh, that's good. By the way, what's your name? I'm Li Jie. Let's get to know each other formally today." Li Jie said that Li Jie also knew that what the little girl said just now was just because he was afraid of making him blame himself, so he said that he had nothing to do with her. Relationship.

"My name is Li Yongxin, nice to meet you, I know your name," said the girl named Li Yongxin.

"Didn't you say it, let's get to know each other formally," Li Jie said.

"By the way, did you just say that you like me, is it true or not? What do you like about me?" Li Jie chatted with this girl named Li Yongxin like this.

While other people saw the two of them chatting and laughing there, no one came to disturb the two of them.

Just like this, I rested here for a day. At the beginning, Lin Hua planned to rest for a while and continue to advance like the center. However, when she saw the wounded members of the members who had just joined the alliance, Lin Hua was also a little uncomfortable. I couldn't bear it, so I took a day off here.

During the conversation with Li Yilang during the day, Lin Hua had a general understanding of the situation of their brotherhood. Now there are about 120 people with supernatural powers, and there are no ordinary people, because they encountered a lot of mutant bears the day before yesterday, although The battle was won, but it was a remnant victory. There were only 500 people left out of 120 people, but the rest were relatively high-level people. Ordinary people and some low-level people died in that battle. As for the rest of the more than 100 people, except for Li Yilang, the two vice-guild leaders are also at the first-level strength of Amethyst, and the seven are at the platinum level, and the rest are all at the gold and silver levels. Li Yilang asked her to upgrade their strength to gold with some gold heterocores, otherwise it would delay the march.

And Li Yilang was very happy to see Lin Hua's generosity, knowing that it was the right choice for him to join the Ice and Snow League, Li Yilang distributed those golden heterocores to his brothers below him!After about half an hour, everyone has been promoted to gold, and several people have also been promoted to platinum because of the different core given by Lin Hua.These former Brotherhood members who later joined the Ice and Snow Alliance were also full of gratitude to Lin Hua.

Now there are about 180 people, and the lowest level has been raised to the gold level.

When Lin Hua asked Li Yilang why he met this group of skeletons, Li Yilang's answer let Lin Hua know that there was a cave a few kilometers away from them, and there were many skeletons in it, and it seemed that there were powerful monsters inside. They were discovered just outside the cave, and finally escaped here, and were finally rescued by Lin Hua and the others.

"Since there are a lot of skeletons in there, it can just improve everyone's level a lot. Tomorrow we will go forward like that skeleton cave," Lin Hua said to everyone.

Those from the former Brotherhood heard Lin Hua's words, although they had seen Lin Hua's strength, but they had been to that cave, but there were so many powerful monsters outside, and they didn't know what was more powerful inside.All with a little bit of worry.

And those girls were very excited when they heard that Lin Hua was going to lead them to fight the skull cave and improve their strength. Although they followed Lin Hua for a relatively short time, Lin Hua's prestige in their hearts was very high. .

So they listened to what Lin Hua said, and they were absolutely convinced by Lin Hua.

Lin Hua saw the performance of those former Brotherhood members who had just joined the Ice and Snow League, and knew their worries, so she didn't say anything.

At this moment Xuewu said, "Since you have chosen to join the Ice and Snow Alliance, you should absolutely believe what the leader said, because the boss will never break his promise, he will definitely do it if he says he can do it, and we know why we are absolutely convinced by the boss's words." Be convinced, because this is not something that can be done in a day, it takes a long time of accumulation to reach what it is today, just listen to what the boss said and do it.”

These brothers who had just joined heard what Xuewu said, and knew that it was wrong to doubt Lin Hua just now, so they changed their attitudes one after another!Said that this situation will not happen in the future.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and his large army began to march towards the skull cave.

Lin Hua, Li Jie, and Li Yilang walked in front.Then there is a group of girls behind, and at the end are those supernatural beings who just joined.

After walking for more than an hour, Lin Hua and the others saw the cave in front of them. However, near the entrance of the cave, there were a large number of skeletons guarding them. There were a few very powerful skeletons. There are two Amethyst Tier [-] skeletons, and there are more than a dozen Amethyst Tier [-] or Amethyst Tier [-] skeletons, and four to five hundred Platinum skeleton warriors.Lin Hua and the others did not approach, but watched the situation near the cave from a distance.

"Boss, their strength is unbelievably strong. Look at the skeletons at the fifth level of Amethyst are actually gatekeepers," Li Jie said
"Brother Li, did you guys go in that day?" Lin Hua said to Li Yilang.
"No, we were just observing the situation nearby at first, but then we were discovered, and then we retreated, but in the end we were caught up by them, and then we were rescued by you who rushed over," Li Yilang said

"For safety's sake, Heisha and Li Jie and I will go in first, you stay and fight, and after cleaning up the outside, meet up inside," Lin Hua said to the crowd behind him.

Then Lin Hua, Li Jie, and Heisha walked towards the cave. At this time, those skeletons seemed to have discovered it. Lin Hua and the others, the giant amethyst fifth-level skeleton made a strange cry, and then the group of skeletons They all rushed towards Lin Hua and the others!

"Deputy leader Xue, deputy leader Ghost, should we go over and help? There are so many monsters, and there are several high-level monsters of our own," Li Yilang said to Xuewu and Guiwu

"No need to go there, the boss will notify you when the time comes," said

At this time, the group of skeleton monsters was almost in front of Lin Hua. Lin Hua still raised his epee Wufeng, and issued a triple phantom at these relatively high-level amethyst giant skeletons, and then, The absolute freeze is released, this is just an instant thing!However, those giant amethyst skeletons who rushed to the front with relatively high levels were instantly killed, and their bones were shattered all over the place!At the same time, the rest of the skeleton warriors who rushed over were also frozen by Du Linhua's absolute freeze, and then, they all shattered with a crackling sound.

In this way, the group of skeletons at the entrance of the cave were all wiped out by Lin Hua in a few seconds, and then Lin Hua, Heisha Li Jie and the others continued to walk forward. At this time, Lin Hua said to Xuewu and the others behind him, "After cleaning up the heterogeneous cores." follow."

Then Lin Hua and the others entered the cave entrance

Xuewu Guiwu Gutian and the group of little girls quickly went over to clean up the heteronuclei.Only the supernatural beings who had just joined the Ice and Snow League were left in a daze. They knew Lin Hua's strength, but they didn't expect to be so powerful. They instantly killed all the skeletons at the entrance of the cave, and there were so many amethyst skeletons.At this time, they really realized the strength of their leader, and why those Xuewu and those little girls believed in Lin Hua so much.

This lord was too powerful, so they quickly went over to clean up the different cores without being in a daze. Because of so many people, Gu Tian didn't summon their elf archers to collect the different cores, because so many people didn't need them, and after about In about 5 minutes, everyone handed over the collected heterogeneous cores to Xuewu and he kept them.

Then they also walked into the cave. Lin Hua and the others were walking in front of them, so all they passed by and saw were skeletons that had been killed, so there was no danger at all, and they were only responsible for cleaning up the alien core.

And Lin Hua in front of them came to two forks in the road, so they are here waiting for everyone's arrival!
After about 10 minutes or so, the troops behind have followed up!
"There are two roads ahead. Heisha and I will take a pair and walk separately," Lin Hua said to the people behind him.
Soon everyone separated into two teams, and Lin Hua led Gu Tianxuewu and more than 80 people to the hole on the left.

Heisha took Li Jie Guiwu and they walked towards the next cave!

But Lin Hua and the others didn't know that these two caves lead to the same place, and that place is the deepest part of the cave, and also the most dangerous place in the cave.Where is the skeleton general's hall?

After Lin Hua's and Heisha's teams separated, they both quickly moved forward like the deepest part of the cave. "

"Li Jie, do you think the monsters here are dangerous?" Li Yongxin asked Li Jie.

"I don't know, don't I know when I see you later?" Li Jie said.

Li Jie was chatting with Li Yongxin along the way, and the monsters encountered in front were all cleaned up by Ghost Dance and Heisha, and the newly joined brothers in the rear saw that the strength of the deputy leader and elders was also special The strength of his body is unavoidable, bursting with joy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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