Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 369 God Level Swordsmanship

Chapter 369 God Level Swordsmanship
However, Lin Hua and the others didn't encounter many monsters in the middle of the road. After walking for about half an hour, they came to a central hall. Seeing this central hall, Lin Hua inevitably felt a little vigilant. .Because the people guarding the entrance of the cave are already amethyst fifth-level skeleton warriors, the monsters in this hall must be monsters of the extraordinary level.

And in front of this hall, there are five skeleton warriors of the second rank of amethyst leading more than 50 platinum skeleton warriors to patrol back and forth.

When they saw outsiders breaking in, they immediately confronted Lin Hua and the others with weapons.And there was a second-level skeleton warrior of Amethyst who immediately uttered a voice that only skeletons could understand. Then, a large number of skeleton warriors rushed out from the gate of the hall, about 100 of them, and the lowest level was all platinum. Level, there are more than [-] amethyst-level skeleton warriors, the first three are all amethyst-level five strengths, and the lowest ones behind are all amethyst-level two strengths.Right here they were confronting Lin Hua and the others, because they couldn't see through Lin Hua's strength, so they didn't dare to take action easily.

At this moment, Heisha and the others came out from another cave entrance.

After seeing this situation, they also came to Lin Hua's side and confronted each other.

"Oh my god, come to welcome me with such a big battle," Li Jie said, and then drew out the big knife with full skill, his eyes were already red at this time
And Heisha also summoned her sharp claws!Ghost Dance directly summoned six second-level Amethyst dark warriors to defend around him and Xuewu.

Gu Tian summoned more than 200 Platinum Tier 100 archer elves, and more than [-] plants for everyone to do a good job of defense!And the rest of Li Yilang and all the close-combat superhumans took out their weapons one after another, waiting for Lin Hua to speak, and rushed to fight. Those long-range superhumans were all near Xuewu, ready at any time. Send out skills to attack the enemy on the opposite side,
Lin Hua didn't move, and didn't use any skills, because he was waiting, waiting for the powerful monster inside, and he felt that the monster inside was about as strong as himself.

At this moment, a path was made between the monsters in front, and then on that wide road, a skeleton with huge swords and worn armor all over his body came out slowly, like a skeleton who had fought many times on the battlefield. Like the general, his body is not very big, but it can be about two meters long.His two pairs of eyes do not match his face, because his face is not big, but his eyes are very big, and they emit a faint green light, as if they are quiet, and she walks without the slightest tremor sound.

As the skeleton walked towards Lin Hua step by step, the skeletons on both sides, no matter what level they were, looked at the skeleton general with fear in their eyes.This made Lin Hua very strange.

"Brother Li Jie, this skeleton general is so ugly." Li Yongxin said to Li Jie. At this time, the skeleton stalemate seemed to have heard Li Yongxin's words, and then turned his eyes to Li Yongxin. Seeing the dark green eyes of General Skeleton, Jie made Li Yongxin tremble, then pulled Li Yongxin down behind him, and looked at General Skeleton's green eyes with his red eyes, without any fear.

"You are not my opponent" the skeleton stalemate said to Li Jie
"But I'm not afraid of you, your opponent is not me, but him," Li Jie pointed at Lin Hua
Then he said to Li Yongxin behind him, when I rush to the front to fight, go to Sister Xuewu to attack the enemy

At this time, Li Yongxin nodded vigorously.

"I seem to be ignored." Lin Hua said to General Skeleton
"Hehe, I know you are the strongest here, and my opponent is you, but I appreciate what the man did just now. He is a man, so I will talk to him first." General Skeleton said, at this time General Skeleton is In the case of the enemy, there is still admiration for Li Jie's actions just now!

"Well, besides being a man, he is a man, that's normal," Lin Hua said.

"Hmm..." General Skeleton felt that his words were very contradictory, but he thought for a while, then shook his head, "Your human language is too broad and profound, I have learned it for so long before I understand what you said, and you are also a Very smart people, today we just have different positions, otherwise we might become friends," General Skeleton said

"Your killing intent is too strong, we are destined not to be friends," Lin Hua said

"It may be that I killed too many enemies when I was a general. You can see that my killing intent even scares the skeletons under me. Besides you and the person who just said That man, and the man with the big knife over there, the three women are not afraid of me, the others are full of fear of me," General Skeleton said.

Lin Hua knew that the six people she mentioned were the six people in their group.Said, "It can't be blamed that they are afraid of you. Most people would be afraid of you because of your killing intent. Do you know why we are not afraid of you?" Lin Hua said

"I would like to hear more about it," General Skeleton said.

Before Lin Hua could speak, Li Jie said at this time, "Although your killing intent is quite scary, we have seen things ten and a hundred times scarier than you, so we feel fear."

When hearing Li Jie's words, Guiwu Gutianxuewu, Heisha Lin Hua laughed, Lin Hua didn't get angry at Li Jie's interruption, because he was used to it, sometimes when Lin Hua didn't want to talk, It was Li Jie who spoke, but in the end even General Skeleton laughed.

"Things that are scarier than me, you are still alive, which shows that you are really powerful," General Skeleton said.

"It's not that we are strong, it's just that our fate is tough," Li Jie said

"Then I would like to try, your life is more difficult than my giant sword," General Skeleton said.

"Our boss has been waiting for a long time. Didn't see that she didn't answer your questions later. He just waited for you and started fighting," Li Jie said

At this time, Li Jie slowly drew out the giant sword behind his back, the mysterious ice body shield quickly protected his whole body, and the ice bondage was instantly opened.At this time, Lin Hua was ready to fight!
Seeing that Lin Hua was ready to fight, General Skeleton slowly raised the giant sword. His giant sword was much bigger than Lin Hua's!
At this time, General Skeleton let out a loud roar, and the group of skeletons behind him rushed over like bows and arrows ready to go!
"A drop of rain turns into an arrow"

"Meteor Shower"

"Corrosive Acid Rain"

At this time, there was a rain of ice arrows, fire rain, and some black liquid falling on the group of skeleton warriors rushing over the sky. In an instant, most of the skeleton soldiers who rushed over were killed or injured, and some were shot by ice arrows. The dead, some were burned to death by fire, and some were slowly corroded to death by extremely corrosive liquid, and the opposite side also turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Li Jie Heisha rushed over with these melee abilities, while Xuewu and Guiwu led these long-range abilities to attack the remaining skeletons on the opposite side, and Gu Tian commanded his archers Fighting, then she swung her big knife and rushed to the opposite skeleton.

Lin Hua didn't move, neither did the Skeleton General opposite, especially the Skeleton General didn't show any anger because of the heavy loss.His eyes were full of excitement, because he hadn't met a decent opponent for a long time, and every general on the battlefield hoped to meet the same opponent, to have a good battle, even if he died, it would not be a pity.

"I can tell you're very excited," Lin Hua said to General Skeleton.

"Well, it's been a long time since I met an opponent like you, and I'm really looking forward to the battle with you, that's why I'm so excited," General Skeleton said.

"Then come on." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he waved the giant sword Wufeng and rushed over like the skeleton general, and the skeleton general also waved the giant sword to fight Lin Hua!
With a sound of collision, the two giant swords collided for the first time, and both of them took a few steps back. Their strength was the same, or almost the same, but because Lin Hua released the ice bondage, some skeleton generals were lowered. Lin Hua's speed on the ice has also increased a lot, but it's just a little bit faster than General Skeleton. Without these, Lin Hua's speed is about the same as General Skeleton's. Lin Hua's swordsmanship is already The highest level, but compared to the skeleton general's swordsmanship, it is still a bit inferior.

It may be that this skeleton general has experienced countless life-and-death battles and years of training before he reached this level!

At this moment, the two are fighting evenly. Lin Hua uses his superior speed to make up for his lack of swordsmanship. This is the first time Lin Hua felt his lack of swordsmanship when fighting. It may be the swordsmanship of this skeleton general. It's too superb, it may already be a god-level swordsmanship.

"Hahahaha, I played so well, I haven't met an opponent like you for many years," General Skeleton shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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