Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 370 Battle against the Skeleton General

Chapter 370 Battle against the Skeleton General
"Your swordsmanship is the best I've ever seen except me. You are the best, and I am willing to bow down to you." Lin Hua said, this is not flattery, but the truth. The skeleton general's swordsmanship is indeed superb!

"Your ones are not bad either, but it's me who met you. If you take a good look at my swordsmanship, it may be of some help to you," General Skeleton said.

"Did you know that you must be defeated by me? Why wasn't I defeated by you?" Lin Hua asked.

I "I have already been a general who has been dead for many years, but I have not encountered a happy battle before my death, so I am unwilling to become like this. I met you today and I can die in your hands." , I will die without any regrets," General Skeleton said.

In this way, Lin Hua and General Skeleton fought against each other. The two fought for almost an hour and ended in a draw.

On the other side of the battlefield, although the number of skeleton warriors is relatively large, and there are some higher-level amethysts, but at the beginning Lin Hua's dripping rain turned into arrows, and ghost dance's corrosive acid rain, and After Xuewu's meteor fire rain, there were many casualties, even those amethyst-level skeletons suffered varying severity of injuries, especially Guiwu's corrosive acid rain.

Ghost Dance's dark attribute ability is highly corrosive, and it does great damage to these skeletons!
And Li Jie, Heisha Gutian, and the others are too powerful, so their morale is particularly high, and I, Ghost Dance, and their long-range support, so the battlefield situation is overwhelming, and humans have an absolute advantage.

The battle between Lin Hua and General Skeleton is still going on.

After fighting for a long time, Lin Hua is ready to use his skills to move the ice phantom, because if he fights with this skeleton general for a day, there will be no results. At this moment, Lin Hua resists the attack of the skeleton general After that, it disappeared in an instant, seeing Lin Hua's disappearance, the skeleton general immediately collected Lin Hua's figure around him, at this moment Lin Hua appeared behind the skeleton general, and the epee Wufeng was about to stab into the skeleton general's body when the head.

General Skeleton's perception ability is particularly strong because of how many life and death battles he has gone through. He felt Lin Hua behind him, and then turned his head in an instant, looking at the giant sword that was about to pierce his head, and then used his own The giant sword resisted, Lin Hua was particularly shocked at this moment, the reaction ability of this skeleton general.

Then Lin Hua continued to fight with General Skeleton, "My perception ability is very strong, because I have such a keen perception ability in countless previous lives and deaths, don't be too surprised," General Skeleton said.

"With my powerful perception ability, it can't match my speed." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she disappeared again, but this time she appeared on the left side of the Skeleton General, and the epee Wufeng was about to stab into the Skeleton General's The chest is broken, but it was blocked in time!
"I said that my perception is particularly powerful," General Skeleton said again.

Lin Hua didn't speak this time, and tried many times like this, but was blocked in time by the skeleton general with particularly powerful perception!
At this time, Lin Hua saw that this was not enough, it consumed a lot of abilities, and it didn't have any effect, so he could only use that trick.

After another weapon collision between the skeleton general and Lin Hua, Lin Hua disappeared.

General Skeleton still looked around for Lin Hua's figure, but he couldn't find it, and felt strange
At this time, Lin Hua appeared about 15 meters behind the skeleton general!At this time, Lin Hua released the skill Mysterious Ice Cage, and then released the skill Triple Phantom at the Skeleton General at the same time.

When General Skeleton sensed Lin Hua appearing behind him, at the moment he turned his head, an extremely thick ice cage appeared around him and controlled him, and then he immediately swung his giant sword, instantly The cage was shattered, but this short time was enough for the triple phantom to attack him. When he saw the great ice sword that had fallen from his head, he wanted to stop it, but it was already too late!The giant ice sword shattered with a touch, and the skeleton general's armor was completely shattered. The skeleton general's feet had sunk by 50 centimeters. At this time, the second giant ice sword also fell, and the skeleton's deadlock had sunk. His feet were lowered by more than [-] centimeters. At this time, the third ice giant sword also fell down. The second time, it fell on the skull general's head. The ice giant sword shattered. The head is on the outside, and the rest of the body has been buried in the ground!

At this time, General Skeleton used all his strength to say the last sentence, which was also said in a particularly hoarse voice, "You won, you are really strong."

As soon as the words fell, the skeleton general was dead!Lin Hua won this battle, and also learned some sword skills from General Skeleton, which was of great benefit to him.

Lin Hua looked at them who were still fighting. At this moment, Li Jie's fight was almost over!Lin Hua didn't go to the battle, because Li Jie and the others were about to end soon.At this moment, Lin Hua was thinking about the skeleton general's sword skills.

At this time, Lin Hua was feeling the superb swordsmanship of General Skeleton. If he hadn't used the mysterious ice cage to control General Skeleton and defeated him with the triple phantom just now, he must have lost the fight.Because at this time, Lin Hua admired the skeleton general's swordsmanship from the bottom of his heart!
After about ten minutes, the battle has come to an end!Everyone was cleaning up the battlefield, only Li Jie walked to Lin Hua's side.

"Boss, what are you thinking? Seeing that you have been in a daze for a long time, you are injured again." Li Jie asked.

"No, I'm not so easy to get hurt. I'm just learning about the skeleton general's swordsmanship! By the way, didn't you plan to learn swordsmanship some time ago? The skeleton general's heavy sword is good. After Lin Hua finished speaking, Li Jie walked to the position of General Skeleton and began to dig the giant sword of General Skeleton.

Li Jie said, "Boss, have you taken his different core? If not, I will take it directly."

Lin Hua didn't speak but shook his head.

Seeing Lin Hua shaking his head, Li Jie knew that he hadn't taken it, so he took out General Skeleton's core!Then continue to dig the epee of the skeleton general.

"Boss, didn't you say that I'm suitable for a big sword? Why did you think of me using a giant sword? Also, this skeleton general's body is really hard. After being subjected to your triple phantom, his body didn't shatter, and he fell directly into the ground." inside," Lee said.

"The reason why I intend to let you use the epee is that I am not very good at swordsmanship, but my swordsmanship level is not bad. I can teach you this. You practice swordsmanship first, and use the middle sword when you feel good. Also, the epee of General Skeleton is a good sword," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

Finally, it was dug out. At this time, Li Jie had already dug out General Skeleton's epee, and waved it indiscriminately in his hand. After waving for a while, he handed General Skeleton's epee to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua took over the epee from General Skeleton. This epee weighs more than 100 kilograms more than Lin Hua's Wufeng. The back of the sword has a dragon pattern written on it, and the epee also has a dragon pattern, which is lifelike ! "This heavy sword is called Dragon Pattern. Let me demonstrate it to you now. See how much you can learn." Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

After Lin Hua said that, he began to demonstrate his own sword skills to Li Jie, as well as some of the sword skills he learned and felt from the battle with the skeleton general just now.

"Boss, your swordsmanship is really superb. Why do you feel that there are some things that General Skeleton used when you fought with General Skeleton just now?" Li Jie said.

At this time, Lin Hua had already finished the demonstration, "Some of the skeleton generals I demonstrated just now, I added them because I felt good," Lin Hua said.

At this time, everyone has cleaned up the heterogeneous core, and everyone has come to the vicinity of Linhu.Li Yilang reported to Lin Hua the situation of casualties on the battlefield. There were no deaths, only more than 20 people suffered some minor injuries, and a night's rest was enough.

And Xuewu reported to Lin Hua about the acquisition of the different cores, "One extraordinary core, 36 amethyst cores, five platinum cores 760, and 560 gold cores and two silver cores." No."

"I want one extraordinary core, four purple crystal cores, four Xuewu purple crystal cores, four ghost dance purple crystal core cores, four Gutian purple crystal core cores, four black evil purple crystal core cores, Li Jie has four Amethyst heterocores, let's share the remaining Xuewu with them, and the Amethyst heteronuclei will be distributed to those above Amethyst," Lin Hua said.

Xuewu began to differentiate the cores for everyone.After about 10 minutes or so!Xue Wu had already divided the different cores. After the different cores were divided, everyone's faces were full of smiles, and the injured were the same, because the injured people had more points than the uninjured ones.

Everyone pack up and get ready to go out, let's spend the night outside, too much yin here is not good for your health.

Then the big troops walked outside in such a mighty way!

After leaving the cave, Lin Hua and the others rested in the woods not far from the cave.

"Boss, come and teach me swordsmanship," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

Then Lin Hua took out his epee Wufeng, and Li Jie also took out the dragon pattern, and just followed Lin Hua to learn swordsmanship.After practicing for about three hours, Li Jie stopped today's practice of swordsmanship!

(End of this chapter)

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