Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 372 The Indifferent Ghost Dance

Chapter 372 The Indifferent Ghost Dance

But at this time, Li Yongxin was still reluctant to part with Li Jie, because he was worried. If it weren't for him, Li Jie wouldn't have come, and their leader wouldn't have exchanged all the alien cores he had worked so hard for today for theirs. All this is because of him, Li Yongxin.

"I want to stay with you, or I won't worry, and I will die together," Li Yongxin said.

"What's the matter? I'm here to save you, but you still want to die. I knew I wouldn't come to save you," Li Jie said.

"It's all because of me. If I don't leave, I want to be with you," Li Yongxin cried.

"If you are like this, I will ignore you from now on, you three come here and go back." Li Jie turned his head and said to the three girls.

What's the matter with these three girls? Li Yongxin is also not good, so he won't leave.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. If the four of them don't go back within one o'clock in the morning, you should have seen the skills of our boss and those two beautiful girls. No one can escape in this area, you Believe me?" Li Jie said to the leader of the Hongyun Gang. At this time, the leader of the Hongyun Gang was shocked when he heard Li Jie's words. He had seen the skills of Lin Hua and the two deputy gang leaders before, especially Lin Hua's wide range of skills. , the skill damage is still high, and he himself is not sure whether he can survive with that skill.Why did he have the guts to do this today? Seeing that Lin Hua and the others had gained so much today, if she used those heteronuclei herself, he felt that he would definitely be able to reach the extraordinary level, so he made such a bad move. The so-called artificial death That's the reason why birds die for food. He was really afraid that what Li Jie said was true.

"If the four of you can't return to the camp before one o'clock, I will kill Li Jie. If you go back on time, I will release Li Jie tomorrow," Hongyun Gang Zhang Yi said to Li Yongxin and the others.

When he heard that they would kill Li Jie if they didn't return to the camp before one o'clock, although Li Yongxin was a little bit reluctant, he finally left.

"Send them back, we'll wait here and see if anyone comes along by the way." The leader of Hongyun said to the flying ability user.

About a few hours later, Li Yongxin and the others returned to the camp, but Li Yongxin was already crying.

When he saw Xue Wu and Gui Wu, he begged them to save Li Jie.

Gui Wu and Xue Wu smiled and told her to sleep well, and tomorrow morning they would see a lively Li Jie.

"I beg you, go and save Li Jie, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be like this," Li Yongxin continued in disbelief
"You sleep now, Li Jie will come back tomorrow, if you don't sleep, Li Jie won't come back tomorrow," Xue Wu said to Li Yongxin.

"Yeah, you don't want to sleep if you don't want Li Jie to come back," Gui Wu also said.

Li Yongxin knew that Xuewu and Guiwu never lied to him, so he went to sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway, so he went to find Guiwu and them.

Gui Wu and the others looked at this child and were really worried about Li Jie, so they told him that if he didn't sleep, they would wait here for Li Jie to come back. In fact, the boss went with him!They'll be back soon!
Just like that, they waited for Lin Hua and the others to come back.And the flying psychic on the other side has also returned to the Skull Cave at this moment, and reported to the leader of the Hongyun Gang that those little girls have gone back, but Lin Hua was not seen!The supernatural person hadn't finished speaking when he saw the two troublesome people, and the two people holding Li Jie fell to the ground, and there were ice blades on their necks.

At this moment, the rope on Li Jie's body was also cut open by Lin Hua with the ice blade, and Li Jie drew out the big knife, as if going to the leader of the Hongyun League.

At this time, Lin Hua also leaked his figure, and immediately cast the shackles of ice, drew out the epee Wufeng, and used the four-shifting ice phantom to come in front of Zhang Yi, the Hongyun gang who was about to run, and put the giant sword on his neck superior.

It turned out that Lin Hua didn't do anything because he was not sure that the four of them had returned to the camp. When the flying supernatural being returned, Lin Hua immediately killed the man who put a knife on Li Jie's neck. , Use the ice blade to uncover Li Jie's rope.

The leader of Hongyun, seeing the ice blades on the necks of the two dead men, knew that Lin Hua was coming, so he wanted to run away, but Lin Hua used the phantom of shifting ice to catch him.

At this time, Li Jie was massacring these human supernatural beings, "Don't kill Li Jie, killing them is useless, the worst is him, let them go, anyway, their strength can't survive here for a few days" Lin Hua Said to Li Jie, at this time those members of the Hongyun Gang ran away one after another, they knew that they were not the opponents of Lin Hua and Lin Hua, and their boss was also arrested
"Good boss," Li Jie said.

Then Li Jie came over and put a knife on Hongyun's leader's neck, and the three of them walked towards the camp like this!

"I see, this is how it feels to be put on the neck with a knife. Doesn't it feel good? It's the first time someone put a knife on the neck for this old man," Li Jie said angrily.

"I can't help it either, I'm mainly afraid that someone will follow," Hongyun's leader said.

"Do you think that my heterocore, Lin Hua, is so easy to take away?" Lin Hua said.

"We bought it so hard, do you want to take it so easily?" Li Jie continued.

"Stop talking, I'll ask when I go back later," Lin Hua said.

After walking for about half an hour, Lin Hua and the others came back. When Li Yongxin saw that Li Jie was back, he rushed over and hugged Li Jie.

Li Jie also put down the knife on Hongyun's neck and hugged Li Yongxin.

At this time, the leader of Hongyun's gang saw that the knife on his neck was gone, and just as he was about to escape, he heard Lin Hua's words, "If you want to die, run quickly, and I will see if you are faster or me." It is impossible to run here, so I can only wait quietly.

"I thought I would never see you again," Li Yongxin cried again.

"Didn't I say that you sleep well tonight, and you will see me tomorrow morning?" Li Jie said, "I'm worried about you, and I can't sleep when I come back, but sister Xuewu and the others say they can't sleep." When you come back, it is true that you will come back with the boss in a while," Li Yongxin said.

"When did I ever lie to you?" Xuewu said, to be honest, Xuewu and Guiwu really like this Li Yongxin

"Hey, it would be great if Li Jie didn't come back. It took me a long time to coax him to stop crying, but now I'm back crying. It's useless to coax him." Gui Wu said at this time.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, we'll talk about it when we have something to say, we still have business to do," Li Jie said to Li Yongxin

"Oh, you still know the business. I hugged my little girlfriend as soon as I came back. I'm so envious." Gu Tian teased Li Jie at this time.

Li Jie looked at Gu Tian without saying a word, rolled his eyes at him, then turned his head to look at Zhang Yi and said, "Have you thought about it yet?"

"What have you thought about?" asked N Yi, advocate of the Hongyun Gang.

"Let's pretend to be confused with my young master, you don't cry if you don't see the coffin, you," Li Jie said, then picked up the knife and chopped off Zhang Yi's right hand.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Yi let out a cry of pain.

"What do you want me to say?" Zhang Yi asked again.

"Would it be that I cut off any of your hands?" Li Jie said.

"If I tell you who the traitor is, can you let me go?" Zhang Yi said.

"You're an idiot, my surname is not even Li if I can let you off today," Li Jie said.

"Then I won't say it, I will let this remain a mystery for the rest of my life," Zhang Yi said.

Li Jie stopped his words, and cut off Zhang Yi's other hand with a knife.

"Ah, I just don't say it, you have the guts to kill me," Zhang Yi said while enduring the severe pain.

"I'll just give you one chance. Come out and admit it yourself, and then withdraw from the Ice and Snow League. I won't kill you. If you get caught by me, you don't want to leave alive." Li Jie said to the group of girls behind him.

After about 5 minutes or so, no one came out to admit it.

At this time Li Yilang came out and said, "Zhang Yi, please speak out, so as to give you pain. After all, it was an acquaintance, and I can't bear to torture you."

"Haha, I won't say it, you guys are going to kill me if you have the guts" Zhang Yi said crazily. At this time, Zhang Yi also knew that he would not want to live anymore. Now he can only provoke them to give himself a good time, but he just doesn't want to. Talking about who the traitor is makes them hesitate all their lives who the traitor is.

"Don't worry, I'll let you die later, Sister Ghost Dance is bothering you," Li Jie said to Ghost Dance.

At this moment, Gui Wu walked up to Zhang Yi, turned to Li Jie and said, "It's different now that I have a girlfriend, and now everyone knows to call me Sister Gui Wu," Gui Wu said.

Then Lin Huaxuewu and the others all laughed, especially Gu Tian laughed the most!
At this time, Gui Wu's face suddenly became very cold, it was no longer the usual giggling ghost dance, but the ghost dance who had never used the rejuvenating potion before, "You have been with me and Xuewu, I will give you one last chance, myself If you come out, you can save your life, and when I find you, no one else needs to do it, my people, I will do it myself," Gui Wu said coldly to the group of girls.

Just like that, everyone was silent and watching the ghost dance! 2 minutes passed.

(End of this chapter)

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