Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 373 Good Efficiency

Chapter 373 Good Efficiency
"Okay" Gui Wu didn't have the slightest emotion when he said this word.

Gui Wu came to Zhang Yi and put one hand on Zhang Yi's forehead, only to see some black gas emitting from Zhang Yi's forehead at this time.

At this time, Gui Wu took back her hand and said, "Who is the traitor?"

At this time, Zhang Yi was already in a dazed state, and said, "Xiaoyue."

As soon as Zhang Yi's words fell, a girl knelt down in front of Guiwu in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong, please give me a way out, I won't dare in the future, please let me go" said the girl named Xiaoyue.

At this time, Zhang Yi, who was in a daze, had already woken up!When he saw Xiaoyue kneeling on the ground, he was already enlightened!

"Master said, you can die now." Li Jie raised the knife in his hand, and Zhang Yi's head flew out.

When Xiaoyue saw Zhang Yi's head flying out, she became even more frightened, and cried even more severely, "I really know I was wrong, I was only greedy for profit for a while, and I really dare not next time.

"I'm really curious about how you would betray us," Xuewu said.

"Because I know a girl from the Hongyun gang as friends, and they are good friends, she found me that day, and then asked me to tell her about the situation of our gang and the strength of our gang, and then I said Yes, just after beating Skeleton General today, he found me again, and then made this plan. At first I disagreed, he told me that he would give me half of the different cores he got, and he promised absolutely You won’t let me out, so I joined in.” Xiaoyue told the whole story.

"Then why did I ask Li Jie just now, and you still didn't admit it? Is it a fluke?" Gui Wu asked.

"I don't know, your skill, I thought that if Zhang Yi didn't say anything, this matter could have passed like this, but I didn't expect that your skill in the end" Xiaoyue said while crying.

"Since I gave you a chance, you didn't grasp it, you can't blame me, and walked towards Xiaoyue along the ghost dance.

Xiaoyue knew that Guiwu walked towards her to kill herself, so she backed away desperately and kept yelling "Don't kill me, don't kill me".

At this time, everyone was looking at Gui Wu, and the group of little girls also looked at Gui Wu. They wanted to plead for Xiaoyue, but Xiaoyue really shouldn't do this this time.

Lin Huaxuewu and Guiwu treated them so well, and Xiaoyue still did this, which made them unable to intercede, but they also didn't want their sisters who were together all day to die like this!
"Bang" Xiaoyue died

"If there are similar things like this in the future, the end will be the same." After Gui Wu finished speaking, she ignored the eyes of others, and then walked to a distance by herself. He wanted to be alone, and at this time Xue Wu followed Gui Wu. Later, he could understand Guiwu's mood at the moment.

If it wasn't for Gui Wu to do it today, then Xue Wu would have to do it, but Xue Wu knew that he couldn't do it, and Gui Wu knew that Xue Wu couldn't do it, so in the end Gui Wu came to be the villain, and he killed the little boy. moon.

"Thank you, Ghost Dance" Xuewu said.

"We two, don't you need to say thank you, either you do it or I do it, and in the end I decided it's better for me to do it," Ghost Dance said

"The hearts of the people nowadays are really unpredictable. They treat them like this, and there is actually a person like Xiaoyue," Xuewu said.

"But it's okay, not everyone is like this," Xuewu said.

When Gui Wu and Xue Wu were talking, Lin Hua, Li Jie, Heisha, Gu Tian, ​​and Li Yilang walked over!
"Don't be sad, people's hearts are like this. Sometimes many things are like this. Now I have a plan. I don't plan to go to the central government. I plan to go back. At that time, the dark warrior said that he would attack Xue within half a year. Yuncheng, we have been in this empty gate for almost two months, and we don't have much time," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Yeah, time flies so fast, it's been almost two months here," Gu Tian said.

"Then let's go back to the camp tomorrow," Xuewu said.

"I'm finally going out of this place, I'm almost suffocating here," Li Jie said.

"Then let's go back tomorrow, and then go directly to Xueyun City and take down Xueyun City," Lin Hua said.

"Actually, a city is not so easy to take down, it's not as simple as imagined," Li Yilang said.

"It's not easy, but we must fight it down. How about dealing with the monster attack this time? Go back and tell them." After Lin Hua finished speaking, several people walked back!
"Go back to the camp tomorrow, and after gathering with the large army, exit this space gate, and then go to capture Xueyun City," Lin Hua said.At this time, her tone was so ordinary, she didn't regard the siege as a major event at all.

"What, to attack the city, is it to attack the next city?" After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone was full of excitement, because their alliance could finally have a city of their own.

"It's getting late now, everyone have a good rest at night, and we can go on our way tomorrow." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she went back to rest, and when the others saw Lin Hua go to rest, everyone began to rest except the guards. up.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and the others had breakfast, and then started heading towards the camp.

After walking like this for about seven days, I finally came back to the camp.When the guards of the camp saw Lin Hua and the others coming back, they "yelled loudly that the boss is back!"

Soon a large number of people came out of the camp, and then Brother Yu and Nie Quanqi all came out to welcome Lin Hua.

"Brother Yu arranged the residence of the brother who just joined the alliance. This is Li Yilang and an elder." Lin Hua pointed to Li Yilang and said.

"This is Brother Yu and belongs to the housekeeper." Lin Hua introduced them to each other.

"Everyone will have a meeting at the gate of the camp tonight, and these different cores will be shared among the brothers." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he gave all the different cores in the space ring to Brother Yu.

I went to rest first.Call me Xuewu at night, Lin Hua felt very tired at this time, he went straight back to his tent to rest
Around night, Xuewu came to Lin Hua's tent.

"It's time, let's go to a meeting," Xuewu said.

"Brother Yu, everything has been arranged," Lin Hua said to Xuewu.

"The people who have just joined have already been arranged, and the different nuclear Yu brothers have been assigned," Xuewu said.

"Brother Yu is very efficient in doing things." Lin Hua walked out of the tent after speaking, and saw that all the people of the Ice and Snow League were waiting for Lin Hua's arrival at the gate of the camp!
Slowly Lin Hua came to everyone, "Clean up tonight, everyone, and prepare to go out towards the empty gate tomorrow, because the time for monsters to attack the city is coming, and Xueyun City has not yet been captured, so our Time is running out," Lin Hua said.

"Okay" "Okay" When everyone in the Ice and Snow League heard Lin Hua's words, they were all very happy, especially the old people in the Ice and Snow League. Lin Hua once said that he would take down Xueyun City. Go to attack Xueyun City.So at this time, besides being excited, they are excited!

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he called Brother Yu and the others into his tent.

"Brother Yu, what is the current strength of the alliance?" Lin Hua asked Brother Yu.

"Now there are about 1000 people in the alliance, two of the extraordinary level, 34 of the amethyst level, 480 of the platinum level, 390 of the gold level, 120 of the ordinary people and [-] of them," Brother Yu reported to Lin Hua.

"Is there any good way to attack Xueyun City this time, everyone talk about it," Lin Hua asked.

"The inside should be combined with the outside, so many people will definitely make people feel suspicious when they enter the past at once," Li Yilang said.

"All we know is about the situation in Xueyun City two months ago. There have been too many changes in the past two months, so we first need to collect information about all the gangs in Xueyun City," said Brother Yu.

"What if everyone mixed in in batches and assembled there?" Li Jie said.

"Several people went in first to inquire about the news, then occupied the city gate first, then cleaned up the largest gang first, and then cleaned up all of them in turn. Those who agree to join the alliance will stay, and those who disagree will be wiped out," Ghost Dance said.

"It's too bloody and violent. How about taking down the biggest gang and then forming an alliance with other gangs," Gu Tian said.

"I agree with Ghost Dance. There can only be one gang in a city. It's either them or us. If you don't want to stay, you can leave. If there is no one else, our gang can keep it." Xuewu said.

"I also agree with Guiwu and Xuewu's ideas, because if we are too gentle, others will think we are easy to bully, so we don't have the slightest majesty," Lin Yisang said.

"I also agree," Xiao Zhan said.

"Boss, what do you think, do you plan to dominate our family, or plan to co-exist?" Nie Quanqi asked.

"Snow Cloud City has only one Ice and Snow League," Lin Hua said.

"Then it's easy to handle. It's still the idea of ​​Ghost Dance that weighs the most and clears the least. With our current strength, it's a very simple matter," Nie Quanqi said.

"I also have another concern, that is, will the people in the city support us, because the big gangs have ruled Xueyun City for a long time now," Brother Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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