Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 374 The Strength of the Major Gangs

Chapter 374 The Strength of the Major Gangs

"It's simple, as long as it is brought to them, the benefits and benefits can buy these people, and the people will come to help when the monsters attack the city," Gu Tian said.

"When we went out, Nie Quanqi, you were responsible for spreading the news that monsters were going to attack Xueyun City. At this time, many people will come to fish in troubled waters. It may be easier for us to go to this muddy water," Lin Hua said.

"Will distributing this news in advance cause unrest among the people?" Xue Wu said.

"I'm afraid he won't be chaotic, the more chaotic the better for us," Li Jie said.

"Yes, the more chaos the better, when the time comes, all gangs will want to annex other gangs, and some forces will also take the opportunity to occupy positions in the city, so this is our best chance," Li Yilang said.

"Okay, then it's decided," Lin Hua said, let's go back and rest, shall we?Tomorrow, we are going to set off towards the exit of Tianwai Kongmen.

Everyone woke up very early the next morning.The large troops began their mighty march.Lin Hua and his team of six were responsible for opening the way ahead.Followed by a large army, all the people walked towards the gate of Tianwai Kongmen in a mighty way.

After walking for about seven days, they had already arrived at the gate of Tianwai Kongmen. Lin Hua and the others walked towards the outside one after another!Passed through the gate of Tianwai Kongmen and came to the outside world.

"I figured it out, I'm going to suffocate me inside," Li Jie gasped and said at this time
"Why do I feel that the outside is similar to the inside? I don't feel much when I come out," Gu Tian said.

As soon as these two people came out, they started to argue with each other!
"Wait here until everyone comes out, we are heading towards Xueyun City," Lin Hua said.

After more than ten minutes, all the people have left this space gate one after another.

Due to time constraints, Lin Hua and the others continued to set off towards Xueyun City, and walked like this for about eight days in a row. During this period, they did not encounter any particularly powerful monsters, but some low-level zombies. Hua and the others have all been dealt with!

At this time, they have come to a place thirty kilometers away from Xueyun City.Lin Hua told everyone that everyone camped here during this time, waiting for the signal to directly occupy Xueyun City.At this time, in Lin Hua's tent, there were about a dozen people having a meeting. They were Lin Hua, Li Jie, Xue Wu, Gui Wu, He Sha, Gu Tian, ​​Li Yi Lang, Brother Yu, Nie Quanqi, Xiao Zhan. , Lin Yisang, Zhang Wandao.

"Nie Quanqi, you take five supernatural beings to the city tonight to spread the news that some monsters will attack Xueyun City within three months," Lin Hua said to Nie Quanqi.

"Okay, boss," Nie Quanqi replied, and then Nie Quanqi went out.

"Xiao Zhan, lead a few supernatural beings to inquire about the latest gang information in the city." Lin Hua said to Xiao Zhan
"Yes, boss." Xiao Zhan also turned and left.

"Now we can only wait for their news. All of you, do you have a better way to attack the city?" Lin Hua asked.

"Didn't the boss make a decision last time?" Li Jie said.

"It's just to see if everyone has come up with a better way these days."

There's nothing wrong, let's all go away!Everyone is getting ready!

In this way, everyone dispersed, leaving only the three people in this tent, Li Jie, Gu Tian and Lin Hua,

"Boss, I actually feel that this matter may be a little strange. The monster told us to fight Xueyun City, so we should prepare in advance. Do you think the monster is so stupid?" Li Jie analyzed.

"Nothing is groundless, it's all based on these reasons, wouldn't it be better if the monsters didn't attack the city this time?" Lin Hua said.

"Yes, the boss is right. If the monsters don't attack the city, won't we have a lot of time to repair the fortifications after we take down Xueyun City! This is very beneficial to us," Gu Tian said

In this way, Lin Hua, Li Jie, and the three of them talked, and then each rested.

About three days later, in the morning, Nie Quanqi came back. At this moment, he had already gone out for a walk with the news of the monster!It can be said that the news that monsters are going to attack Xueyun City has already spread!In just three short days after the news came out, there were a large number of human beings with supernatural powers, and some wild forces went to Xueyun City one after another, because they also wanted to fish in troubled waters!

However, in the evening of this day, Xiao Zhan came back in a daze. Seeing Xiao Zhan coming back, Lin Hua asked her to take a rest first, and then called all the main personnel for a meeting, because this meeting is very important and concerns them. The first city to be occupied by the alliance.

"Okay, everyone is here, first let Xiao Zhan talk about the gang situation in Xueyun City at the moment," Lin Hua said

Then everyone started to look at Xiao Zhan, and at this time Xiao Zhan also started to talk about some news he had inquired this time, "First of all, although Xueyun City in the city is not as big as Baidi City, its population is not much smaller than Baidi City , there are about 40 people, and they are controlled by seven gangs, four of which are relatively powerful. The first gang is called the Bloodthirsty League, which has about 5000 people, and the number of people with abilities is about 2000. Most of them are The supernatural beings are all in the silver stage, only more than 100 people are at the gold level, and more than 40 people are at the platinum level. Seven, two Amethyst Tier 500, two Amethyst Tier 500, and the remaining three Amethyst Tier 100. The second gang, Doomsday Paradise, has about 60 people, including more than 4000 people with supernatural powers. The person level is silver level, more than 200 people are gold, and the platinum level is about 100 people. The leader Zhao Hongwei's fire attribute power level is extraordinary first level, the deputy leader Long Tian is the fourth level of Amethyst, and the deputy leader Zhou Kangkai is the fourth level of Amethyst. There are five elders, three Amethyst rank three, one Amethyst rank two, and Amethyst rank one. The third gang is called the Night Gang, and there are about 20 members, including 2000 supernatural beings. Most of them are at the silver rank, and the gold rank is about About 400 people, about 60 people at Platinum level, guild leader Lijiang water attribute ability, supernatural level 1000, deputy guild leader Huoning Amethyst 380th level, deputy guild leader Lishi 14nd generation Amethyst 33th level, elders 1000 and 300 are purple The second rank of Jing and the first rank of Amethyst. The fourth gang, the Red Gang, has 110 people, 200 people with supernatural powers, eighteen platinum ranks, and more than [-] gold ranks. , belongs to the strength of stepping into the extraordinary with one foot, the deputy leader He Bo ranks fourth-level Amethyst, the deputy leader Lin Xiaoyao Amethyst third-level, and the three elders are all Amethyst-level first-level strength. The fifth gang Huowu League has [-] people Among them, there are about [-] people with supernatural powers, [-] people with platinum level and [-] people with gold level, the leader of the gang is the fifth-level Amethyst, and the vice-guild masters are all Amethyst-level three elders and two Amethyst-level first-level strength. There are [-] people with supernatural powers, [-] people with gold ranks, and [-] people with platinum ranks. Gang leader Jiangnan Strength Amethyst Tier [-] Deputy Gang Leaders Three, two Amethyst Tier [-], one Amethyst Tier [-], no elders. The last gang is more interesting. Only The strength of the [-] people is indeed not weak, most of them are gold level, platinum level is around [-], the guild leader Jinmu Chaofan is first-level, and the two deputy guild leaders are the fifth-level elders of Amethyst. The third rank is five in crystal, and the fourth rank is in Zijing." Xiao Zhan told the general information and strength of all the gangs in Xueyun City in one breath.

After listening to Xiao Zhan's introduction of the strength of the major gangs in Xueyun City just now, everyone became silent.But what Lin Hua is most interested in at this time is the seventh gang whose strength is not weaker than the previous three major gangs.

"What's the name of the seventh gang, and how is the gang leader?" Lin Hua asked.

"Zhan Kuang is the name of their gang, and the name sounds like a militant. Their boss is upright, and like the boss, he is very kind to the brothers below, and he is very loyal. I heard that once he actually fought with the second gang for his brother. The leader of the second gang fought all day and night, and in the end, the leader of the second gang invited the leader of the third gang to suppress the matter, but he and the leader of the second gang formed a relationship." Xiao Zhan said.

At this time, Lin Hua became more and more interested in the seventh gang.

"By the way, boss, these three big gangs are all checks and balances with each other, so the gangs below can exist. Otherwise, the gangs below except Zhankuang would have been annexed long ago," Xiao Zhan continued.

"By the way, please tell me the specific details of these gangs, the location of each gang's headquarters, military base, city gate guards, and their control area," Lin Hua asked.

"First of all, the Bloodthirsty Alliance controls the central city of Xueyun City, as well as the east city and south city. Their headquarters is in the central city of Xueyun City. There are three military bases and two camps nearby. Zhang Xu is in charge of the headquarters," Xiao Zhan said.

"Does that mean that the East City Gate and the South City Gate are controlled by the Bloodthirsty Alliance?" Lin Hua asked.

(End of this chapter)

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