Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 375 Chapter 7 Fighting Crazy Gang

Chapter 375
"Yes, there is a camp inside and outside the city in the east city and south city respectively. The deputy gang of the east gate advocates silent guarding, and the deputy gang leader of the south gate guards Zhang Fan. However, the three gang leaders and deputy gang leaders are brothers. The west city is controlled by the second gang Doomsday Paradise. So, their headquarters is in Xicheng, and there are two military bases nearby. The gang headquarters is guarded by their gang leader Zhao Hongwei, and the west gate is guarded by two deputy gang leaders in turn. Beicheng is controlled by the third gang, the Heiye Gang. There are two military bases, and Ximen is also their deputy gang leader who takes turns guarding the fourth gang in the east city, the fifth gang and the seventh gang in the west city, and the sixth gang in the north city," Xiao Zhan said.

"The four cities of Xueyun City plus the Central City are the most prosperous in the Central City and West City. There are the most shops, weapon stores, auction chambers, and material chambers of commerce, and the population is also the largest," Xiao Zhan continued.

"I've heard all the information, what do you think?" Lin Hua said.

"The gangs in Xueyun City are not weak, I don't think they are that easy to fight," Li Jie said.

"If we go directly to take down the first gang, will other gangs come to take advantage of the fire?" Xuewu said.

"Yeah, our strength can easily take down any gang, but if several gang alliances continue to deal with us, we will have a certain amount of pressure." Ghost Dance said, because these gangs in Xueyun City united, They were unanimously opposed to joining the Ice and Snow League. With the current strength of the Ice and Snow League, it would definitely be too much. Gui Wu didn't say all of what he said just now.

"I feel that we can attack the most interesting seventh gang, Zhan Kuang, and persuade them to join our alliance. In this case, it should be easy for us to control Xueyun City," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, the strength of the seventh gang, Zhankuang, can occupy the top three, but why, instead of developing upwards, it is only the last gang? Is it because of the number of people! I feel that there must be something strange in it. ’” Xuewu said.

"Sister Xuewu's words are not unreasonable. The information we control now is just general information, and there are a lot of detailed information in it. Maybe we don't know it. Like this war mad gang, since their leader Jin Mu He is a loyal person, very suitable for our gang," Ghost Dance said.

"Since the strength of the seventh gang can occupy better resources, there must be a problem with the current situation. Why not, as the boss said, recruit first, and then think about other things," Li Yilang said.

"Besides, the time when monsters are attacking the city is employing people, so it's best to recruit those who can be recruited," Brother Yu said.

"In this case, I plan to go to Xueyun City tomorrow to meet Jin Mu, the leader of the War Crazy Gang."

"Boss, I'll go with you," Li Jie said.

"Tomorrow, ghost dancer Li Jie and I will go to Heisha Xuewu Gutian, and I will leave the matter here to you, Brother Yu, Zhang Wandao, you, Li Yilang, Nie Quanqi, and Lin Yisang, each leading fifty white men." Platinum supernatural beings sneak into Xueyun City first, and stabilize in West City first, then listen to my notice and keep in touch," Lin Hua said.

"Okay boss, you can rest assured here," Brother Yu said.

"Alright, everyone, get ready to go to Xueyun City tomorrow," Lin Hua said.

Everyone left one after another, and finally there were only a few Li Jie and the three of them left.

"Boss, do you feel that Jinmu is sure to draw her into our Ice and Snow League?" Li Jie asked.

"We haven't met anyone yet, so how can we draw conclusions now?" Gu Tian said.

"The team that Gu Tian talked about has not met anyone yet, and I don't know what kind of person this Kaneki is," Lin Hua said.

"However, it's really possible for Bingxue to become the strength of these gangs. Now there are four extraordinary people on the surface. I don't know what forces are behind the scenes! Xueyun City is really a mixed bag," Li Jie said.

Several people took a break after talking for a while.

The next morning, Lin Hua and the six of them set out for Xueyun City. The closer they were to Xueyun City, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and there was always snow around Xueyun City!Several people walked for more than two hours before arriving at Xueyun City, but along the way, Lin Hua and the others found that many wild forces were moving towards Xueyun City, and the strength of these forces was not bad. .

At this time, Xueyun City is also very lively. Now Lin Hua and the others are wandering in the West City, because the West City is the most prosperous city in Xueyun City, and there are all kinds of shops in it.

At this time, Lin Hua didn't plan to go directly to Jin Mu, the boss of Zhankuang, but stayed in a hotel not far from Zhankuang's headquarters.Just took the opportunity to inquire about Zhan Kuang's news!

"Hello, can I ask something about the Zhan Kuang gang?" Li Jie said, and then handed the waiter a golden heterocore.Seeing how generous Li Jie was, the waiter was a golden heterocore, and was very happy.He hurriedly took the golden heterocore handed over by Li Jie and put it in his pocket.

"What you want to ask is about the situation of Zhan Kuang. You are asking the right person. Although I am a waiter, I know this Zhan Kuang very well. First of all, their guild leader is powerful, and their gang is strong enough. Into the top three, but the leader of the Jinmu gang once fought against the leader of the second gang for their brothers, and finally the leader of the third gang came to help, which suppressed the leader of the Jinmu gang, and after that, the two big gangs suppressed, so it became like this," said the waiter.

"Didn't it mean that the three big gangs restrict each other, so the first gang doesn't care either?" Li Jie continued to ask.

"Because of Jinmu's strength, the first gang wanted to pull Jinmu over to be the deputy leader, but Jinmu refused. The two gangs suppressed Zhankuang. The first gang also turned a blind eye, but they didn't Dare to push Jinmu too hard, because he is afraid of Jinmu's retaliation, and now the rest of Zhankuang are loyal and have not jumped ship," the waiter continued.

"If there is any news, remember to inform us, the benefits are indispensable to you," Li Jie said to the waiter.

"Good ones, don't worry, if there is any news, I will definitely come and let you know." The waiter finished speaking.

After Lin Hua and the others heard what the waiter said, they ate something downstairs and then all came to Lin Hua's room.

"Boss, it seems that the War Mad gang was suppressed like this," Li Jie said.

"In this case, wouldn't it be very beneficial for us to bring Zhan Kuang into our place?" Ghost Dance said.

"Hello, are you guys resting?" At this time, the waiter who had just told Lin Hua about them knocked on the door.

"Boss, the voice should be the waiter from just now," Li Jie said.

"What is the waiter doing here at this time?" Xuewu said.

"Come in," Lin Hua said.

Then this waiter came in!
"Are you all here? I went out just now and inquired about Zhan Kuang's news these days. I don't know if it will be useful to you," the waiter said and looked in his pocket.

Lin Hua and the others understood what the waiter meant, and they wanted to get some benefits.At this time, Li Jie took out a gold heterocore from the bag and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter was overjoyed to see another golden heterocore, took the heteronucleus that Li Jie handed over, and put it in his bag.Then said.

"Just now I went out to inquire about some news about Zhan Kuang, these days, because there are rumors in the city that monsters are going to attack Xueyun City, so now people are panicking, not in the city, those wild monsters The factions also plan to take the opportunity to seize some territory in the city, and some wild forces were recruited by the second gang and the third gang, and let them take down the Zhankuang gang," the waiter said.

"Isn't Zhan Kuang the leader of the first rank of extraordinary strength? Those wild gangs are so powerful, can they deal with them?" Li Jie asked.

"Although the strength of those wild forces is good, they are not enough to deal with Zhan Kuang. The second gang and the third gang will go to help them take down Zhan Kuang at that time," the waiter said.

"Then what is the idea of ​​the first gang?" Li Jie continued to ask.

"The first gang also recruited the fourth gang, but they didn't express their position on this matter," the waiter said.

"There are other news, remember to inform them in time, the benefits are indispensable to you," Li Jie said to the waiter.

"Yeah, those guys continue, I'll go first, just call me if you need anything," the waiter said and left.

"Boss, it seems that we should go to this Zhan Kuang to have a look as soon as possible, otherwise someone can't help but do something," Xue Wu said

"Why don't we go now?" Lin Hua said.

"it is good"

Just like that, a few people left the hotel and walked directly towards the Zhan Kuang gang!But along the way, I saw a lot of supernatural beings. Some supernatural beings stared at Lin Hua and the other six for a long time. When they couldn't see Lin Hua's strength, they all retreated!

"It seems that there are few of us and it's easy to be targeted." Lin Hua knew the purpose of the few people just now, but finally retreated!Lin Hua said.

"Hey, that's why Xueyun City gathered so many forces this time when monsters attacked the city," said a few people who just passed by Lin Hua and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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