Chapter 380
Seeing Lin Hua shaking his head and hearing Li Jie's words, Jin Mu was also a little puzzled. Although Lin Hua might be powerful, he had to deal with so many strong men.Li Jie and the others are not worried, why do they have so much trust in Lin Hua!
"Since Alliance Leader Lin has decided to fight against all of our Amethyst and above supernatural beings, then we will bully the few with the more." Zhao Hongwei said, because he was afraid that Lin Hua would change his mind after hearing Jin Mu's words.

"You talk so much nonsense, tell your subordinates to vacate the space and call out those stinky fish and rotten shrimps," Li Jie said dissatisfied.

When those alliance members heard Li Jie's words, they all wanted to rush over and kill Li Jie.

And Li Jie was not afraid when he saw their murderous eyes.Said, "My name is Li Jie, don't wait until you guys who want to kill me don't know my name after they die."

After Li Jie finished speaking, those people wanted to kill Li Jie even more!

And the people of the Ice and Snow League couldn't help laughing when they heard Li Jie's words, especially those who had just joined the Ice and Snow League, because they didn't know Li Jie.At this time, Jin Mu and the others saw that Lin Hua had to deal with so many people and the people from the Ice and Snow League didn't feel nervous at all, so I didn't worry anymore.

"Stand back a little and make room," Zhao Hongwei said.

Then those members of the alliance retreated one after another, leaving a huge open space about 8000 meters in the center to coax Lin Hua and the others to fight.

At this time, all Amethyst and above supernatural beings in the alliance came to this field, and there were three extraordinary supernatural beings, Lin Hua, Zhao Hongwei, and Lishui.

Where is Lin Hua standing at this moment, and opposite him are two first-order Transcendents, Zhao Hongwei and Lishui, and behind them there are about 80 Amethyst supernatural beings!
Lin Hua looked at these supernatural beings and couldn't help but feel pity, because they were about to die, so he couldn't help feeling a little pity.

"Leader Lin, can we start?" Zhao Hongwei said.

"I'm talking a few words," Lin Hua said.

At this time, Zhao Hongwei and the others didn't care what Lin Hua had to say, anyway, they felt that Lin Hua was going to die today, maybe they wanted to leave a last word!
"I'll say it one last time. If you don't want to die, get out now. I don't want to kill too many people." However, after hearing Lin Hua's words, all Amethyst's supernatural powers showed ironic expressions on their faces. They felt that Lin Hua was afraid. I couldn't deal with so many people, so I persuaded them to leave, so none of the amethyst power users left.

"Boss, since they don't appreciate it, don't be too polite, just kill them all," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

Then they yelled at Heisha Xuewu Guiwu, "Sister Heisha, Sister Xuewu, Sister Guiwu, where are you three? Look, kill all those who have escaped from the amethyst level." Shouted, "Brother Jinmu, kill all the Amethyst supernatural beings who come out of your place later, don't leave them alive." After Li Jie shouted, he drew out the epee behind him, fully using his skills, at this time her His eyes were already red, he walked towards the periphery of the battle field, and Gu Tian, ​​Xiao Zhan, Li Yilang, Lin Yisang, and Brother Yu also took out their own swords and stood near Li Jie, ready to kill those Amethyst supernatural being who escaped.

When Hei Sha and the others heard Li Jie's words, the three of them also separated, all preparing to kill the supernatural beings who were about to escape.

Seeing their performance, Kaneki took out his big sword and walked to the periphery of the battle zone, and then said to the amethyst ability user behind him, "kill all the ability users who come out" those war mad amethyst-level abilities All of them took out their weapons one after another and prepared to kill those supernatural beings who were about to escape.

At this time, all the members of the Ice and Snow League were very excited, especially those who had just joined. Who wouldn't be excited to kill so many Amethyst power users at once? It's all about Lin Hua's strength.

"I'm ready, are you ready?" Lin Hua said to Zhao Hongwei.

At this time, because Lin Hua and Li Jie's words had already been crowded just now, Zhao Hongwei, Lishui and the others had murderous intentions towards Lin Hua and Li Jie.

Because in their words, people feel that their more than 80 Amethyst and above supernatural powers are like waste, but it is a pity that Lin Hua will be slaughtered wantonly. At this time, they can't wait to kill Lin Hua, so when When hearing Lin Hua speak.I couldn't bear to rush over.

"It's been prepared a long time ago, and we'll be waiting for leader Lin, Zhao Hongwei said.

After Zhao Hongwei finished speaking, he waved his weapon and rushed towards Lin Hua, while the rest of the people waved their weapons and rushed towards Lin Hua one after another!
Seeing everyone rushing towards him, Lin Hua immediately released the mysterious ice shield, and then the ice bondage was also unfolded. An ice surface had formed on the ground within 20 meters of Lin Hua's feet, and Xueyun City There is snow all year round, so it is especially beneficial for Lin Hua's skill release and combat.Lin Hua slowly raised her epee Wufeng and released the triple phantom at Zhao Hongwei who was the closest to rushing towards her.Then the absolute freezing skill was released instantly.

Zhao Hongwei saw the huge icy giant sword cutting towards him at this time, and blocked it with his own sword!He wanted to resist the icy giant sword, but even though he resisted the first icy giant sword, he was seriously injured, with blood spitting out of his mouth, and the second icy giant sword had already fallen, he thought It was too late to stop again, Zhao Hongwei was already dead after the three icy giant swords shattered, those strong men who rushed over saw that Zhao Hongwei was killed in an instant, they couldn't help feeling a little scared in their hearts, and they had some intention of retreating, this Lin Hua It was too powerful, and killed the strongest among them, Zhao Hongwei, with one move, and Lishui was also very shocked, because Zhao Hongwei's strength was a little higher than her own, so she was killed so easily, how could she be herself.At this time, he remembered what Lin Hua and Li Jie said just now, and he couldn't help but become even more afraid, so now he can only kill Lin Hua!
At this moment, Lin Hua deliberately controlled the 5000 meters outside the absolutely frozen range, so as not to cause damage to those low-level supernatural beings outside.In an instant, some low-level reactions were frozen slowly, and then the ice sculptures that had been frozen just now turned into pieces one by one. There are less than 80 people left under Lin Hua's two skills.At this time Lishui also rushed in front of Lin Hua, slashing at Lin Hua with a big knife, but at this moment Lin Hua disappeared, and everyone present was terrified.Because this Lin Hua is too powerful!In less than half a minute, half of the amethyst power users had died, and their retreat was getting stronger and stronger, and Lin Hua appeared behind Lishui for the first time, and the epee Wufeng directly pointed She stabbed her head away. At this moment, Lishui saw Lin Hua disappear after receiving so many shocks just now, and felt even more frightened in his heart. When he felt that Lin Hua was right behind her, Looking back, he found that Lin Hua's epee was about to pierce his head, but it was already impossible for him to stop it.Just like that, Lishui also died in Lin Hua's hands.

At this time, everyone outside the field, especially those in the alliance, felt Lin Hua's terror. How long has it been? There are also half of the supernatural beings left, and Lin Hua is not injured at all, so how can this not shock them!
And Jin Mu, who just joined the Ice and Snow League, hadn't seen Lin Hua's strength, and they were stunned when they saw it today. This leader is too powerful, and Lin Hua's first-level extraordinary strength was killed in an instant. Now they know how to join Ice and Snow Alliance is really the best choice.

The remaining Amethyst supernatural beings in the occupation circle are now afraid that Lin Hua has reached the extreme. This Lin Hua's strength is terrifying. If they don't run away, they will all die here, so they all turned towards the circle. They ran outside, there was one who ran, and everyone followed. No one attacked Lin Hua anymore, but Lin Hua just told them to withdraw, and they didn't, so Lin Hua didn't want to keep them alive.

At this time, Lin Hua directly released the skill Drop Rain into Arrows. At this time, there was a rain of ice arrows in the sky. At this time, most of the amethyst supernatural beings who wanted to rush out had no defense at all, and suddenly let out a roar. More than a dozen of the amethyst power users who were less than forty left were killed by the arrow rain, and some of them were also hit hard, and crawled outside.Lin Hua directly released the ice-shifting phantom to chase and kill the uninjured amethyst power users. After about 2 minutes, all the power users in the battle circle were all killed by Lin Hua alone. ran out.At this time, Lin Hua has some knowledge, but they are all from some group of supernatural beings.

All the alliance's ability users outside the arena were all stunned. This scene was too bloody. In less than 5 minutes, more than 80 amethyst ability users and two extraordinary ability users were all killed.

But the ones who were most shocked belonged to Kaneki and the others!Only now did they know why Li Jie and the others didn't have the slightest worry, but he and the others were going to kill those amethyst power users who ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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