Chapter 381 Mine
"Boss, I'm all ready, why don't you release one?" Seeing Lin Hua walking back, Li Jie said dissatisfiedly.

"You said just now that killing those Amethyst supernatural beings who ran out was distrust of the boss's strength, do you understand?" Gu Tian said.

"Hey, I asked you to say this. I was afraid that some would escape, so I would just kill them all," Li Jie said.

When Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua seemed to be about to speak, they all shut up.Waiting for Lin Hua's speech.

"Now all the Amethyst and above abilities of your gangs have been killed by me, and you should be very clear about my strength. Those of you who want to stay in Xueyun City can join our Ice Snow Alliance, and those who don't want to stay in Xueyun City Quit Xueyun City for a day, or they will all be wiped out," Lin Hua said to the people in the alliance.

I joined the Ice and Snow League and at this moment, everyone in the alliance expressed their desire to join the Ice and Snow League.Because Lin Hua's strength had already deeply shocked their hearts.Moreover, the leaders of their various gangs or forces are also dead, so they know that joining the Ice and Snow Alliance now is the best plan.It is also the best choice!At this time Xuewu Guiwu, Jin Mu and the others also came to Lin Hua.

"Brother Yu will go back later and release all those who surrendered. At this time, there are no gangs in Xueyun City. You are in charge of the central part of Xueyun City, Heisha is in charge of the east city, Jinmu is in charge of the south city, and Jinmu is in charge of the west city. Ghost Dance is in charge, and North City is in charge of Xuewu. You first deal with this group of supernatural beings who are about to join the alliance. I need to go back to rest, and my powers are consumed too much! After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked towards the interior of the center.

And there are already people in charge of each city, Heisha Xuewu and the others are busy, but because of the newly joined gang members, many things are well taken over.At this moment, Xueyun City can be said to have achieved true unity, and Lin Hua's reputation has spread. One person dealt with two extraordinary-level abilities, and more than 80 amethyst-level abilities were all shot down. Kill, no one will live.

We all know that the current ruler of Xueyun City is called Lin Hua, and he is a powerful person.

In this way, about ten days passed, and every day Lin Hua just taught Li Jie to practice swordsmanship.At this time, Xueyun City has also stabilized. The four cities and the central city are all under the control of the Ice and Snow Alliance, and just two days ago, all the shops, large chambers of commerce, and hotels in Xueyun City were already covered in ice and snow. Union took control.These days, the members of the former gangs have joined the Ice and Snow League at this moment!There are also some forces in the wild who came to join Lin Hua because of Lin Hua's reputation.So now the Ice and Snow League has more than 5 members, and more than 2 of them have supernatural powers.Although Xueyun City has been unified at this time and is completely under the control of the Ice and Snow Alliance, Lin Hua is still very worried at this time, because the time for monsters to attack the city is getting closer and closer!

Although Xueyun City has been unified and controlled by the Ice and Snow Alliance, the people in the city are panicking now. Although these people have never experienced monsters attacking the city, they have heard that after the monsters attacked the city, a city was devastated. !Even knowing that the leader of their Ice and Snow Alliance is powerful, they are still very worried!
Around evening, Lin Hua called all the backbone of the Ice and Snow League to the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League to hold a meeting to discuss the monster attacking the city.

"The monsters should attack Xueyun City within this month," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Although our Xueyun City is now under our control and has achieved unity, it is not easy to deal with monsters attacking the city. If it is not done well, everyone in this city may be used as food for monsters. It resulted in the loss of life," Jin Mu said.

"What we have to do now is to call all the people to strengthen the city defense to resist the attack of monsters," Ghost Dance said.

"Although there are more supernatural beings in the alliance now, it is impossible to resist hundreds of thousands or millions of monsters with only so many supernatural beings," Zhang Wandao said, because he had experienced monsters before. Siege, that scene is terrifying when he thinks about it now, there are monsters inside and outside the city, it can be said that there are countless.

"And once the city wall is destroyed, all the monsters will rush in, and all the people will become food for the monsters, so I feel that the people in the city must also be used. They are a great force, and the monsters attack The city is not the business of our Ice and Snow League alone, but the business of everyone in Xueyun City," Xue Wu said.

"I can summon some plants and elf archers as the combat power of the city defense, but my strength is limited, what we need is a weapon with a large range and high attack power, because the number of monsters is far greater than ours by several times or dozens times," Gu Tian said.

"We can distribute some guns, bows and arrows and other weapons to the people, and then let them participate in the protection of the city, and we should only need these weapons such as catapults. Catapults do a lot of damage and are very suitable for defending the city. , and if the guns are not enough, you need to make weapons such as bows and arrows," Lin Yisang said.

"Manufacturing weapons requires a lot of mineral resources and mineral materials. These are what we lack, but I remember that there is a long-abandoned mine not far from the city, but there are many zombies there, and their levels are very high. It is relatively advanced. In the past, many powerful forces went to take risks and wanted to occupy that mine, but they all died there in the end," said a fourth-level Amethyst who just joined the alliance.

"If you want to make weapons, you need minerals. Now there are mines. No matter how dangerous it is, we have to go through it. The reward is directly proportional to the danger," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, I'll go with you," Li Jie said.

"Boss, I'll go too," Xue Wu said.

"It's not an adventure this time. Who will you all go to manage the alliance?" Lin Hua said.

"It's fine for Li Jie and I to go. Xiao Zhan, you and Nie Quanqi will bring two hundred platinum superhumans and workers who know how to mine the mines to go with us, and the city defense will be left to Gu Tian. Catapult Hand over the matter to Jin Mu, try to make as many catapults as possible, and then transport them back from the nearby mountains and put them on the city wall when they are in large quantities. Give it to Ghost Dance and Xuewu, to encourage them to actively participate in the monster siege, and try not to let too many supernatural beings out of the city, now there are a lot more monsters outside than before," Lin Hua said

"Well, boss, don't worry."

"Leader, don't worry, we will do our best to handle what you have told us. After all, this is a matter of life and death for our Xueyun City."

"Boss, you should be careful all the way, that mine is very dangerous," said the supernatural being who brought up the mine just now

"Let's go tomorrow morning, if you have nothing to do, go down! Xiao Zhan prepares more cars, so that he can bring all the mines back at once, Lin Hua continued to order.

"Alright boss, don't worry," Xiao Zhan said.

In this way, all the people have retreated, only Lin Hua and his team and Jin Muyu and the others are left.

"Boss knows you still have something to say," Li Jie said.

"This monster siege is not a trivial matter. I am also very worried now. Whether I can survive this monster siege. I really don't want to see the scene after the monster siege." In [-], there was a monster attack on the city. After the city was broken, almost everyone in the city became food for monsters. Hundreds of thousands of people were eaten instantly, and the monsters were not only high in level, but also very large in number. .There are all kinds of monsters in it. After the monsters break through the city, it is a scene of hell on earth!

"Boss, what else can we do besides strengthening the city defense, we can only wait for the monsters to attack the city," Li Jie asked

"Thicken the city wall so that the monsters can't break the city wall, and then attack the monsters on the city wall. It's easy to kill the monsters leading them. Monsters attack the city not alone, but a war. The decision is not The life of one person or a few people, but the lives of hundreds of thousands," Lin Hua continued.

"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely defeat this monster siege, because we are invincible," Li Jie said

"Everyone, rest early, Mingtian is ready to go," Lin Hua said, and then everyone retreated, only Lin Hua was there quietly recalling the past.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and Li Jie were ready to set off. They planned to go to the mine to see the situation first.Xiao Zhan stayed with 1000 platinum superpowers to protect more than 100 mining workers.There are also more than [-] carts, which are used to transport ore to the city.

Lin Hua and Li Jie opened the way ahead, killing all the zombies they encountered along the way.At this time, Lin Hua already sensed that the monster attacking the city should be getting closer and closer, because before there would not be a large number of zombies near Xueyun City, although their strength did not pose any danger to Lin Hua and the others, but their current The level has improved a lot, so Lin Hua and the others hurried towards the mine.

(End of this chapter)

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