Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 383 Giant Spider

Chapter 383 Giant Spider
"Boss doesn't have much to do now anyway, why don't we go inside to see if there is anything?" Li Jie said, pointing to the inside of the cave.

"Okay, let's talk to Xiao Zhan first, so as not to worry about them," Lin Hua said.

Then Li Jie went to tell Xiao Zhan to go inside so that she wouldn't worry.

They came back soon after, and then the two of them walked towards the inside of the mine!

The two of them walked down the mine for an unknown amount of time, and found that there were spider webs all over the cave. Sometimes those spider webs blocked the road to the cave, and then Lin Hua and the others used their swords to kill the spiders. The webs were cut one by one and continued to move forward, but no spider was found.

When Lin Hua and the others melted away the spider webs again, they heard a rattling sound coming from the front, and the sound was not far away. At this time, Lin Hua and Li Jie both slowed down and stared at it vigilantly. ahead.After walking forward for about 50 meters, there was a fork in the road. After turning the fork, Lin Hua and the others saw a huge spider weaving the spider king in front of them. The voice just now should be where is the spider? The sound of weaving a spider's web.This spider is about three meters in size, and its eight claws are like sharp knives, especially the two front claws, which seem to emit bursts of cold light in this not particularly bright cave.His level is actually the first level of extraordinary level.But Lin Hua sensed a sense of danger from this spider.

"Be careful, this spider is very strong," Lin Hua reminded Li Jie.

At this time, the huge spider seemed to have discovered Lin Hua and the others.Those big eyes stared at Lin Hua and Li Jie with a blood-red light.

Lin Hua has already released the skills of Ice Binding and Mysterious Ice Bodyguard.Slowly drew out the epee Wufeng behind his back.After Li Jie heard Lin Hua's reminder, he immediately opened up his skills and drew out his epee.

Lin Hua knew that this spider was particularly dangerous, so she cast a triple phantom directly at this spider.

However, this spider's reaction was very special. When he saw Lin Hua attacking him, he quickly crawled to the left.In this way, Lin Hua performed the triple phantom strike for the first time.

At this time, the giant spider quickly crawled towards Lin Hua and the others along the mountain wall!At this time, Li Jie hadn't reacted yet, the giant spider's front claws had already reached Li Jie, and it was about to attack Li Jie, Lin Hua directly released a strike between Li Jie and the giant spider's claws. The extremely thick ice wall was used to prevent the giant spider from attacking Li Jie, and Ji Ji had already reacted at this time.He slashed at the sharp claw that pierced through the ice wall in an instant.

At the moment when the giant spider's claw penetrated the ice wall just now, Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom to come to the back of the giant spider, and slashed at one of the claws behind the giant spider.

At this moment, the giant spider focused all its energy on Li Jie. When he saw Li Jie's sword slashing towards his front paw, he immediately blocked it with one of his paws!At this time, Lin Hua's epee Wufeng had reached the claw on the back of the giant spider, and cut off the claw in an instant.At this time, the giant spider let out a painful roar, and because of the temporary loss of its hind legs, it lost its balance.His front paw failed to block Li Jie's sword, and the front paw facing Li Jie was also chopped off by Li Jie!

"Aww!" Another roar came from the giant spider's mouth.Lin Hua didn't give the giant spider any time to react, because the giant spider was too terrifying. If he hadn't reacted quickly, Li Jie would have died or been seriously injured by this time.

Lin Hua directly slashed at the other leg behind the giant spider.Li Jie, who was in front of him, saw that one of his front claws had been cut off, and then stabbed at the giant spider's head.At this time, the giant spider swung the only front paw to block Li Jie's sword stabbing at his head, and only heard the sound of metal impact.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" was another heart-piercing roar.

At this time, the giant spider knew that it was not the opponent of the two of them, so it quickly climbed towards the top of the cave. At this time, Lin Hua sent out ice blades to the spider above the cave, but they were all avoided by the giant spider. up!Although the giant spider had three claws cut off by Lin Hua and the others, his speed was still so fast.Climb to the interior along the cave above.

At this time, Lin Hua and Li Jie also ran quickly to follow the giant spider towards the interior of the cave, and Lin Hua still released ice blades at the giant spider, but none of them attacked the giant spider.

After running like this for about 10 minutes, Lin Hua and the others followed the giant spider to a large cave, which was full of spider webs.And there are also some small spiders that are twice the size of this giant spider. About 30 of them are all amethyst-level, but they are all first- and second-order.The giant spider also lay down on the ground at this moment, and when the little spiders saw Lin Hua and the others coming, Dou raised their sharp front claws and rushed over.

Lin Hua saw these little spiders rushing towards them, and the speed was very fast, similar to the speed of the giant spider after it was injured.

Lin Hua directly released the skill Absolute Freeze, because the level of these little spiders was not very high, so all of them were frozen by Lin Hua, and then they all shattered into pieces, leaving only their amethyst Where is the heteronucleus!
At this time, the giant spider on the ground saw that all the little spiders had turned into pieces. He wanted to continue to climb up the cave, because they couldn't hurt him at all, and then the giant spider began to move along the mountain wall. Climb to the top of the cave.

Lin Hua knew what he was thinking, how could he let him climb on top of the cave again!Released the skill Xuanbing Cage directly at the spider!Then released the skill triple phantom on the giant spider.

At this time, the giant spider saw that he was being controlled by an icy cage, and waved the only front paw, slashing towards the icy pillars that prevented him from climbing up.Because he is a claw, it took two strokes to break it, just as he smashed the pillar of the mysterious ice cage.The ice giant sword of the triple phantom has come to his head with a bang.The six claws of the giant spider on the ground were broken in an instant, and the giant spider let out a roar here, but his roar this time was more tragic than the previous few times, and the second When the ice giant sword hit the giant spider's body, he couldn't make any sound anymore!At this time, the third ice giant sword fell and smashed the giant spider's body to pieces.

Just like that, this extraordinary first-order giant spider died in Lin Hua's hands!

After killing the giant spider, the two began to pick up the different cores of those spiders.

"The boss has a total of 36 amethyst cores and one extraordinary core," Li Jie said.

"You divide six amethyst heterocores. I want a supernatural one. Let Xuewu and Guiwu keep the rest. The three of them have already reached the bottleneck of the fifth-level amethyst. With these The different cores should be able to rush to the extraordinary level, and the strength of the alliance will take another big step by then," Lin Hua said.

This is already the deepest part of the mine, so the two of them walked outside!

"Thanks to you, Boss, otherwise I would have lost my life." Li Jie said, because at this moment he was still afraid, if Lin Hua hadn't reacted quickly just now, he might have died by now !
"But to be honest, I felt a little bit of danger when I met that giant spider just now, so I remind you that the body of that giant spider is not too strong, but his two front claws are very sharp. Yes, and his speed is too fast. Fortunately, the ice wall can stop him just now, otherwise, you will be finished." Lin Hua said to Li Jie
"Okay, okay, boss, thank you for saving my life once, I don't know how much I owe you now," Li Jie said aggrievedly
To be honest, Li Jie himself really doesn't know how many times Lin Hua has saved her!

"If you feel you owe me, be more careful and live well," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

The two of them walked for almost two hours before arriving at the mining place. Where are everyone eating at the moment!Seeing Lin Hua and the others came back, Xiao Zhan gave them both food to eat.

"How long will it take to finish this?" Lin Hua asked.

"I asked the workers just now that it would take at least three days, because the mine here has been abandoned for a long time, and many things need to be rebuilt, so it took such a long time," Xiao Zhan said.

Lin Hua looked at the tools for mining the mine, looked at the mine again, then lowered her head to eat and stopped talking.

"I said, Xiao Zhan, you don't know how dangerous it was just now." Li Jie finished his meal and started talking to Xiao Zhan about what happened to Lin Hua and the others inside.

(End of this chapter)

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