Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 384 The Dog King Zhang Ren Arrives

Chapter 384 The Dog King Zhang Ren Arrives
"Fortunately, the boss is amazing, otherwise you would really be dead," Xiao Zhan said.

"That's Bei, take the boss with you when you go out," Li Jie said.

Then the two started laughing.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others spent three days here, and in the afternoon after three days, all the cars were filled with ore.Then Lin Hua and the others headed back towards Xueyun City in a mighty manner.

When Lin Hua and the others returned to Xueyun City, they took all the ore to the weapon forging.Because forging weapons requires a lot of ore.

Lin Hua and Li Jie also returned to the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League in Xueyun City.Xuewu and the others also came to the headquarters one after another when they found out that Lin Hua was back.

"Boss, you are back. Recently, many supernatural letters have come to Xueyun City to join our gang," Xuewu said.

"Here are thirty amethyst different cores. You three should share ten of them. Heisha won't give you any more. Now the three of them have reached the bottleneck stage. With these different cores, it is possible to think about it." Elevate to the extraordinary stage," Lin Hua said.

"It's okay, the three of them have all upgraded, which is of great benefit to the gang," Heisha said, not feeling the slightest bit of dissatisfaction because Lin Hua didn't give him a differentiation core.

"How are you busy recently, how are the people in the city mobilizing, and the city defense?" Lin Hua asked.

"Now that the citizens know the consequences of monsters attacking the city, they have joined the city defense one after another. Now it's just a lack of a lot of weapons. You brought the ore back, and the weapons are about to come out," Ghost Dance said.

"City defense is still possible now, and now the catapults are being manufactured day and night, and a large number of stones are transported back to the city every day, and I am now summoning some long-range attack plants every day," Gu Tian said.

"What about the major chambers of commerce and auctions? Are there any good things?" Lin Hua said.

"I haven't really paid much attention to this recently," Gui Wu said.

"There is also the storage of food, Heisha, you will be responsible for this," Lin Hua said to Xin Heisha.

"Okay" Heisha reached.

"By the way, among the people who joined the gang recently, are there any people with special abilities, and some with better strength?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"That's not the case, and the ones who joined recently are just some small forces in the wild. They thought they knew that monsters were going to attack the city, so they came to the city to avoid disaster," Xuewu said.

"Nowadays many people come to the city to escape, I, pay attention to defense," Lin Hua said.

"The other thing is to pay attention to the arrangement of the sentries outside the city, add more sentries, and pay attention to arrange those flying-type supernatural beings, so that when monsters come, they will not be eaten by monsters, and they can come back as soon as possible to report the news," Lin Hua said. .

"Well, it's already been arranged," Xuewu said.

"And Boss, let the people in the city rehearse back and forth when there is nothing to do now, so that when the monsters attack the city, everyone will be busy and prone to mistakes," Ghost Dance said.

"The defense should be strengthened now, because monsters may attack at any time now, so in order not to be in a hurry to avoid being beaten when the time comes, everyone should make more preparations at ordinary times," Lin Hua continued.
"You guys are ready to break through the level, this will increase your strength." Lin Hua said to Ghost Dance and the others
Then Ghost Dance and the three of them ate all the different cores that were just allocated on the spot!About an hour later, Ghost Dance and the three of them woke up one after another, but without any accidents, all three of them had crossed the gap from the fifth level of amethyst to the first level of extraordinary, and all of them had reached the first level of extraordinary.

"Boss, after I successfully advanced, I can summon some large stone monsters with earth attributes, and I can release the skill of falling stones. The city defense is very good," Gu Tian said.

"Approximately how many can you summon?" Lin Hua asked.

"After the successful advancement, the abilities in the body have increased a lot, and now about fifty can be summoned," Gu Tian said

Lin Hua, after hearing what he said, he thought about fifty, not a lot.

"Boss, I have a new skill after I successfully advanced just now, which is the grip of darkness. It can create a swamp of more than 20 meters in a specific range to slow down the speed, and it is also highly corrosive and harmful," Ghost Dance said.

"This is a control skill," Lin Hua said.

"I also have a skill just now, which is the Fire Domain. I can release scorching fire at about ten meters away from me, avoiding monsters approaching, and it has a particularly high aggressiveness and continuous damage," Xuewu said.

"That's right, the three of you have skills for leveling up and attacking. By the way, Heisha, what are your skills? I haven't asked you before," Lin Hua said to Heisha.

"Speed ​​bonuses and attack and defense bonuses, there are no attack and control skills," Heisha said

"Isn't that similar to mine, it's just a bonus of a higher speed than mine, and I recently got a powerful single-target damage skill," Li Jie said.

Several people chatted like this, and then several people left one after another.

In this way, all the people in Xueyun City are preparing for the coming monster attack.

At noon five days later, Lin Hua was teaching Li Jie to practice swordsmanship in the courtyard.

At this time, a large group of dogs came to Xueyun City. The first six of this group of dogs were all of Amethyst's strength, and which one was the strongest, the largest mutated golden retriever, whose strength had already reached the first-order extraordinary strength. Especially that one and there is a large group of people behind it, about a thousand or so, but there are very few people with supernatural powers, only a few people in front have supernatural powers, and their levels are very high. The one in front has the strength of the fifth level of Amethyst, and it is the dog king Zhang Ren. The strength of the several supernatural beings behind him are all very strong, and they all have the strength of Amethyst. Two supernatural beings with wings, their strength is the third-order strength of Amethyst.

This group of people walked towards the city of Xueyun City like this!The thing is like this, the dog king and the others lived in that small town and protected the ordinary people in the town, but it was just the recent rumors about monsters attacking the city. In order to deal with monsters, all intend to seek protection in the city.At first, this group of them planned to go to Baidi City, but because the road to Baidi City is relatively far away, and they heard that Xueyun City was unified by the Ice and Snow Alliance, and their leader is young, promising and powerful.His name is Lin Hua, so Zhang Ren, the dog king, took all the people in these towns to seek refuge in Xueyun City!

Although the dog king Zhang Ren and the others had more people, the number of supernatural beings was relatively small. Although there were so many mutant dogs, the guards didn't take it seriously and didn't tell Lin Hua and the others about it.

In this way, Zhang Ren, the dog king, led the group of people to the inner city of Xueyun City, and then asked others about the location of the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League. Soon, a large group of them came to the gate of the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League.

When the guards guarding the Ice and Snow Alliance saw such a large group of mutants, and there were still this group of people, they guarded against this group of people vigilantly.

"Please, tell your leader Lin Hua that a friend is coming." At this time, the dog king Zhang Ren said to the guard when he saw the other party defending himself.

After hearing the words of the dog king Zhang Ren, the guard told the dog king Zhang Ren to let him wait here first. After he went to report, he went in to report to Lin Hua.

At this time, Lin Hua was discussing the monster siege with the main members of the Ice and Snow League.

"Leader, there is a man outside the gate of the headquarters. A group of people say they are your friends and want to see you," the guard said.

"Friends of the leader, boss, do you have any other friends? Why don't I know?" Li Jie asked

At this time, Lin Hua was also thinking about who was looking for her, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't think who would be looking for her at this time.

"Didn't that person say his name?" Xuewu asked the guard at this moment.

"He didn't say his name, he just said that she is the leader's friend and he just wanted to see the leader, but there are many dogs around him, and the first few dogs are of high level, and they look particularly scary," the guard said.

"Dog King Zhang Ren," Li Jie said.

After hearing what the guard said, Lin Hua and the others knew that it was really their friend the dog king Zhang Ren who came.

Lin Hua got up, Li Jie Xuewu and the others followed the guards and walked towards the gate of the headquarters, and the rest of the Ice and Snow League also followed Lin Hua and the others to the gate!
When Lin Hua and the others came to the gate, it was great to see the group of mutated dogs. The number of these dogs had increased a lot since the last time they separated from the dog king Zhang Ren.

And their strength has also increased too much, especially the first few are already at the amethyst level, and the mutated golden retriever Lin Hua and the others have the deepest memory of this dog. The level at that time was already the first level of extraordinary.It seems that the dog king Zhang Ren's strength has improved a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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