Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 385 Heavy blow

Chapter 385 Heavy blow

And those members of the Ice and Snow League who didn't know the dog king Zhang Ren and had never seen this group of dogs were also secretly surprised at the strength of this group of mutant dogs.Just now they were wondering who it was that made Lin Hua and the others come out to greet them. Now that they saw the strength of this group of dogs, they knew that this person must be very powerful!

"Brother Zhang, it's really you," Lin Hua said to Zhang Ren, and then Lin Hua gave the dog king a big bear hug, followed by Li Jie, Gu Tian and the others.But Xuewu Guiwu and the others didn't go to hug Zhang Ren, because familiarity is familiarity, but they are girls.

Zhang Ren was also very happy at this time, he did not expect that the leader of the legendary ice and snow alliance was really Lin Hua.

"I didn't expect that the legendary leader of ice and snow is really you, Brother Lin Hua," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"I came here with the attitude of giving it a try. If it's really you, I'll stay and take refuge and help out. If it's not you, I'll go to Baidi City." Zhang Ren directly explained his reason for coming.

Lin Hua looked at these people. Although the dog king's strength is only at the fifth level of Amethyst, his group of dogs is enough to deal with the first level of extraordinary. It is not surprising that Zhang Ren is at the first level of extraordinary. .And the few supernatural beings behind him are all of Amethyst level.And there are two flying supernatural beings.But there are about 1000 ordinary people behind them.

"Brother Yu took those ordinary people to settle down," Lin Hua said, turning to Brother Yu.

Then he turned his head to the dog king Zhang Ren and said, "Brother Zhang, talk inside." After speaking, he led Zhang Ren and the others to the inner hall!
At this time, Brother Yu stayed with the group of ordinary people brought by the dog king Zhang Ren, and found a place for them to settle down.

Lin Hua asked everyone else to leave, only Lin Hua, a few people who knew the dog king Zhang Ren, and Heisha and the others were sitting in the hall.

"Brother Zhang, your strength has increased a lot now. I think that big golden retriever is already at the first level of extraordinary, and there are more mutant dogs." Li Jie said, in fact, Li Jie and the others were facing This dog king is particularly admired. The reason why they broke up last time is because the dog king wants to stay in that small town to protect the ordinary people there.So Lin Hua and the others went out for an adventure

"Well, since we parted last time, we have taken in some stray dogs and made some friends. They have also stayed to help protect the ordinary people in the town." After Zhang Ren finished speaking, he pointed to the few people who came with him. stranger.

Then Zhang Ren went on to say, "Although there are more people protecting the town, more and more monsters are attacking the town, and their strength is getting higher and higher, and news of monsters attacking the city is also spreading. In which case, the small town will be wiped out by monsters sooner or later, so we decided to take the people of the small town to take refuge in the big city. At the beginning, we planned to go to Baidi City. I heard that Baidi City has the most human beings, but On the road, I heard from other supernatural beings that Xueyun City was recently unified by a member of the Ice and Snow Alliance, and they said that the leader of the Ice and Snow Alliance is young, promising, and powerful. He is a person named Lin Hua with ice attribute abilities. I thought of you, so I came here to see if it was you, if it was not you, I would go to Baidi City to take refuge, if it was you, I would stay and take refuge, and I can help you a little," Zhang Ren continued.

After hearing Zhang Ren's words, Lin Hua said, "I didn't expect so many things to happen after we parted last time. This time I came to Xueyun City and saw my brothers. Let's stay and deal with this monster siege together."

"Boss, didn't you hear what Brother Zhang said just now? It was your words that stayed here." Li Jie said at this time with a particularly contemptuous expression.

All the people who put it were too happy!

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I won't leave when I come to Xueyun City this time and see that it's you." Dog King Zhang Ren said

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ren began to introduce the supernatural beings who came with him.Jeremy Lin and Zhang Feilong, two flying supernatural beings, are both of the third-level strength of Amethyst, and the second-level strength of Amethyst, a supernatural being of Huang Jing's mind control system, has a fourth-level strength of Amethyst of the combat system, and a fourth-level of Amethyst of the thunder attribute. Amethyst second order of energy.

"Did Brother Zhang also join the Ice and Snow League?" Li Jie said.

"Of course I joined, all of them joined, but please give me an official position." The dog king Zhang Ren said with a smile
"Of course," Lin Hua said.

"Call all Amethyst and above superhumans to come to the hall for a meeting tonight, and announce the official positions of the Ice and Snow League and the distribution of the four cities," Lin Hua said to Gutian.

Then Gu Tian went out to inform the others, and then Lin Hua chatted with the dog king.

In this way, Lin Hua and the dog king Zhang Ren talked for a long time. At night, after everyone had eaten, all the supernatural beings above Amethyst came to the hall of the headquarters, and everyone sat on both sides.Lin Hua was sitting on the chair in the middle, and when he saw that everyone had arrived, he stood up!
"Now there is only one gang in Xueyun City, which is the Ice and Snow Alliance. At this time, the strength of our Xueyun Alliance is growing day by day. Now I will talk about the positions and managers of each city gate," Lin Hua said.

The positions of Ice and Snow League members are as follows

Lin Hua
Vice President Xuewu Ghost Dance
Protector Hei Sha Li Jie Lonely Dog King Zhang Ren
Elder Jin Muyu Brother Li Yilang Nie Quanqi Zhang Wandao Xiao Zhan Lin Yisang

Brother Nie Quanqi is in charge of Central City

Dongchengmen Kaneki is in charge
Li Yilang is in charge of the West Gate

Zhang Wandao at the Nancheng Gate is in charge
North City Gate Xiao Zhan is in charge
All other positions are arranged by the managers of various departments

After Lin Hua made the announcement, he reserved these responsible persons for a meeting in the central hall, because in the afternoon chatting with the dog king Zhang Ren, he found a lot of information about the monster attacking the city.After seeing the rest of the people left, Lin Hua said to the dog king Zhang Ren, "Brother Zhang, tell me what you know."

"Actually, the scale of the monster siege this time is huge, because during the period when we came to Xueyun City, we found a large number of zombies, which were different from before. Every time we saw groups of zombies, some Several times, relying on the two flying supernatural beings to pass the news in time, they avoided meeting the group of zombies, and there are many types of zombies, giant zombies, poison-spraying zombies, corrosive zombies, and blood-sucking zombies. Zombies and a lot of mutated animal zombies, they are all gathering towards a mountain more than 500 kilometers away from Xueyun City, and I also heard from other adventure teams that there is a zombie king among their group of zombies, but It didn't say how strong that zombie king is," said Dog King.

"They didn't come towards Xueyun City, but they all went towards that mountain. Don't they plan to attack Xueyun City?" Li Jie asked.

"I don't think so. It should be a powerful zombie king in which mountain. He wants to gather all these zombies and attack Xueyun City together," Lin Hua said.

"Can zombies still give birth to wisdom?" Li Jie continued to ask.

At this time, Lin Hua recalled that when the zombie king led the zombies to attack Baidi City in the last ten years, he would direct the group of zombies to attack Baidi City, and found the weakest gate of Baidi City. The city gate has been breached!Then slaughter the city!

"After a zombie reaches a certain level, it will give birth to a certain level of intelligence. Now that it has reached the level of the zombie king, his intelligence should not be much worse than that of humans. It is very likely that his intelligence has surpassed that of humans." Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua knew that the Zombie King was terrifying and that the Zombie King was still very cunning.

"Since we know which mountain they are gathering towards now, we should send some powerful flying supernatural beings to observe the situation of that mountain. When there is any situation, we can inform us in time, so that we can do it Take precautions," Xuewu said.

"This task is very dangerous, and there are only a few flying-type supernatural users, and their strength is very low. Letting them go to observe is undoubtedly letting them die," Lin Hua said.

"The two flying supernatural beings I brought today, their strength is not bad, which mountain they have been to, and they told me the news, where is there any problem sending them? The flying speed is very fast, and the news can be sent back as soon as possible," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"Okay then, I'll send them to bring a few more powerful supernatural beings to observe the movement of the zombies later." Xuewu said

"It seems that the monsters are also ready. There will be actions in the next few days. If the scriptures continue, the city gates will be closed tomorrow. Let everyone increase the strength of the city defense, and then speed up the weapon shop to make weapons. The common people rehearse how to fight"

Lin Hua said
After discussing with several people, Xue Wu sent those two Amethyst level [-] flying ability users to take some ability users to a mountain to observe the situation!

On the second day, all the gates of Xueyun City were also closed, and notices were posted near the gates, notifying the people in the city that monsters were about to attack the city, so that the people could speed up their practice.

(End of this chapter)

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