Chapter 386 Bad news

At this time, Li Jie was supervising the manufacture of weapons such as bows and arrows in various weapon shops.

Lone Sky oversaw the manufacture of the catapults and the transportation of the boulders up the mountain.

Xue Wu is in charge of the rehearsal for the people in the city to deal with the monster attacking the city.

The ghost dance is to arrange the people and the supernatural beings in various positions on the city wall.

Brother Yu was in charge of the supplies, so all the people in the city spent three days busy.

Three days later in the afternoon, those supernatural beings who went to observe the mountains where the group of zombies gathered flew back with a supernatural being, bringing back the latest news about the mountains.

At this time, Lin Hua had gathered the main members of the Ice and Snow League in the lobby of the headquarters to listen to the news brought back by the supernatural person.

"In the past three days, more and more zombies have gathered towards which mountain. Now the number of zombies gathered has reached about 80, and the gathering speed of these hordes of zombies is constantly increasing. The zombie king, but found a large number of zombies above the amethyst level, at least [-]," the supernatural being who had just returned reported.

Lin Hua and the others couldn't help but fell silent when they heard the news from this supernatural being.This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to them!
Because there are too many monsters this time, about 80 monsters have gathered, and the level is above Amethyst.

There were no less than [-], and the number was still increasing. It seemed that the scale of the monster siege was not small. Lin Hua knew that this monster siege had already surpassed the scale he had in the last ten years.

"Go down and rest first, and then go to watch the situation," Lin Hua said to the supernatural user.

Then the superhuman went down to rest.

Lin Hua spoke when everyone was silent, because although the scale of the monster siege was very large this time, they still had to face it, and they had to win! "I know that after you heard the news just now, you were all worried. You were afraid that we would be able to stop this large-scale monster attacking the city. However, worrying is useless. You have to believe in ourselves and we can resist this attack. The next monster siege, because we are now fully prepared, although the monster siege is huge, but we are the only ones who won in the end. If we lose, this Snow Cloud City will not exist anymore, inside the city Everyone in the city will become food in the mouth of monsters, so we must win, not only for ourselves, but also for the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the city!"

When everyone present heard Lin Hua's words, the worries in their eyes disappeared unconsciously, and instead they were full of fighting spirit.

"Although the scale of the monster's siege this time is huge, we have all come here through life and death so many times, so the monster's siege is not terrible," Lin Hua continued.

"Boss, what should we do now, how can we deal with it?" Li Jie asked.

"The north gate and west gate of Xueyun City are both close to the mountains. All monsters will not send a large number of monsters to attack these two gates. All the north gates and west gates do not require much manpower and material resources. Among them, the east gate is the main one, because the front of the east gate is the direction where the monsters gather, and it is flat everywhere, which is suitable for combat and siege. There are many big mountains in front of the south gate, which are not suitable for fighting, so the monsters will not Let the main force attack the south gate, but the defense of the south gate must not be slack, as any gate will be breached, and monsters will rush in," Lin Hua said.

"Well, most of the main force must be placed on the east gate this time when the monsters attacked the city, so the defense force of the east gate must be the strongest, and it must have the most personnel. Among the four city gates, only the east gate is It's best to be broken," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"If the east gate is breached, I will bring all the melee abilities to block the monsters, and let everyone retreat to the center to defend, and the central city is enough to hold everyone, and the city defense of the central city is better than that of the surrounding ones." The defensive power is strong, and the range is small, but it is easy to defend," Lin Hua said.

"Then transport all the supplies to the Central City," Gu Tian said.

"Okay, that's not just about the plan after the east city gate is breached. We'd better prevent the east city gate from being breached, so as to reduce casualties. Monsters, but they will still cause a lot of casualties," Lin Hua said.

"And the central city needs to defend the surrounding defenses! The pressure is less than that of guarding the outer gates. When guarding the outside, you only need to guard the east gate," Xue Wu said.

"Yeah, the central city is not so easy to defend. If it's really time to defend the central city, we will soon lose the distance," the dog king said.

"Yes, no matter what, we have to stick to the city gate. We can lose our lives, and the city gate is broken," Xiao Zhan said.

"Xiao Zhan is right, no matter what you do, the city gate cannot be broken, as long as you keep the city gate, you can say anything," Li Yilang said

"If the city gate is broken, even if we retreat to the inner city, the result will be the same. Even if the monsters cannot break through the inner city, we will be surrounded to death, and if the city gate is broken, it will cause a lot of casualties. Those who are capable can resist some monsters, but there will still be a large number of monsters rushing to attack those ordinary people who run slowly." Zhang Wandao said, because he has experienced a monster siege, and which of his monster sieges only It was just a small-scale attack, so they could escape, so he was very afraid of this monster siege, and he didn't dare to think about what would happen after this monster siege.

"Retreating to the inner city is just a plan if the city gate is sloped! So don't worry too much about the city gate being sloped," Lin Hua said.

At this moment, another supernatural person flew back to report the news.

"At this time, the number of the least zombies in that mountain range is no less than one million, and the speed of gathering is much slower, and this time I saw the king of zombies, his level is ominous, at least it can be extraordinary level, his The body shape is the same as that of ordinary zombies, but he is wearing a set of silver armor and a heavy ax in his hand, and the zombie king found us and ordered the long-range attacking zombies to attack us, so we were forced to fly very fast Gao Cai avoided the attacks of those long-range zombies. And they are now defending us, so we dare not get too close and can only watch from a distance," said the supernatural being who flew back.

"It's hard work, you should go down and rest too," Lin Hua said.

"Li Jie, go down and inform everyone that the monsters are coming soon. Let everyone be ready to fight at any time, and let all the supernatural beings stand by at any time. After an hour, call everyone to the central city to gather." Jin Hua said to Li Jie said, after hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie went out to do some errands.

"It seems that the monster is really going to attack this time," said the dog king.

"Well, they should set off tonight at the latest, and they should arrive at the city tomorrow morning." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she looked up at the ceiling in the hall. At this moment, Lin Hua felt extremely stressed because the monster this time The scale of the siege should be the largest in history, and the level of that zombie king is not yet known. At that time, he must be fighting the zombie king himself, and he does not know whether he can defeat him.

Because Lin Hua had seen the scene after the monster broke through the city gate, now Lin Hua and the others had enough ability to protect themselves, but if they left, those ordinary people would face death!Although Lin Hua is not a good person, seeing hundreds of thousands of his kind reduced to food for monsters is not what he wants to see, so Lin Hu can only face it this time, and he will overcome it no matter what. This zombie king.

If you fall here by yourself, why are you talking about building your own ice empire in the future!Lin Hua thought of this and gave herself even more motivation!This monster siege must be won.

At this moment, Lin Hua made up her mind and stopped looking at the ceiling above her head.

Instead, he looked at the people staring at him at the moment.

Dog King and the others saw that Lin Hua's eyes were completely different from those before he looked at the ceiling just now, because there was still some worry in his eyes just now.At this time, Lin Hua's eyes only had the desire for victory, and the worries just now had long since disappeared!
An hour later, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the huge square of Central City, and they were all staring at Lin Hua standing on the stage and speaking.

"The monster may come towards Xueyun City tonight, and it will arrive at the base of Xueyun City in the early morning of tomorrow, which means that the monster's siege will start tomorrow morning. Everyone knows what will happen after the monster breaks through the city. things, so we must stick to the city gate, for ourselves and for our loved ones," Lin Hua stopped talking at this point.At this moment, he is watching the performance of everyone below.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, these people all looked at their relatives beside them one after another, with concern and reluctance in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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