Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 388 Zombie Siege

Chapter 388 Zombie Siege
"Boss, looking at the number, there are quite a few, and you can't even see the tail of the monster army," Li Jie said excitedly.

"Well, after this time, the level will definitely increase a lot," Jinmu said, because they are no longer afraid of this monster attacking the city, because it is useless and they have to face it.

In this way, the army of zombies slowly approached Xueyun City step by step, but stopped about 1000 meters away from Xueyun City.

"Boss, why don't they leave? They shouldn't be afraid to see such a big battle like us," Li Jie said.

"They should wait for that zombie king to give orders," said Brother Yu.

"It's really good at ink, if you want to type, hurry up," Li Jie said again.

"It seems that this zombie king's intelligence is not low," Jin Mu said.

However, at this moment, a thunderous roar was heard, and Lin Hua and the others in the distance felt particularly ear-piercing when they heard this sound.Just after the sound, the group of zombies rushed towards Xueyun City like crazy.

When the distance is about 300 meters.Lin Hua told Li Jie to signal again.

After Li Jie's flare gun, the supernatural beings on the city wall launched a long-range attack on the rushing zombies, and those ordinary people also controlled the catapult and threw a large number of boulders at the group of monsters.The rest of the ordinary people used bows and arrows, as well as guns to attack the rushing zombies.

This group of zombies was the most rushing towards the gate of the east city, and at this time, the lava stone monster with earth attribute ability summoned by Gutian kept sending rockfall attacks at the zombies rushing towards the gate, And those elf archers kept shooting out their blades.

I only saw those attacked zombies fell down one by one, but the zombies behind rushed towards Xueyun City even more crazily.

However, none of their zombies could approach within 100 meters from Xueyun City, because they were wiped out 100 meters away by the powerful firepower!

And at this time, the zombie king let out a thunderous roar, and then the rushing zombies began to surround Xueyun City, and soon the three city gates began to fight, because the east gate and The north gate is on the mountain, so zombies cannot gather there in large numbers, so after losing some zombies, they stopped attacking the north gate and west gate.

Mainly attacking the east gate and south gate, there are also many mountains in front of the south gate, so the monsters are not attacking the main force on the south gate, but mainly gathering all their troops on the east gate!The other three doors didn't have much impact, and every impact was resisted.

At this time, the battle has been fought for more than an hour, and I don't know how many of these zombies have died, but they have never been within 100 meters of Xueyun City!

At this time, the Zombie King saw that the three city gates were not easy to attack, so he could only attack the east gate, but the firepower was too strong, and he couldn't get close at all, so it let out a roar again, making those with huge vitality Stronger zombies rushed to the front to resist the powerful firepower.

Just now after Lin Hua heard the roar of the zombie king, she used binoculars to look at the place where the sound came from, but she still didn't find the zombie king in silver armor. Maintaining strength, because this is just the beginning.The big battle was still to come. At this time, those zombies were only low-level ones. The high-level Amethyst zombies and the zombie king didn't appear at all.

And those giant zombies rushing to the front really had a great effect. These giant zombies withstood a large number of attacks before falling down, providing time for the zombies behind. The giant zombies in front fell down, and the giant zombies behind fell The zombies quickly pushed forward, and now they have rushed to the base of Xueyun City, but those low-level zombies below Xueyun City have no way to fight against the solid city wall, and hitting the city wall has no effect at all.And the alternate ordinary people on the city wall also lifted up the stones stored on the city wall one after another and threw them at the zombies below.Although they rushed to the base of Xueyun City with giant zombies, they all died one after another on the stones thrown down by these ordinary people.And those crawling zombies wanted to climb along the city wall, but the city wall was about ten meters high!Moreover, they were sprinkled with cooking oil by the ordinary people above, which can be said to be particularly slippery. No matter how they climbed up, they couldn't climb up. Some barely climbed three or four meters, and finally couldn't resist. The cooking oil on the city wall fell down one after another.But even this did not affect the group of zombies crawling crazily towards the top of the city wall.On the contrary, it is getting more and more crazy.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others saw the creepers below the nearby city wall crawling even more crazily, and climbing higher and higher. It should be that the soybean oil on the city wall was stained by those who fell, so these crawlers will climb sooner or later. Coming up, Lin Hua thought that zombies are afraid of fire, and fire can't burn down the city wall at all.Then he said to Li Jie behind him.

"Li Jie, go to the back and tell me not to use cooking oil, but instead to use gasoline. Sprinkle the gasoline, then light the fire, and sprinkle the stones on the catapults with gasoline."

Li Jie listened to Lin Hua's words, and quickly ran to the bottom of the city to tell the women who were transporting cooking oil back and forth below, and told them to transport gasoline upwards.Then I ran to the other side of the city wall to inform those who were transporting the stones to the top of the city wall to sprinkle gasoline on the stones, and then pass the big stones through the catapult, or throw them down manually.In this way, everyone who spread the word to ten and ten to a hundred knew it was done.

Soon the group of ordinary women below transported a large amount of gasoline to the top. Some women stayed and did not directly sprinkle gasoline on the stone, which would cause a lot of waste, so they directly dipped their clothes in gasoline and wiped it on the stone. In this way, the gasoline will not be wasted too much, and the gasoline is covered with gasoline, which is conducive to protracted warfare.

At this time, there was already a sea of ​​flames under the city wall.Those crawlers saw that the city wall was full of fire, so they stopped climbing towards it.And those catapults were all filled with gasoline and thrown out, and then Xuewu launched a large-scale skill, Meteor Fire Rain, on those huge boulders that were thrown out and covered with gasoline, because Xuewu is now a first-order Transcendent, Both abilities and strength have grown a lot, and the unit liquid of Meteor Fire Rain has reached about [-] meters.

The boulders that were thrown and covered with gasoline were ignited by the rain of fire that fell at this time.Suddenly, a sea of ​​flames about [-] meters formed in front of the east city gate, and those monsters were roaring and running around after being burned, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger!
Now there is once again a vacuum between Xueyun City and the zombie army!
At this moment, the Zombie King saw Changling at this time, and let out a roar again, and the zombies rushing over after the market stopped their progress again.They are all on standby!
And Lin Hua and his fighters picked up binoculars to observe the position of the zombie king, but the result should be the same, without any development!
In this way, the zombie army stopped attacking!

"Boss, after the zombie king yelled, these zombies stopped attacking. If we kill this zombie king, will this battle be over?" Li Jie said.

"Yes, but I haven't found the location of the zombie king several times," Lin Hua said.

"Standing just as the zombies stopped attacking, let everyone eat some food to face the next battle." After hearing Lin Hua's words, the guards at the back informed the people below to prepare to eat, and the team in charge of food came soon after. , sent all the food to the city wall, and shared it with everyone!

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were also eating food.

"The first wave of zombie attack ended like this, and I don't know how long it will take for them to launch the second wave of attack," Brother Yu said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the first wave to end so soon, and we won a complete victory," Li Jie said.

"This first wave of zombie siege is only tentative, and the subsequent ones will definitely not be so easy to deal with. I tell everyone not to take it lightly," Lin Hua said.

Because Lin Hua knew that the zombies would not simply beat them away when they attacked the city, and the attack below the zombies would definitely be more violent.Because he's been through it once.The same is to resist the previous waves of monsters attacking the city, but in the end the city gate was breached by the more crazy offensive from behind!Although the city lord was killed by the leader of the monster at that time, it affected some soldiers' morale!
In this way, if Youren finished his meal, there might not be a second wave of zombies attacking the city.After eating, everyone did not relax their vigilance in the slightest, and continued to transport gasoline to the city wall.Waiting for the second wave of monsters to attack the city.

"Aww..." He heard the roar of zombies again. At this time, Lin Hua knew that the second wave of zombie siege had begun again!It was still the same as before with the giant zombies standing in front, and then slowly approaching the city wall of Xueyun City. Although those giant zombies kept falling down, the zombies behind quickly made up for it.In this way, the zombies quickly rushed to a distance of more than 50 meters from Xueyun City. After that, the corroded zombies behind them began to spray green poisonous and corrosive liquids at the supernatural beings and ordinary people on the wall!

(End of this chapter)

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