Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 389 Meteor Shower

Chapter 389 Meteor Shower
Some people didn't notice, they were attacked by those green liquids in an instant, and then fell down the city wall one after another, while the rest of the people knew that the green liquid began to dodge one after another, and then blocked the green liquid with the shields they had prepared in advance. The liquid, those green liquids sprayed into the shield and made a slight sound, but there is no big problem, but it can also be seen that the strong corrosiveness of those green liquids, how can the human body resist it.At the beginning, some people were attacked by the green liquid only because of the sudden incident. After everyone blocked with shields, few people were injured!And those who fell were eaten alive by the rushing zombies as soon as they landed.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the zombies to reach the city because of the attack of the corrupting zombies just now. Everyone rushed over while holding shields and dodging the attack!Then still pour gasoline down, and then ignite.Catapults are still throwing boulders full of gasoline.

Then Xuewu released meteor fire rain again, and then a huge sea of ​​flames formed in front of him again, and the wall was covered with fire, but those zombies didn't know what happened this time, they were still crawling upwards.Some crawled so fast that they rushed to about ten meters with fire, but in the end they were smashed down by ordinary people's stones!
The battle continued like this, the zombies couldn't climb up the city wall at all, but they still climbed towards the city wall desperately.

"This zombie king is really a fool. Letting this group of zombies die like this doesn't have any effect. It's just sending them to death for nothing. No matter how many zombies there are, wouldn't they all be bewitched and killed by us in the end?" Li Jie said

"This zombie king seems to be smart, he wants to use these low-level zombies to waste our energy, and then let those higher-level zombies attack again," Xue Wu analyzed.

"Let Li Jie tell you to let some ordinary people rest and switch attacks back and forth, as long as they stop the zombies from climbing the city wall, and let those people with supernatural powers also rest for a while to recover their supernatural powers," Lin Hua said.

Then Li Jie went to deliver the news.

Soon after Li Jie came back, Lin Hua found that even though some of the people on the city wall had rested now, they could still withstand the monster's impact!At this time, the remaining three city gate monsters were no longer attacking, and they all retreated one after another.

After more than an hour like this, news came from all three city gates asking if they needed to send some people over to help. Keep vigilant against the zombies in order to avoid the counterattack of the zombies.

"Boss, why didn't they let them come over to help? Maybe the zombie king felt that the three city gates were not easy to attack, so he didn't want to attack them anymore," Li Jie said.

"You're wrong, the Zombie King is very cunning, he just wants us to relax our vigilance against the three city gates, and then, he is attacking suddenly," Lin Hua said.

"How is it possible? How could that zombie king be so smart?" Li Jie said.

"Just wait and see," Gui Wu said.

After another hour passed like this, suddenly the zombie king who had been silent for a long time roared again.

However, those zombies resting in front of the three city gates seemed to have received some orders, and suddenly went crazy and attacked the remaining three city gates.

And the three city gates were not at all surprised when they saw this group of zombies attacking again, because Lin Hua had told them just now.

At this time, everyone admired Lin Hua even more.

"Boss, you are so powerful, you can guess this," Li Jie said.

"I just didn't believe it just now, but now I believe it," Li Jie continued.

"With the boss here, Xueyun City will not be attacked by monsters," Gu Tian said.

, Yes, the boss is smarter than that zombie king, Gui Wu said.

In this way, except for the remaining three city gate zombies at the east gate, the zombies did not attack again after a sudden attack without any results!Started to continue attacking towards the east gate, and these people at the east gate switched back and forth to rest!

This zombie siege has been going on since the morning until after nine o'clock in the evening. At this time, the blood moon has already risen high.However, the group of zombies didn't intend to stop at all, they were still madly rushing towards the city wall of Xueyun City.It is no longer clear how many zombies were killed, but it is still endless when viewed through a telescope.At this moment, Lin Hua felt in her heart that if the fight continued like this, there would be many zombies behind, and sooner or later these people on her side would be exhausted to death.

We must find a way to find the location of this zombie king, and then kill it, and then the group of zombies will retreat.

However, at this moment, the battlefield suddenly changed. The zombies that rushed over at this time were no longer the lowest level bronze level, but silver gold level. Suddenly, the pressure on the guards on the city wall became much greater. Fewer and fewer people can rest now!

"Boss, the lowest level of zombies should be almost dead now, and now they are replaced by silver level and gold level! If we continue to fight at this speed, we will win within two days," Gu Tian said.

"It's not that simple. The higher the level of the monster, the greater the pressure on us. If we don't kill the zombie king in time, we will be treated like this," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, look!" Li Jie pointed to the bottom of the east gate and said!When Lin Hua and the others looked down, they found that the zombies rushing towards the gate of the east city in the middle of the zombies were all platinum-level, and the attacks on them now usually take a very slow time before they can be killed. Boulders have been moved one by one under the city.

"Dripping water into arrows" Lin Hua saw that the platinum-level zombies below were pulling the boulder below, and instantly activated the skill "Dripping water into arrows", and most of the zombies who rushed over and moved the boulders under the city were hit. Killed, but there are still a large number of zombies rushing over!
"Corrosive Acid Rain"

Meteor shower.

At this time, Xuewu and Guiwu also activated their skills to kill the zombies rushing towards the city gate.But those zombies died, and more zombies rushed over.

"It won't work like this. There will be a time when the abilities will be exhausted. How can we resist then?" Lin Hua said.

"Boss, if this situation continues, this city gate will be breached sooner or later! Otherwise, we will kill it, rush to the zombie king, and kill the corpse king. Isn't that all right?" Li Jie said

"Do you know the position of the Zombie King? Even if we were not eaten by zombies in the past, we would still be exhausted to death," Lin Hua said.

"If we don't go down and get rid of these platinum-level zombies, the city gate will be breached sooner or later, and we will be more passive by then," Jin Mu said.

"Li Jie, Jin Mu, Hei Sha, Gu Tian, ​​the four of you, and the Amethyst-level melee powers, come with me to kill zombies, Ghost Dance and Xue Wu, and there are also powers that can use range skills, Wait for those monsters to remove the remaining boulders at the city gate to release their skills instantly, and then we will rush out! I will leave this to you," Lin Hua said to Xuewu and Guiwu

"I'll go with you" Xuewu said.

"Just stay here and watch the commander. We'll be back after killing those platinum-level zombies. Don't worry," Lin Hua said, because she knew that Xuewu was afraid that something would happen to him, but he didn't even know that he was going down. Can I come back later, but there is no way, if I don't go out and clean up these platinum-level zombies, then the city gate will be breached by then
"You must be careful." Xue Wu said to Lin Hua, because he knew how dangerous it was to rush out, facing thousands of zombies, he was afraid that this would be the last time he saw Lin Hua, but he didn't A solution, because if Lin Hua and the others don't go down, sooner or later the city gate will be broken.When the monsters invaded the city, they could only be more passively besieged in the inner city, and they were likely to be besieged to death.

"Boss, you have to be careful, you have to come alive." Gui Wu was also very worried, who wouldn't be worried when he saw the zombies below.

"Don't worry, when I come back, I don't want to see zombies climbing up the city wall." Lin Hua led Li Jie and the others down the city gate without looking back.

After Lin Hua and the others went down the city wall, Xuewu couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Boss said everything, it's nothing, why are you crying, what we have to do now is to defend the city, and wait for the boss to return to Sister Xuewu triumphantly." Gui Wu comforted Xuewu when she saw Xuewu crying.

In fact, she couldn't help crying at this moment, because all of them knew in their hearts what Lin Hua and the others were going to face at the moment, but the matter had reached this point, and this was the only way to go. Go down and clear out any group of platinum zombies, they may take less than an hour to break through the city gate!

When Xue Wu heard Gui Wu's words, she also held back her crying, because Lin Hua told him when she left, and she must defend the city when Lin Hua came back!
(End of this chapter)

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