Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 390 Out of the City

Chapter 390 Out of the City
At this time, Lin Hua and the others had already reached the bottom of the city, and then said to Xiao Zhan and those melee supernatural beings, "Wait, come out with me to kill zombies if you are not afraid of death."

Lin Hua's words flashed through the minds of these platinum-level people like a bolt from the blue.Because although they are platinum-level supernatural beings, they have just heard that the zombies rushing outside the city gate are all platinum-level zombies, and there are so many tens of thousands of them. It may not be possible to go out this time Can't come back, although it is possible to die if you can't go out, but it is easier to die if you go out now, in this case, everyone wants to live a little longer, so there is a stare in the eyes.

Lin Hua also knew that they might not all come back when they went out, and knew that they didn't want to go out at this time, so she said that she was not afraid of death and went out to kill zombies with herself.

"Boss, I'll go," Xiao Zhan said. Xiao Zhan has always been a vigorous man. Ever since he joined Lin Hua, he admired Lin Hua very much, so he was the first to stand up at this time.

"Boss knows that you are not afraid of death, so it's not you who is asking, can you stop chasing me so much?" Li Jie said to Xiao Zhan, but at this time Xiao Zhan just smiled awkwardly.

"Boss, I'm going too. I know that if I don't go out now, the city will be destroyed sooner or later, and I will die at that time. Why don't I go out and fight now! Maybe I won't be able to come back this time, but because I go out, the city may not Being breached, many people don't have to die, and I feel that death is worth it. Lin Yisang said.

"Let's see, Brother Lin is still educated, and he has said everything that should be said. Let me tell you, if you don't go out now to deal with those platinum zombies, the city gate will be broken sooner or later, and many people will die at that time. Go out now Yes, it is worthwhile to clean up those platinum zombies, even if they die outside, because in this way we protect more people and give you 1 minute to think about it," Li Jie said.

Then Li Jie said to Jiang Yuxin who was standing behind and was in charge of the food, hurry up and get us something to eat, will you return it later and go out to kill zombies!
Jiang Yuxin heard Li Jie's words, and quickly brought over a large amount of food, while Li Jie, Lin Hua, Xiao Zhan, Lin Yisang and the others who were about to leave the city started eating one after another!
Those who heard Li Jie's words were thinking about what Li Jiesuo said just now. If the city is broken, no one can survive, but now they can fight hard once they go out.Just like this, one or two came over to eat food!Soon those platinum-level close-combat supernatural beings came to eat food one after another. Although the food they ate was steamed buns and mustard pickles, they still ate with relish!
Because they know it might be the last meal they eat!When he went out this time, even Lin Hua himself didn't dare to think about whether he could come back alive.And although these levels are only Platinum level abilities, they know that they may go out this time, and may never come back again, but at this time Lin Hua looked at them without the slightest fear of death, on the contrary they were raging. fighting spirit!

Soon they were full and looked at Lin Hua.Waiting for Lin Hua's next announcement!

"Let's clear up all the boulders now, and get ready to go out later," Lin Hua said.

Then everyone began to clean up the boulders inside, and soon all the boulders had been cleaned up.

Then Lin Hua and the others watched the situation outside through the crack of the door, only to see that the platinum-ranked zombies were rushing towards the city gate crazily and moving those boulders.All I saw was that the boulders outside the city gate were moving outward one by one, and everyone knew that they were going to go out soon.

And Lin Hua said to these supernatural beings at this time, "Even if we die outside, many people will remember us." After hearing Lin Hua's words, the fire in the eyes of these supernatural beings became more intense.

I don't know when many women and children appeared behind this group of supernatural beings. They didn't speak at this time, but many people had already shed tears, because they knew that there might not be many people after this group of people went out. When they came back, they knew that going out would mean death, and they rushed out without hesitation for the sake of ordinary people like them.They did this to protect more people from becoming food in the mouths of zombies.

And which group of supernatural beings were also moved when they saw the ordinary women and children behind them crying for themselves, knowing that what they did was worth it, even if it was death.

Some people with supernatural powers have already shed tears when they saw the scene at this time.

"Why are you crying? You are learning from me. Don't be like an old woman. It's as if we can't come back. Don't be ashamed of yourself," Li Jie shouted loudly.

Everyone was not angry when they heard Li Jie's words. They knew the comfort Li Jie gave them at this time, so they didn't have any angry expressions for Li Jie's words.

At this time, the boulders outside the city gate are only seeing fewer and fewer boulders, and the monsters outside see that there are fewer and fewer boulders preventing them from breaking through the city gate at this time. .

"Everyone get ready, we're going to rush out and kill the zombies," Lin Hua said loudly to all the supernatural beings behind him

"Okay, okay!" The supernatural beings behind shouted in unison.

At this time Lin Hua had already drawn out the epee Wufeng.

Li Jie also had his skills fully opened and his eyes were red. He also took out her epee dragon pattern, and all the supernatural fighters in the rear took out their weapons one after another.On both sides, fifty people with supernatural powers were waiting to open the door.

At this moment, I saw a rain of fire falling in front of the gate, and then some black liquid fell one after another. Lin Hua knew that it was the skill of Xue Wu He Gui Wu.

Under these two skills, the platinum zombies in front fell one after another, but a large wave of platinum zombies rushed over from behind.

"Come on," Lin Hua said.

Then the gate of the East City Gate slowly opened, and at this time Lin Hua and Li Jie led Gu Tian Xiao Zhan to rush out first.

Lin Hua immediately released the skill Mysterious Ice Body Protector, and then released the skill Triple Phantom to the rushing zombies. After the three ice giant swords fell, all the platinum-level zombies were wiped out, and the zombies behind were still unable to be affected. He rushed forward, and the moment he saw the city gate open, the silver and gold zombies on both sides also rushed over, and the supernatural beings who came out from both sides waved their weapons one after another, blocking the zombies on both sides.

In about half a minute or so, all the supernatural beings have come out, and at this time the city gate is slowly closed!

With a "boom", everyone heard the sound of the door being closed. At this moment, they knew that they had no way out and could only keep killing the zombies that rushed over.

"Divide into two teams, attack in the front, and substitute in the back. Whenever a person falls down, another person will make up for it," Lin Hua shouted loudly.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others formed a 40-meter semicircle to resist the zombies rushing around.

When the supernatural beings and ordinary people on the city wall saw Lin Hua and the others rushing out to fight the zombies, they kept cheering for them on the city wall, because at this moment all the zombies were no longer climbing towards the city wall, but toward Lin Hua and the others charged forward, and in this way, Lin Hua and his half-circle of more than 40 meters were surrounded by three inner layers and outer layers. Every time a zombie was killed, more zombies would rush over.

At this time, Lin Hua, Li Jie, Xiao Zhan, and the others with high strength were confronting the platinum zombies rushing forward, and those platinum-level supernatural beings were dealing with the relatively low-level zombies rushing around. The level of the zombies rushing over is relatively low, they are at the platinum level, but they are just like this non-stop impact, after they keep killing, more zombies rush over.Soon there were wounded, and some of these wounded retreated to the inside of their ring.And those supernatural beings who fell outside the battle circle directly became the food of the zombies!

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were also constantly killing the platinum zombies that kept rushing towards them.

I don't know how long after the battle, many supernatural beings felt tired, and they didn't swing their weapons as fast as they rushed out at the beginning.

At this time, they are not only physically exhausted, but also mentally exhausted, because they don't know how long they will fight, because they can't see any hope at all, and at this time they heard the zombie king again. The sound, after the sound, those zombies rushed over like chicken blood even more frantically.They don't care about life and death at all, they only have one purpose and that is to kill these humans.

At this time, Lin Hua's scalp was also numb, because at this time she was already feeling tired, not physically tired, but in her heart.

At this moment, Lin Hua thought of an idea, that is, to burn the boat.

"Everyone, are you afraid of death?" Lin Hua shouted loudly.

"Don't be afraid" all the supernatural beings shouted, because they knew that they should die in the hands of these zombies soon.

"The people inside should block the boulder from the door again," Lin Hua shouted again.

(End of this chapter)

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