Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 391 Fire Support

Chapter 391 Fire Support
After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone was silent for a second, and then the supernatural beings in the circle moved the moved boulders one after another, blocking the gate!

"Leader, let's expand the circle a little bit. The huge stone blocked the gate. Now there is no place inside, and there are still many huge stones outside the circle." A wounded supernatural being behind shouted!
"All the supernatural beings at the back expand the circle to the sides, move the surrounding boulders over, the front ones step back bit by bit, and the amethyst supernatural beings who are resisting the platinum zombies slowly move forward Step back and divide into two circles," Lin Hua said

At this time, the 40-meter circle slowly moved to the left, and Lin Hua and his group of more than 20 people formed a [-]-meter circle, Lin Hua, Jin Mu, Heisha, Li Jie, Gu Tian, ​​Lin Yisang, Xiao Zhan They are at the forefront.

Resisting the platinum zombies who were attacking head-on.

And the amethyst supernatural beings at the back were dealing with the low-level zombies on both sides. At this time, they felt that the pressure was reduced a lot, and those supernatural beings to the left slowly approached those boulders, and then moved the boulders step by step. Pushing towards the city gate, and at this time the people on the city wall saw the supernatural beings pushing the huge boulder below, and secretly cheered them on. At this time, the monsters no longer started to rush towards the city wall, but were all towards these two people The humanoid circle rushed up, and the people above had no pressure at this time, but they didn't rest, and they still attacked the zombies rushing towards the two circles.

In this way, after about two hours or so, all the boulders have been moved to the city gate step by step by these supernatural beings, and soon the city gate was blocked again, and the two circles were closed again. Gathered together, the number of injured people in the circle has reached at least three, and their circle has also been reduced to about 20 meters!And those injured supernatural beings knew that the only thing waiting for them at this time was death, but their bloody faces were full of smiles at this time, because they had completed the task and blocked the city gate.Even death is worth it.

And just now Lin Hua looked back at those injured supernatural beings. At this time they were waiting to die, Lin Hua also felt a little desolate!

"Pull down the rope on the city wall and pull the wounded up!" Lin Hua shouted loudly towards the city wall.

Gui Wu and Xue Wu, who were watching Lin Hua's family from above the city all the time, immediately dropped the rope after hearing Lin Hua's words.Then these wounded were pulled directly to the city wall, and when those zombies saw the wounded being pulled to the city wall, the corroded zombies behind them directly attacked the supernatural beings who had been pulled up and hadn't reached the city gate, but Snow When Wu and the others saw which group of corrupted zombie attackers were pulled by the supernatural beings above, they began to direct all the long-range supernatural powers to attack those corrupted zombies. Soon the group of zombies were supported by powerful firepower and stopped attacking them .After about 10 minutes or so, those injured supernatural beings were pulled to the city wall.

When Lin Hua saw that all the injured supernatural beings had been pulled to the city wall!Those who intend to make these Platinum abilities back off, because they can only deal with those zombies with relatively low levels, and these Platinum zombies can basically be replaced by just a few.This is not worth the candle.

"Slowly shrink the circle, and then the Platinum superhumans retreated to the city wall one by one," Lin Hua continued to shout.

When hearing Lin Hua's words, these uninjured supernatural beings were also very happy, because this way they would not have to fight like this, and they would not have to die here. At this time, they were already exhausted physically and mentally. It's just their will that makes them firmly resist these zombies!

In this way, the 20-meter circle became smaller and smaller, and there were fewer and fewer platinum-level power users. Soon, when the circle was only about five meters away, all the platinum-level power users had retreated to the city wall.

At this moment, all that was left on the ground were Lin Hua and the others and more than 20 Amethyst power users.They were still fighting non-stop, unknowingly and habitually brandishing the weapons in their hands to kill those rushing zombies. At this moment, the platinum zombies that Lin Hua and the others were facing were still completely empty. Boundary, or endless.

In this way, all the remaining supernatural beings on the ground fought for an unknown amount of time. One amethyst supernatural being was injured, and then retreated into the middle circle!
Lin Hua knew that it would be a matter of time before the amethyst user got hurt, because even if the amethyst user is powerful, they are human after all, and sooner or later they will get tired!In this way, with the first to fall, there will be the second to fall.Soon, six Amethyst supernatural beings fell down, and Lin Hua knew that this was their limit.

"Put down the rope, pull the wounded up, and then all Amethyst's supernatural powers will retreat up, and Ghost Dance will summon your dark warrior," Lin Hua shouted to the top again.

And the ghost dance above heard Lin Hua asking him to summon her dark warriors. At this time, the ghost dance had already risen to the first level of extraordinary, so it could summon eight dark warriors of the third level of amethyst.

Then Ghost Dance summoned the dark warriors to be near Lin Hua. With the addition of these eight dark warriors, the pressure was reduced a lot. The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the uninjured amethyst powers are slowly being pulled to it.

At this moment, there are only Lin Hua, Jin Mu, Heisha, Li Jie, Gu Tian, ​​Xiao Zhan, Lin Yisang, seven of them, and eight Amethyst third-level dark warriors on the ground. It can be said that it is too small!

Lin Hua knew that Lin Yisang and Xiao Zhan were about to reach their limit, and she was afraid that they would be injured.

"Xiao Zhan, Lin Yisang, you two also go up," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, we are fine, we will fight to the death with you," Xiao Zhan said.

"Boss, I'm not going up either, I haven't reached my limit yet," Lin Yisang said, because Lin Yisang knew that Lin Hua let them go up at this time because he was afraid they would get hurt!

"Go up, I don't want to say it a second time." Lin Hua's words at this time were particularly serious.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xiao Zhan and the others knew that Lin Hua was afraid of them getting hurt, that's why they did this, and then the two of them didn't say anything.Grabbing the rope that was lowered from above, he climbed up.

At this moment, only Lin Hua and the others were left on the battlefield, along with eight Amethyst Tier [-] Dark Warriors.

All the people above looked at Lin Hua and the others except for the supernatural beings who were attacking the zombies behind Lin Hua and the others.

Now their circle is getting smaller and smaller.Three of those Amethyst-ranked dark warriors have already fallen.Now the level of the platinum-level zombies attacking Lin Hua and the others was getting higher and higher, and there were several lower-level amethyst zombies among them.

"Hold on, everyone, those platinum zombies are almost gone, now sometimes amethyst-level zombies rush out," Lin Hua shouted loudly.

About three hours after those amethyst supernatural beings retreated, the eight amethyst third-level dark warriors all died and became food for the zombies.

Boss, there are only five of us left now!

Li Jie shouted loudly.

"Can you still hold on to you?" Lin Hua shouted to the other four people.

"I can't die, but I haven't killed enough yet," Jin Mu said.

"I haven't killed enough gold and wood, how can I go back earlier than him?" Gu Tian said.

"Haha" At this time, the five people laughed loudly.

At this time, the five people's bodies were covered in blood, but it wasn't their own, it was the blood of those zombies.

At this time, Lin Hua's Xuanbing Bodyguard had already been stained red with blood.At this time, the people on the city wall and those in the city saw Lin Hua and the five of them through the cracks in the door, and they were already full of tears.

"Let's go down and help," Xiao Zhan said.

"It's not allowed to go down now, and when the boss arranges it again, he will notify," Xuewu said.

"But the boss and the five of them have been fighting for more than eight hours. They don't know how long they can last. We can relieve their pressure by going down," Lin Yisang said.

"Yeah, even if you die, you have to die with the boss below." Xiao Zhan said, Xiao Zhan is a very passionate man, he saw the few people below fighting among hordes of zombies while he was resting, he felt a little bit Can't stand it.

"If the boss wants you to die, he won't let you come up at all, and you will all rest there, maybe there will be instructions later," Xuewu said.

"We are more worried about the boss and the others than you are now, especially sister Xuewu. Don't you know about the feelings that Xuewu has for the boss? He wants to go down more than you. If we all go down now, then the boss and the others are not all at this time." All your efforts are in vain," Gui Wu shouted loudly.

When they heard Gui Wu's words, they all fell silent, because they all knew that no one wanted to help more than Xue Wu at this moment, but at this moment Xue Wu was particularly indifferent to Lin Hua and the others.

So they are not super super to go down!

(End of this chapter)

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